sooooooooo last night was a bit of a funny one. the cause: 6 cans of beer 6 bottles 2 bottles of cider 1 bottle of wine 2 super pills
the damage: STUBBING CIGGIES OUT ON MYSELF WOULD BE A GOOD IDEA 2 or 3 on my chest 5 on my nipples 1 on my cheek 3 on my tongue 4 or 5 on my head and the creme de la creme 3 ON MY FUCKING DICK
well ive been without internet since sunday cos some dumb BT people fucked up out phone line. i wouldnt mind but they werent even doin anything near our house and it was only our house that got fucked up!
on the plus side when my dad gets in we are going to install this broadband sitting next to me :-)