Ouch - or - I'm a total klutz

May 03, 2013 22:38

This morning preparing for my gym class I dropped a 5kg weight on the floor. It slipped from my right hand and tried to stop the fall unsuccessfully with my left. Banged on my knuckle instead and thank the Lord I had a millisecond thought of not putting my foot forward to stop the weight from hitting the floor. Because my first reaction was to do that...

Just to let the internet know how much of a clumsy person I am...

Then I get home and this is all around Tumblr

(not my gif - if someone knows who made it please say so that I can credit)

*.* I could do with that hug right now, lol.

It's Friday YAY! Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!

*Hugs you all*

can i be kermit?, real life woes, clumsy me

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