Title: From a Million Miles
geonncannonPairing: Sam Carter/Olivia Benson, Sam/Janet and Olivia/Alex past relationships
Word Count: 10,325
Category: Action, drama
SG-1 Spoilers: "The Broca Divide," "Zero Hour," "200," "The Road Not Taken"
SGA Spoilers: "Thirty-Eight Minutes," "Trinity," "Conversion," "Critical Mass," "First Strike, "Adrift," "
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Comments 2
I rather liked that, even though I still know nothing of Stargate. Really made me want to get into it, though!!
I'm glad you read it! Part of what caused me the most consternation was trying to make all the Stargate-related stuff accessible for people who had never seen the show before. That's why all the beginning is from Olivia's POV. I'm using her to introduce everyone who hasn't seen SG-1 or SGA to the idea of the show.
WEIGHTLESS SEX!! :D I may have to write a missing scene PWP about the weightless sex. ;-D
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