Testing: 1, 2, 3 ...

Jun 27, 2007 22:22

Greetings, fellow crossover fans: all 438 of you!

I apologize, most sincerely, for the four month hiatus; over the next couple of weeks, I'll work on getting this comm up and running again.

In the meantime, I know there must be some crossover comms that went up while I was absent. I've done a quick interest-check, but I know I can't have caught them all. If you have a moment, I'd be ever so grateful if you'd scan the current list and let me know what's missing. The more I track, the more content you'll see!

Public Communities watched for newsletter content:

Individual Fandom Newsletters:

comicstore_news - Comics fandoms
despatches - Age of Sail fandoms
ds_weekly - due South
eureka_newslttr - Eureka
farscape_weekly - Farscape
femslash_today - Femslash, all fandoms
hl_flash - Highlander
hogwarts_today - Harry Potter
house_news - House
j_institute - Bones
jedi_news - Star Wars
middleearthnews - Lord of the Rings
monitor_duty - Comics fandoms
ncis_newsletter - NCIS
ninth_wonders - Heroes
sg1_debrief - Stargate SG-1
sga_newsletter - Stargate Atlantis
spnnewsletter - Supernatural
su_herald - Buffyverse
sv_ledger - Smallville
the_cortex - Firefly/Serenity
the_wireless - Battlestar Galactica
torchwood_three - Torchwood
tww_full_lid - The West Wing
universe_today - Babylon 5
vm_navigator - Veronica Mars
whedon_updates - Joss Whedon shows
who_daily - Dr. Who

General Crossover Communities:


brain_asplode (crossover pairings)
crossoverlovers (crossover pairings)
ithurtsmybrain (crossover pairings)
xover_couples (crossover pairings)

Fandom-Centric Crossover Communities:

athe_crossbones - Bones crossovers
btvs_heroes - Buffyverse/Heroes crossovers
btvs_hp - Buffyverse/Harry Potter crossovers
btvs_hp_xovers - Buffyverse/Harry Potter crossovers
btvs_vm - Buffyverse/Veronica Mars crossovers
buffyxdean - Buffy (B:tVS) & Dean (Supernatural)
card_crossings - Yuugiou crossovers
chloecrossing - Smallville crossovers featuring Chloe
chosen_hunters - Buffyverse/Supernatural crossovers
crossing_lost - Open Lost Crossover AU
crossing_who - Dr. Who crossovers
dean_alex - Dean (Supernatural) & Alex Krychek (X-Files)
dean_izzie - Dean (Supernatural) & Izzie (Grey's Anatomy)
df_crossovers - Dresden Files crossovers
ds_6degrees - Six Degrees of Due South
dundercross - The Office (US) crossovers
faith_dean - Faith (B:tVS) & Dean (Supernatural)
ff_khcrossovers - Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts crossovers
firefly_plus - Firefly/Serenity crossovers
go_crossovers - Good Omens crossovers
heroescrossover - Heroes crossovers
heroes_x_over - Heroes crossovers
holbycitylounge - Dan Clifford is Methos crossovers
house_scrubs - House/Scrubs crossovers
hp_cm - Harry Potter/Criminal Minds crossovers
hp_crossovers - Harry Potter crossovers
hp_heroes - Harry Potter/Heroes crossovers
hp_x_sw - Harry Potter/Star Wars crossovers
iyyuyuxoverstop - InuYasha/YuYu Hashuko crossovers
iyyyh_fiction - InuYasha/YuYu Hashuko crossovers
jossverse_xover - Buffy/Angel/Firefly crossovers
lorelai_sam - Lorelai (Gilmore Girls) & Sam (Supernatural)
nidus - Sci-Fi crossovers
ouatim_xovers - Once Upon a Time in Mexico crossovers
palantircross - Star Trek/Lord of the Rings crossovers
psychic_snakes - Brendan (Thoughtcrimes) & Emmett (Boa vs. Python)
peter_rogue - Peter Petrelli (Heroes) & Rogue (X-Men)
serenity_gate - Open Stargate/Serenity crossover AU
sg_btvs - Buffyverse/Stargate crossovers
sg1_hp_xovers - Stargate SG-1/Harry Potter crossovers
sga_6degrees - Six Degrees of Stargate Atlantis
sga_fusion - Stargate Atlantis "Amalgamated" Open AU
sm_crossovers - Sailor Moon Crossovers
sn_crossovers - Supernatural Crossovers
snakesonhousemd - Snakes on a Plane/House MD crossovers
soldato - Sailor Moon/Gundam Wing crossovers
spn_btvs - Buffyverse/Supernatural crossovers
spn_heroes - Supernatural/Heroes crossovers
spn_hp - Supernatural/Harry Potter crossovers
spn_vm - Supernatural/Veronica Mars crossovers
spn_xm - Supernatural/X-Men crossovers
spooky_fiction - Sci-Fi/Speculative
stargate_xing - Stargate SG-1 and/or Stargate Atlantis crossovers
stars_eternal - Stargate Atlantis/Dr. Who crossovers
sv_heroes - Smallville/Heroes crossovers
sv_xm - Smallville/X-Men crossovers
treesnake - Willow (Buffyverse) & Snape (Harry Potter)
tth100 & tth100_2 - Buffyverse crossover table challenges
tth_halloween - Buffyverse halloween-themed crossovers
tth_icons - Buffyverse crossover icons
tthdrabbles - Buffyverse crossover drabble challenges
twistedshorts - Buffyverse crossover flashfiction challenges
twsthellmouth - Buffyverse crossovers
vintagemilitary - Crossovers featuring Captain Jack (Dr. Who/Torchwood)
whofly - Dr. Who/Firefly crossovers
winchullivan - Winchesters (Supernatural) with Chloe Sullivan (Smallville)
wwcrossovers - West Wing crossovers
xm_hp - X-Men/Harry Potter crossovers
xmen_heroes - X-Men/Heroes crossovers
xover_anime - Anime Crossovers

One-Universe Crossover Communities:

4ever_tomorrow - Highlander/The Tomorrow People (Closed)
alecwinchester - Dark Angel/Supernatural (Closed)
andromedagate - Andromeda/Stargate: Atlantis (Harper-centric; Open)
blondboytrio - Sesshomaru/Legolas/Lucius Malfoy adventures (Closed)
fic_snafu - Alias/Harry Potter (Vaughn-centric; Closed)
hollow_fic - Mamono Hunter Yohko/Bleach (Closed)
reapergate - Stargate Atlantis/Dead Like Me (Closed)
recolonization - West Wing/Battlestar Galactica (Closed)
sg_alchemy - Stargate SG-1/Fullmetal Alchemist (Closed)
sg_x - Stargate/X-Files (Closed)
sil3nus - Star Wars/Silent Hill (Closed)
watching_river - Firefly/Buffyverse (Closed)
watcherverse - Buffyverse/various (RPG-based, accepts applications)
west_gate - West Wing/Stargate (Closed)

Ficathon or Other Specialized Communties:


Again, please, please let me know if you are aware of any public (or unlocked, individual) journals I'm not already watching that are a consistent source of crossover fiction, imagery, vids, & etc. Thanks!

Your Mod,


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