
Mar 30, 2009 13:42

Characters: Oliver Day (oliverplus), the Tenth Doctor (bit_impossible), and Lara Croft (xxlaracroftxx)
Place: A wet lounge on level 15
Time: Just after this thread
Summary: Oliver and Lara have a plot set up for the Doctor...
Warnings: Alcohol consumption and drunkenness

Oliver waited as patiently as he could, standing just down the hall from transporter pad on level 21. He'd chosen this particular location to send out his message from so that he could be sure to arrive before the Doctor but could still make it look like this was a spur-of-the-moment idea.

Finally, his sphere came up with the expected message from Lara, confirming that she was there and about to order the drinks. He quickly ended their conversation, and once her holographic image had disappeared, he took a moment for a deep breath and to try to contain his grin. They'd gone over and over their little plot in detail--enough so that he really thought it might actually work. And now it was finally time to find out!

He just hoped the Doctor wouldn't kill them afterward.

Oliver grabbed his sphere, pressing the buttons to send out a message to the Doctor. "Hey!" he called brightly, grinning at the sphere. "Fancy a drink?"

[original] the tenth doctor, [original] oliver day, [original] lara croft

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