I did not finde a puppy in any of them.... how sad.
but there was a cute little brown lop! I will name her mopsy!
thngs really are slowing down arn't they.... I wish ikki kun were around, or even udou kun. or kazu kun or anyone. its wierd with only them around. even oniichyan would be nice.....
FUCK!! are these things going to be evorywhere? they hurt when you step on them. I don't mind blood, I like blood, but bleeding eggs are a bit too much. I don't know why akito wants more creapy eggs.....
When I woke up this morning I found a colourd egg~ I decided to open it and candy fell out of it! I found another one with my pants and this one had a chick. I wonder if other people got eggs. I'm going to go get a basket and start an egg hunt!~ ♥
Agito steped on one in the shower..... it wasn't verry plesent.... I wonder what had been in it......