Fic: Angel with a Broken Watch, Chapter 9

Jan 12, 2009 15:48

Title: Angel with a Broken Watch, Chapter 9
Characters/Pairings: Elle/Gabriel, a little Elle/Haitian, Bob Bishop
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Heroes or any of its characters
Word count: 963
Spoiler alert: definite spoilers for 3.08, AU from there
Summary: It's in her best interest that she doesn't remember any of this...

A/N: Sorry if you've been waiting for an update. I kind of lost track of this one while working on my exchange fics (I ended up writing two for heroes_exchange as well as the one for the sylarelle Secret Santa) and it took me a while to get back to it.

Angel with a Broken Watch, Chapter 9

Elle rose early the next morning after spending the rest of the previous day trying to avoid her father. She didn't realize the futility of it until tried to leave her room - the door was locked.

She had risen early, the gentle light of morning just barely brightening the room, casting shadows in shades of gray. She tried the door once, twice, three times, hoping it was just stuck, hoping that she had locked it herself by accident, afraid to admit to herself what she secretly knew to be true - she was a prisoner.

Her frustration expressed itself electrically, sparks crawling across her skin, each one bearing a twinge of pain. Desperately she began throwing herself against the door, sobbing, screaming "Somebody help me! Somebody let me out of here!" As far as she knew, the hallway on the other side of the door could be completely empty, or it could be crowded with people ignoring her cries for help. She'd been like that before.

Exhausted, Elle returned to her bed and slumped onto the mattress, head in her hands. She cursed herself for being stupid enough to come back to this place, to come back to her father - but what else was she supposed to do? She couldn't have let Gabriel on to her power; who knows what he would have done if he found out. He'd been consumed by covetousness before, and he'd killed for it. She'd have been risking her life by staying with him with her power out of control.

And that wasn't even considering what he might think about the wrench in the works that was currently wrenching her stomach with nausea. One hand wrapped around her midsection as she wondered how she could have let this happen.

She was wallowing so deeply in self-pity that she thought she was hearing things when the lock clicked and the door creaked open. She looked up and saw her father shutting the door behind him. He frowned as he put a hand into his pockets, taking a seat beside his daughter on the bed.

"What are you doing here?" Elle asked venomously. "You already locked me in, I don't need direct supervision."

"I brought you these," Bob said, offering her an prescription bottle stocked with tiny white pills. "They're for suppressing your power, since you have apparently forgotten how to control it."

"I haven't forgotten," Elle hissed back, still reaching for the bottle. A spark jumped between her hand and his, and she flinched. "How did you...?" she began to ask, but her father interrupted.

"We had Dr. Hauser's office bugged based on previous... indiscretions of his. Taking too many liberties with his female patients." Bob Bishop sighed, the deep sigh of a disappointed father. "So when were you going to disclose to me this little problem of yours?"

Elle knew he wasn't talking about her inability to control her electricity anymore. "Daddy, I was going to fix it. I am going to fix it."

"By 'fixing it' you mean avoiding having to take responsibility for your actions. That's not the kind of daughter I raised."

"Daddy, I tried..."

"Elle," Bishop put a hand on her shoulder, sternly gazing into her eyes. "I can forgive your little jaunt in the city. After all, you've lived here so long, it's only natural to see if the grass is greener, and so on. And now you've learned the hard way that it's not."

But it had been, the Haitian thought. Her memories with Gabriel had all been, for the most part, happy ones - not like the ones here, at the Company, with her father, with the training and the experiments and the torture she'd been subjected to nearly her entire life. Out there, at least, she'd found someone who loved her.

"I'm going back," Elle said fervently, almost panicked. "I'm going back to Gabriel. I'll take these pills, he'll never know..."

"Gabriel Gray just destroyed a family in California - a father, a mother, left their little girl an orphan." There was nothing but seriousness in his tone; he was stating a fact, not an argument. "Is that the kind of guy you want to go back to?"

For a moment Elle's mind returned to the first time she'd laid eyes on him - a dangling figure in the corner of a dusty watch shop, a man literally at the end of his rope. She thought she'd helped him come back from that, she thought she helped him find the value in his own life and the lives of others. She didn't want to believe he could go back to that. But she herself had been afraid of him, in spite of the way she felt about him otherwise, and her objections came forth weakly. "No... he didn't... he couldn't... you're lying to me."

"Their little girl is recovering from the shock in our facilities, if you'd like to meet her yourself. We've already got a team of agents looking to track him down."

"I wasn't going to let him be a monster," Elle whispered meekly.

Bob scoffed at his daughter as he stood to leave. "Looks like you've accomplished quite the opposite."

Another spark ran across the skin of her shoulder down her arm; her fingers followed it like an itch. Twisting the bottle cap open, Elle poured a few pills into her palm and swallowed them without even counting them first.

Bob was already opening the door and stepping into the hall. "I'll let you rest for a while, and I'll have someone bring you lunch. We can discuss your other indiscretion later."

The Haitian was wished, at that moment, that he could have been that someone who loved her.

character: bob bishop, rating: pg-13, fanfiction, character: molly walker, character: gabriel gray, angel with a broken watch, pairing: gabriel/elle, character: elle bishop, pairing: elle/haitian, character: sylar

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