fic (Burning Daylight) SG-1/Supernatural) #9 #11 red

Jan 21, 2010 19:27

Title: Burning Daylight
Author: karrenia_rune
Fandoms: Stargate SG-1/Supernatural
Part 8 of 10 (The Night Watch)
Rating: PG-13
Words: 2608
Prompt: #11 red

Links to the previous parts:

Part 1. The Night Watch < <"nightwatch">
Part 2: Those Who Hunt by Night < <"hunt">
Part 3: The One that Got Away <"gotaway">
Part 4: The Woman with One Red Shoe <"womanred">
Part 5: Revenant <"rev">
Part 6: If a Tree Falls <"treefalls">
Part 7: Alice in Fragments
Part 8: What the Living Do <"livingdo">
Part 9: Burning Daylight <"daylight">
Part 10: Wild Boys

Link to Big Darn Table (the screen drops down a bit, so scroll down)

Disclaimer: Stargate SG-1 and its characters belong to MGM Productions, Renaissance Pictures and Gekko Film Corp etc; they are not mine. Supernatural is the creation of Erick Kripke and the CW Television Network, for Supernatural takes place. Note: The story picks up shortly after where the previous one "What the Living Do" left off.

"Burning Daylight" by Karen

“I don’t know about anyone else,” remarked Daniel as he leaned over the divider that separated the front of the jeep from the rear and peered over the edge, “but I’m beginning to think that this becoming too much of a game of cat and mouse. “

“You were the one who said that they were most likely kidnapped because of their connection to Janet,” Sam remarked concentrating on her driving over the rough and rocky up and down roads that traversed the side of the mountain. “Janet, are you certain that the ransom note said to head north into the mountains?”

“As certain as I can be,” Janet replied.

“Seems to me,” Jack added, that Daniel might have something here. It’s too easy, too pat, like whoever within the NID organization was responsible for their abductions wants to be found.”

“We’ll know soon enough,” Janet replied.

“Just out of curiosity,” Jack added. “Just how much are we talking about here? A thousand, ten thousand?”

“Does it really matter?” Sam muttered.

“I guess not,” Jack shrugged, but I was curious.”

“Knowing their father, he’s most likely already half way there. I really do hope John does not do anything rash that will either jeopardize Dean and Sam’s lives…”

Daniel shook his head and turned to Janet,” Look we don’t want anything to happen to them, but I guess, what you’re trying to avoid saying… is. If the NID are using this as a kind of leverage…to make us

“Either they want to pry into mission specifics, stuff that really isn’t any of their business..

“Or, they might be using this as more fuel to the fire,” Teal’C added, up until the quietest member of the group. “As a means to shut down the Stargate Program.”

“You suspect Senator Kinsey might be the one calling the shots?” Jack muttered under his breath. “I could have sworn I smelled a rat, and it’s got his name written all over it.”


Dean and Sam faced off against the crossroads demon who had taken on the form of a United States Senator who identified himself as Kinsey; causing Dean to briefly wonder if throughout their previous encounters if the demon had developed a taste for irony, and if so, if it knew how much dislike Dean had for authority and people in uniform.

“We meet again,” the demon remarked, “and really, my faith in you two has hardly been misplaced, although, now that I think on it, it is difficult to say which off us made off better on the deal, eh, Dean?”

“Shut your friggin mouth!” Dean yelled as he squirmed around on the hard-packed floor unable to move any part of his own body except for his head for without so much as lifting a finger the yellow-eyed demon held both Winchester brothers pinioned to the wall.

“Dean, Dean, it seems that while you have learned much during our acquaintances, manners still elude you.”

“What’s up with the suit?” Sam gasped, his own voice a dry rasp.

“Ah yes, I had almost forgotten about you, Sam, dear boy?” Oh, and to answer your question, there are indeed more things in heaven and earth than are dream of in your philosophies; the yellow-eyed demon cocked his head to one side as if thinking something over before he added: “Is that not how that old philosopher’s phrase goes?

“Anyway, I’ve been traveling, learning new things as I go, and I happened to come across this lovely little installation. It seems that while my and my mine have been stirring things about from below; we’ve completely missed out that there are those out there from above who have designs of their own.”
“Huh?” Dean asked, wondering even as he did so, if the demon really had learned to read minds or the choking, dry, cold sensation of all-pervading numbness that made his body feel like a lump of cold clay, had dulled his wits. He swiveled his head to dart a significant glance at his brother who was panting shallowly nearby a look of mingled hope, rage and fear twisting his features. Sometimes, in situations like these, the brothers could sometimes tell what the other was feeling, thinking without any words being spoken.

In the back of his mind Dean thought that the reason the demon had chosen to act now was not so much for anything they had done recently to halt the influx of his ilk into the mortal world, but for their brief encounter with the Air Force and their pet project.

If that was the case, Dean thought and saw the same thought flicker across Sam’s face as well, then the demon would be in for a big disappointment.

“Okay, so I can at last wrap his brain around the fact the United States Government knew about the existence of aliens, and the big guy? Teal’C, was that his name is a honest-to-goodness alien… but other than that, and the big underground facility we were at, and why is the Air Force need with a place that size anyway…We don’t have any more information than that. What the hell would a demon what with aliens anyway?’

The circular nature of his own thoughts spinning around in his head made him quite dizzy and more than a little nauseous so Dean quit thinking about and concentrated on a way to free themselves from the current untenable situation.

“Well, I must leave you for the moment, boys,” the demon remarked conversationally, “We have guests. Oh, before I forget, I never did answer your question about why the suit. The demon glanced down at his navy blue suit jacket and khaki pants and the glanced at his reflection in a broken mirror across the way. “This fellow is high in the circles of power, and while the man himself is not aware that I have ah, ‘borrowed’ his semblance, I have managed to learn more than a few things about his allegiances and those who have come to visit have more than a few reasons to hate his guts.”

“What makes you think they’ll listen to anything you have or rather ‘he’ has to say, if you’re right about this guy and his motivations?” Sam asked.

“Because, there’s no greater motivation than hate,” the demon replied and then turning on his heel left Sam and Dean inside the empty room and went out into the yard.

His departure left Sam and Dean to their own devices and free of whatever invincible force had held them prisoner.

“He seems awfully sure of himself.
“Should we stop him?” Sam asked. “It seems that his deal is more with the SGC people.”

“I think they came to rescue us?” Dean mused, mostly to himself. “I ain’t accustomed to having my fat pulled out of the fire by military types. It’s a highly diverting experience.

Sam sighed and got to his feet swaying a little due to the sudden light-headed sensation, wondering even as he did so that for the longest stretch that he could accurately recall the his massive headaches which were almost always followed up by horrific visions had not troubled him as much of late. That alone was something for which to be grateful for, and Dean was right, “Whether the crossroads demon was through with them or not they still had a duty to perform and Janet and her friends needed their help. “Let’s go,” Sam said aloud.

**Jack really did not know what to expect but an abandoned and dilapidated movie studio lot that had seen better days was definitely nowhere near the top of his lost as possible locations that Kinsey or his ilk might chose as a place to hold hostages for ransom. While it might appeal to his own sense of the bizarre it also made the fine hairs on the back of his neck stand on end.

Just as he was about to suggest that the team fan out and to start looking around a man Jack O’Neill could have sworn he had last seen in Washington D.C emerged from what appeared to have once been the saloon on a western film set. “Senator Kinsey, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Interesting choice of words,” the other man replied. “I’d answer you, but allow me a moment to process.”

“Jack,” Daniel whispered coming up to stand to one side. “I don’t think that’s Kinsey. Do you notice something dreadfully wrong with his eyes?”

“Quiet, Daniel,” Jack whispered back.

“Colonel O’Neill,” Teal’C added as he joined them with Major Samantha Carter parking the jeep and then turning off the ignition before she and Janet also joined them in a rough semi-circle. Teal’C nodded and added. “I do not believe Doctor Jackson is entirely off the mark in surmise. I have not seen that particular nuance in another being’s eyes, anywhere except in those taken over as hosts for the Go’uald.”

“Stranger and stranger,” Jack muttered. “Hey, have you had enough uh, ‘processing time?” He shook his head and sighed. “Look, we don’t want any more trouble than what’s already gone down, Just have over the two civilians,” Jack yelled.


“Yeah, the two kids you’ve more than likely got tied up back there.”

“Oh, them. They’ll be joining us shortly. Colonel O’Neil, I do not know how much or how little information the boys may have provided you and yours,….

“Colonel O’Neill! “Dean Winchester yelled as he emerged at a dead run from the saloon.

Sam also running, with his longer legs quickly outdistanced his brother and ground to a halt to one side of the group gathered in the yard. “That isn’t the man you know! It’s uh, doppelganger, an imposter. You can’t believe a word he says!”

“Doppelganger?” Samantha Carter echoed.

“Look, its’ kinda hard to explain. But remember how we explained about being ghost hunters, sometimes the paranormal has the damndest way of coming back to bite you on the ass. This is not ordinary ghost, its’ uh…. Sam trailed off in awkward and uncomfortable silence..

The man that each and every member of the SGC knew as Senator Kinsey laughed, a laugh that would not have been out of place coming from a starving hyena.

For the life of him, and Jack O’Neill had been in some pretty tight and dangerous spots throughout his career in the Air Force; for some reason he had just begun to believe that there were ‘ghosts’ and there were two distinct kinds, the kind that one made for oneself and the really honest to goodness kind that went bump in the night.

“What the hell do you want?”

“Me” the man who may or may not have really been Kinsey said and spread out his hands in an expansive gesture. “To talk. I just want to get you all away from your familiar surroundings.”

“Perhaps he has been possessed,” Teal’C suggested.

“There’s no way to tell without the proper instruments,” Janet added. “And I get the distinct impression that this possession is more on the paranormal side than the extraterrestrial, if you catch my drift?”

“Indeed,” Teal’C replied lifting one of his arched eyebrows, not at all certain in his own mind if he really did understand or not.

“If you’re really an imposter, where’s the really Kinsey?” Daniel asked.

“Where would you expect a oily, ambitious and somewhat shady senator to be?”

“So he was never here, and neither were the NID?” Sam remarked.


At that moment the doppelganger, demon, or whatever had possessed him and this particular instant Jack O’Neill did not give a damn about the exact specifics, looped the fingers of his two hands into the shape of the business end of a gun and aimed and fired and a burst of pale reddish white light streamed out of them and directly at the position where he and his team stood.

“Scramble!” he yelled and darted to one side.

Caught momentarily off-guard his team followed suit.

“It did not have to be like this. You could have introduced me to you, wait, what did the big one with the golden sigil call them, oh yes, the guls. Very appropriate name by the way. I like it.”

Dean came up and pointed the business end of his own modified weapon directly at the demon’s head. “Go to hell!” And aimed and fired, and Sam came up to help.

“I’ve already been there,” replied the yellow-eyed demon grinned at his own gallows humor.

Jack, Sam, Teal’C, and Daniel had managed to evade the criss-crossing beams of light that was no light and seemed to have no visible source, and had begun to return fire. In the back of his mind Jack could not help thinking that the entire situation was something very surreal.

Just then a well-placed shot from Major Carter’s weapon took the creature or whatever it was in the chest.

“Good shot!” Dean yelled. “Do it again!”

“Don’t encourage her,” the creature remarked to no one in particular.

“Oh, I beg to differ,” Teal’C remarked and lining up a shot of his own aimed and fired and offered a grim little smile of his own as the creature toppled over, seemingly to come apart at the seams like a sack of spilt flour, the red light spilling out of it it waves. It grew too bright to look directly into for the space of a few heartbeats and then the creature was gone.

After that, it was all over except for the shouting.

"Just another day at the office for you, Ma'am? I mean, Samantha. Ah, the hell with it," Dean griped and the waved his hands around, "You knew what I'm getting at, don't you?"

Samantha Carter nodded and stifled the very inappropriate chuckle that had been working its way up her throat. Instead she clapped Dean on the back and nodded to his younger brother.

"At this rate, we either need to get you away from ASAP, and get to you promise in writing to never speak of your experiences here ever again..."

“Or what?" Sam Winchester asked.

"Or recruit you."

Sam and Dean glanced at each other and Sam blushed. “I honestly don’t know what to say to that,” Sam replied once he felt in control of both his own voice and his emotions.

“We’re cool with that,” both said almost tripping over each other’s words as they did so.
“Damn, are we really getting that predictable, bro. That might almost be the kiss of death right there.

“Don’t worry, bro,” Sam replied with that family off-center wry grin that Dean knew so well. “I’ve got a plan.”

“Famous last words,” Dean sighed and slapped his younger brother affectionately and solidly on the back. “I’m past ready to get the hell outta Dodge. How about you?”

“Let’s go then,” Sam replied.
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