dreamybritactor brought up my favorite scene in North & South, I knew I had to do this post.
I'll probably keep this down to only my very favorites. I'm trying to prove that while my heart is not entirely made of stone, I don't want to go overboard. So, in no particular order...
My Favorite Romantic Scenes in Historic Movies )
Comments 9
And really, we're happy Elizabeth was strong...if he'd given in then, that man's ego never would have been controllable.
And I think you nailed why I ADORE the Kate Bickinsale Emma but only like the Gwyneth Paltrow version...Paltrow's Ema begins and ends perfect and with no need or inclination to mature and grow up. Beckinsale's(more accurate) Emma is amazingly nice and well intentioned, but thoughtless and snobby,though she'd be horrified to learn that she was, so that you can't help but adore her and understand why people like her(in contrast, while still nice, Paltrow's Emma is almost a Prince Perfect) even if they occassionally want to yell at or smack her.
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!! Yes, yes, yes.
Though, the are the epitome of love that never was and there are certain relationships in cinema and television (such as Josh and Donna on The West Wing) who also encompassed this very sad, very evocative feeling... (except, they put Josh and Donna together and ruined it).
I have a feeling that Laurie and Jo were almost too modern of a relationship for the time period that the book was written.
But the S&S is just so...gorgeous. It's the voice.
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