Title: Falling Apart
creepy_crawlyFandom: Naruto
Pairing (if any): Yonkashi (Yondaime/Kakashi)
Rating: Mmmm, PG-13
Request: Made by
darlingfox, a YondaimexKakashi where Yondaime survived the Kyuubi attack. Full request can be found
Disclaimer/Warnings: Naruto is the property of Kishimoto-sensei. Warning, this contains Yonkashi. Yondaime’s only 7 years
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Comments 20
Privately, I think he had to strengthen the seal later and didn’t survive, but that’s just my preference.
I really never thought about what would happen later (my Yondy-kun! No die! No die!!) but I think your idea makes as much sense as any...but I don't want him dead...*whimper*
I liked this very much, so thank you! It's clear that you put a lot of thought in this one, and the bits about medi-nins and their work were a wonderful addition. Not to mention the detailed descriptions of surroundings and feelings.
It's difficult to choose, but my favourite quote would probably be "And probably really, really immoral. And illegal. This is definitely illegal." It totally cracked me up. *grins*
And I just have to mention this: Noki means "soot" in Finnish, and her personality is what I would expect of a person with that name. *L*
*adds to memories*
*coughcough* My, uh, obsession with Finns is finally paying off...
I'm glad you liked it! I tend to write stories the way I imagine them...that is to say, I write them the way they play through my head.
I love that quote. It sums up my Loveless addiction and my Yonkashi addiction all at once, and it's so fun. ^.^
I'm really glad you enjoyed this! It's so nice to find other people with my obsessions, 'specially when it comes to dead guys. Plus, you like GW, so you're awesome. *totally snooped your LJ to find out what kinda stuff you like*
Thank you!
Well, this is exactly the type of fic I'm incapable of writing *applauds* I love all the intrigueing details. Like little Sasuke - 'when she said' WHAT, dammit! That was mean. Now you'll just have to continue this as a multi-parter so we can find out what happened to Sasuke because he was premature.
The C-section made so much sense. How likely was it that Naruto just -happened- to be born at -exactly- the right moment for his umbilical cord to be available for the sealing? An elegant solution.
Oh yeah. Back to the annoyingly-tantalising details - the whole orphans thing in Kak's solilquy! 'lined up for the Hiddens ... the jig's up...' Argh! You can't just dangle hints and then not go into depth... *pouts* Evily-all-powerful authors...
I've always had problems with that convient birth thing. Off and on I've toyed with it being because of a severe change in air pressure due to Kyuubi's overwhelming presence (such things seriously do send women in to labour, I swear) or some such thing, but then I was just like, 'eh, screw it. C-section, damnit.'
*giggles* Actually, I'm thinking about adding more into this world...I've got something already written in the idea of the Hiddens, so stick around with me, and I promise you will see more.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm very glad that you liked my story!!
And on a totally unrelated note, I love your icon.
(And, ditto on the icon. You've no idea how long I've stared at it, trying to catch Demyx's thingy. Although, yeah, Donald = ew...)
I actually know of some really...freaky...KHII slash.
As in, like, brain-breaking. I can link you, if you want.
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