Volume 005, Issue 221

Aug 11, 2010 12:30

This issue covers August 10th in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. Some links are for stories off Live Journal. As the list is very long, a lj cut has been implemented. Enjoy!

nike_ravus posted a Fanmix for the fic "Danny Zuko Was a Hot Chick" (X-men/Criminal Minds)


Angel the Series
dubiousuniverse wrote Blood, through Cracks in the Metaverse, 1/? | NC17 | Buffy/Angel/Doctor Who | Wesley/Cordelia |

Buffy the Vampire Slayer
dubiousuniverse wrote Blood, through Cracks in the Metaverse, 1/? | NC17 | Buffy/Angel/Doctor Who | Wesley/Cordelia
laney_1974 wrote Invitations | 15 | Stargate/Harry Potter/Buffy | Gen |
rosie1234 wrote That Smile Should Only Be Mine | PG | Buffy/Firefly | Buffy/Mal |
beri_fanfic wrote The Missing Years: Rebirth | PG13 | Buffy/Star Wars | Buffy/Obi-wan |
kerrykhat wrote Springtime for Sneezes | PG | Buffy/Star Wars | Gen |
jerseyfabulous wrote The Hollow Men | PG13 | Buffy/Firefly | Gen |
nestdweller wrote Strangely Literal Buffy/Terminator: SCC | Xander/Cameron |
indraleigh wrote No Power, No Electricity, and No Heat | FR7 | Buffy/Magnificent Seven (ATF AU) | Gen |
ramenth wrote Morning Light | NR | Buffy/Dresden Files | Gen |

Dresden Files
ramenth wrote Morning Light | NR | Buffy/Dresden Files | Gen |

Doctor Who
dubiousuniverse wrote Blood, through Cracks in the Metaverse, 1/? | NC17 | Buffy/Angel/Doctor Who | Wesley/Cordelia |
tardis_coral wrote First Impressions | G | Doctor Who/Sherlock | River/Eleven, Sherlock |

_beetle wrote His Love | NC17 | Star Trek XI/Doom | McMoy/Chekov, Reaper/Chekov |

rosie1234 wrote That Smile Should Only Be Mine | PG | Buffy/Firefly | Buffy/Mal |
jerseyfabulous wrote The Hollow Men | PG13 | Buffy/Firefly | Gen |

Harry Potter
laney_1974 wrote Invitations | 15 | Stargate/Harry Potter/Buffy | Gen |

rosie1234 wrote He Feeds Me Truth Pies | PG | Heroes/Pushing Daisisies | Elle/Ned |

teachwriteslash wrote Life’s Journey #4 - Dream a Little Dream, 1/4 | PG13 | Higlander/Torchwood | Jack/Ianto, Duncan/Methos, Martha, Gwen, Rhys, Joe |

Iron Man
nepthys101 wrote Time After Time | NC17 | Supernatural/Iron Man | Dean/Tony |

Magnificent Seven
indraleigh wrote No Power, No Electricity, and No Heat | FR7 | Buffy/Magnificent Seven (ATF AU) | Gen |

Pushing Daisies
rosie1234 wrote He Feeds Me Truth Pies | PG | Heroes/Pushing Daisisies | Elle/Ned |

Quantum Leap
digitalwave wrote Sam I Am | PG13 | Supernatural/Quantum Leap | Gen |

bakaknight wrote Strays and Waifs and People In-Between | PG | Watchmen/Sandman | Bast, Nite Owl II, Death |

tardis_coral wrote First Impressions | G | Doctor Who/Sherlock | River/Eleven, Sherlock |

deliciousweird wrote Evasion, 2/? | Adult | Supernatural/Smallville | Chloe/Sam |
divas_lament wrote Functionally Dysfunctional | PG13 | Supernatural/Smalliville | Chloe Sullivan/Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester/Sarah Blake |
deliciousweird wrote Ineffable, 10/10 | Adult | Supernatural/Smallville | Sam/Chloe |

laney_1974 wrote Invitations | 15 | Stargate/Harry Potter/Buffy | Gen |

Star Trek
_beetle wrote His Love | NC17 | Star Trek XI/Doom | McMoy/Chekov, Reaper/Chekov |

Star Wars
beri_fanfic wrote The Missing Years: Rebirth | PG13 | Buffy/Star Wars | Buffy/Obi-wan |
kerrykhat wrote Springtime for Sneezes | PG | Buffy/Star Wars | Gen |

deliciousweird wrote Evasion, 2/? | Adult | Supernatural/Smallville | Chloe/Sam |
divas_lament wrote Functionally Dysfunctional | PG13 | Supernatural/Smalliville | Chloe Sullivan/Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester/Sarah Blake |
nepthys101 wrote Time After Time | NC17 | Supernatural/Iron Man | Dean/Tony |
digitalwave wrote Sam I Am | PG13 | Supernatural/Quantum Leap | Gen |
deliciousweird wrote Ineffable, 10/10 | Adult | Supernatural/Smallville | Sam/Chloe |

Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
nestdweller wrote Strangely Literal Buffy/Terminator: SCC | Xander/Cameron |

teachwriteslash wrote Life’s Journey #4 - Dream a Little Dream, 1/4 | PG13 | Higlander/Torchwood | Jack/Ianto, Duncan/Methos, Martha, Gwen, Rhys, Joe |

bakaknight wrote Strays and Waifs and People In-Between | PG | Watchmen/Sandman | Bast, Nite Owl II, Death |

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.

~Your editor,

watchmen, quantum leap, buffy, magnificent seven, supernatural, criminal minds, iron man, x-men, doom (movie), stargate: sg-1, star trek: reboot, torchwood, dresden files, star wars, doctor who, pushing daisies, sandman, smallville, harry potter, highlander, heroes, terminator (tv), tv (gen), firefly, angel

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