Title: From a Million Miles
geonncannonPairing: Sam Carter/Olivia Benson, Sam/Janet and Olivia/Alex past relationships
Word Count: 10,325
Category: Action, drama
SG-1 Spoilers: "The Broca Divide," "Zero Hour," "200," "The Road Not Taken"
SGA Spoilers: "Thirty-Eight Minutes," "Trinity," "Conversion," "Critical Mass," "First Strike, "Adrift," "Doppelganger," "Tabula Rasa," "The Seer"
SVU Spoilers: "Philadelphia," "Florida," "Screwed," "Alternate"
Disclaimer: Not mine!
Warnings: Rape, non-con
Rating: NC17
Author's Notes: Set between Seasons 8 and 9 in the SVU world, and in the middle of Season 4 of Stargate Atlantis. The sequel to my previous story
Give and Take.
Summary: A shocking crime in Atlantis leads to Sam bringing in an expert from Earth.
Read 'From a Million Miles' in my LJ!