Title: Another Soft Song
Characters: Puck/Rachel
Word Count: ~4000
Rating: R
Disclaimer: If I owned Glee then all proceeds would go towards the Howard Bamboo Legal Defense Fund.
Spoilers/Warnings: Spoilers up to "Sectionals;" highlight for warnings: sex, non-graphic miscarriage, strong language
Summary: Future!fic. Puck and Rachel are having
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Comments 35
I mean, obviously the entire premise is just so sad, but you didn't overwhelm us with it - sort of understated, not really in your face sort of thing - and that just made the impact all the more powerful.
And then the sort of hopeful ending. AMAZING.
Random things I loved:
They used to sleep like this, but slowly they had inched away from each other as they slept, ending up at opposite ends of the bed without touching. - unexpected sucker punch. And that single line says so much about the state of their marriage.
My mom does not pester," Puck interjected. I love that he sticks up for his mom.
Puck's pick-up lines. OMG ROFLMAO!
And I probably sound like a broken record, but just AMAZING.
I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for reading and leaving such awesome feedback (and I'm not just saying that because you used the word "amazing" four times, believe me).
Dude, html squee. I has it.
And I'm sure the fic is excellent.
Except, you know, change the [] marks to <>.
I did notice that it doesn't look quite right on every layout.
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