(no subject)

Mar 27, 2009 04:09

Characters: Amaterasu [AU] celestial_okami, Yukio Hirayama [OU] faintbynumber
Place: The Crucible, fourteenth level.
Time: A little while after the initial "what"s fade; beginning of third cycle.
Summary: The goddess and the loser engage in sweet, passionate, sloppy... Eating. Of desserts, specifically.
Warnings: May contain nuts.

Being on the functioning Crucible was both good and bad for Yukio. Aside from his initial panic attack over the random blank spots in his memories and waking up with messy hair and in an unattractive outfit to the sound of an unfamiliar man's voice, this 'reset' thing didn't seem too terrible. Even the memory loss was starting to become more manageable as he learned bits and pieces of what he had actually forgotten: the worst thing that he could recall was getting rained on, but rumor had it that he'd been in a state of panic and starving to death. While it was all completely illogical and forgetting details, especially important ones, hit him hard, he was starting to find that he had no choice but to move forward. Chances were he'd be able to figure out the whole memory thing when he figured out everything else there was to know about the ship.

That could take a while, but he was taking his grand time at it. It seemed that the ship existed to spoil him at the moment: the only thing bothering him being all of the robotics and such. And the not-making-sense. He had the weird tendency to shoot suspicious, sidelong glances at the various machines he encountered on the otherwise unceremonious trip from Amaterasu's room to the ship's fourteenth level. Even the simple teleportation pad warranted a little bit of a glare. He didn't like it. It was something he wasn't used to. It was creepy.

Even without being surrounded by strange machines, he was on his way to go eat desserts with a girl who turns into a wolf. In space. All bets really were off here. He couldn't decide if that was more frightening or annoying.

Despite that, one of the most awkward things about losing a big chunk of memory was that he didn't explicitly recall eating in that time period. Actually, the last time Yukio remembered eating something was before he even showed up on the Crucible. The fact that he was apparently starving some time in-between then and now made the whole thing even more bizarre and kind of disorienting.

So when Amaterasu asked if he wanted to get something to eat, he couldn't refuse. Even if he hadn't been completely mystified by the contents or lack thereof of his stomach, Yukio was feeling a bit on the sour side and just had to override it with the most impressive, fancy dessert he could find on the entire Crucible. "Impressive" was highly subjective though and he'd probably just end up settling with whatever he could get his hands on the fastest, out of impatience.

He needed sugar after the last thing he could clearly remember, anyway.

[original] yukio hirayama

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