Mar 22, 2016 22:21

Here it's still the 22nd March, although in Japan it's already 23rd... but I wanted to post my thanks and congratulations to these boys. All of them, both past and present members, because these ten years are made up with all of them.

For these 10 years CONGRATULATIONS KAT-TUN!!!!

                                                 gif by art_of_clarity
I'm so glad that 2 (almost 3) years ago I asked @notweirdbutunique on Tumblr about Kamenashi Kazuya and KAT-TUN, whom she was always reblogging ^^ It was such a simple question that led me into such a fantastic ride! Back then I was curious about Kame (he and Takeru Sato looked so alike that it got my attention) plus I was intrigued if he was the same guy on that band KAT-TUN. When she explained who they were and Johnny's, and said "you should try and listen to them because they are not like other idol bands. They are different" I immediatly thought, "ok no way I'm not getting into another boyband! I've had my share of boyband heartbreak" but my resolve was totally shattered when I agreed to "at least" listen to their most recent album "Kusabi" (since I liked the ending song for "Tatta Hitotsu no Koi" drama, "Bokura no Machi de"). That was the moment I jumped into that rabbit hole, just like Alice in wonderland, or signed up for that pirate ship for the long run - they are my Black Pearl...

Three years are nothing compared to the 10 years they are now celebrating. But what I've gained in these three years, the happy moments, the moments they've made me laugh or smile when I'm not feeling like it. Being my companions at work almost everyday, helping me face the hardships and stress at work. The moments they've made my heart race a little bit faster, the excitment of having a new song or a new PV. The people I've met and friends I've made because of them. Seeing how they've worked so hard, got up so many times, when people thought they were over. This makes me proud to be their fan and this has to outweigh the bad/sad moments. There have been tears and so much sadness and doubt - and it might sound like a cliche - but what doesn't kill you makes you stronger and heck, if "we" (Hyphens) survived so far and survive this recharge, I think we're close to Immortal ^^

So thank you Jin, Koki and Junno for what you gave KAT-TUN (and thank you Jin and Koki for the twitter messages, especially Jin's that got me by surprise and made me all teary eyed like an idiot - it truly made my day)

To Kamenashi, Ueda and Nakamaru Thank you! Recharge, get you batteries to full power I really do hope you guys aren't going hermits into some mountain "Seven Years in Tibet" style or I swear I'll smack you all with the charger and the alarm clock!

HAPPY D'ebut DAY boys!! HAPPY 10th ANNIVERSARY!! I'm looking forward to what you guys will bring us next!


fangirl, kat-tun, celebration, 10ks

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