Ouch - or - I'm a total klutz

May 03, 2013 22:38

This morning preparing for my gym class I dropped a 5kg weight on the floor. It slipped from my right hand and tried to stop the fall unsuccessfully with my left. Banged on my knuckle instead and thank the Lord I had a millisecond thought of not putting my foot forward to stop the weight from hitting the floor. Because my first reaction was to do ( Read more... )

can i be kermit?, real life woes, clumsy me

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Comments 4

lupina78 May 4 2013, 06:41:18 UTC
Oh no, honey!!! *HUGS YOU CAREFULLY AND DOESN´T LET GO, LIKE, EVER* I´m glad nothing "too bad" happened, but hurting your knuckle sucks anyway. You got a very busy Guardian Angel there, don´t ya think? ;)

Stay safe while I go to work, will you? ;)
Love ya! ♥


crism79 May 4 2013, 12:43:18 UTC
Awww thanks sweetie!! :D *hugs you back fiercely* Lol, my Guardian Angel is always very busy, absolutely :P I think it was more the scare of seeing that weight falling than anything else, lol. The knuckle was a bit swollen yesterday and today it's just fine :))

I will stay put while you go to work and not move from my chair, I promise :P

Love ya back Sweetie!! ♥♥


lostandalone22 May 4 2013, 18:32:52 UTC
Yikes! That sucks. *hugs you tight*


crism79 May 4 2013, 19:51:36 UTC
Thanks! It was more the scare and the noise it made than the pain it caused lol. I have slippery hands...

*hugs you back tight*


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