waypoint v destination, or why I want SPN to go home instead of going big for S15

Mar 30, 2019 03:36

One of things I love best about SPN is its collection of ephemera, its lost motels, its gravelly roadsides, the sleeves of plaids and the shakers of salt and the throwaway lines that don't make it onto the gifs.( Read more... )

writing talk, spoilers, not a genre

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Comments 16

caranfindel March 30 2019, 13:21:36 UTC
That’s why I love the idea of the Six Feet Under style montage, where we fast-forward through their lives to their *eventual*, much later deaths.


crowroad3 March 31 2019, 07:05:19 UTC
Ooh! *Thinks about how that would work on SPN*

How're you? <3


caranfindel April 1 2019, 09:53:05 UTC
In the pit of despair, thanks for asking. You?


crowroad3 April 2 2019, 06:19:45 UTC
"pit of despair": ah nooooo! (I admit I giggled, but there certainly is a lot of sad to be had...)

I am doing OK, mostly completely and utterly more swamped at work than I have ever been in my life. This is mostly my fault, but ouch. Going to try to write some poems, tho, for spn_napowrimo

Feeling grateful to SPN that I got to meet cool folk like you. <3


roxymissrose March 31 2019, 01:24:52 UTC
Thank you LJ for bringing me here. :)

I want to see them ride off, the two of them in the car, a successful case behind them, talk of another ahead of them. Something that involves monsters - no angels, no demons - a raw-head, a wendigo, or please writers, a chupacabra. Nothing earth shattering or horribly tragic, just Winchester life, a bit like the way we met them, but both of them settled into their lives and nobody yanking their chains.


crowroad3 March 31 2019, 07:06:19 UTC
I just love the intimacy of that ending, how organic it is to the whole. "Nobody yanking their chains": I love that too, because that really is freedom to them.


madebyme_x April 1 2019, 11:49:00 UTC
Over the years I've read and written so many different endings, so I like to think that I'm open to so many different possibilities. But I just hope that the focus is on the brothers, and I want some feels too.

I remember once seeing someone offer a funny ending in which we see the brothers driving down a long road, maybe it's dark and it's clear that they've been on a hunt and maybe they're on thier way home, and the radio is on, and Carry on my Wayward Son comes on and Dean suddenly turns off the radio and we're plunged into silence and he says "I hate that song" ;D


crowroad3 April 2 2019, 06:24:54 UTC
Ahhhhhhh that ending! Love the meta-humor like--Dean never really wanted peace anyway, did he? Nor was he ever any too comfortable with being a character in anyone else's narrative. Heh.

What you said about having written a lot of endings and therefore feeling open to many: I really like that perspective a lot.

I don't think I've ever written them a real ending--but sort of? Maybe that means I'm open too. I would also like to see the Winchester focus, intimate and true.


borgmama1of5 April 3 2019, 00:30:14 UTC
There has been a big epic battle of good vs evil. The Winchesters have won...except they both were mortally wounded. They die next to each other...camera pulls back to a pair of sneakers. The feet walk over to the bodies. Camera pans up the body--it is Chuck. He looks at the Sam and Dean lying there and says "Endings are hard." Pause, he looks thoughtful.
"But maybe some things don't have to end."


crowroad3 April 7 2019, 05:57:41 UTC
Now that's pretty cool. <3

Have you written the Winchesters some curtainfic/endings--and if so which of those do you like best?


borgmama1of5 April 7 2019, 23:00:22 UTC
Thank you.

I actually have never written ending stories--I basically write stuff to fill in the cracks between episodes or preseries.

But If show goes out in a way I can't accept I may just have to write this out as a story...


lira_chimera April 22 2019, 20:45:32 UTC
That would work for me. :)


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