Title: Falling Apart
creepy_crawlyFandom: Naruto
Pairing (if any): Yonkashi (Yondaime/Kakashi)
Rating: Mmmm, PG-13
Request: Made by
darlingfox, a YondaimexKakashi where Yondaime survived the Kyuubi attack. Full request can be found
Disclaimer/Warnings: Naruto is the property of Kishimoto-sensei. Warning, this contains Yonkashi. Yondaime’s only 7 years
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Well, this is exactly the type of fic I'm incapable of writing *applauds* I love all the intrigueing details. Like little Sasuke - 'when she said' WHAT, dammit! That was mean. Now you'll just have to continue this as a multi-parter so we can find out what happened to Sasuke because he was premature.
The C-section made so much sense. How likely was it that Naruto just -happened- to be born at -exactly- the right moment for his umbilical cord to be available for the sealing? An elegant solution.
Oh yeah. Back to the annoyingly-tantalising details - the whole orphans thing in Kak's solilquy! 'lined up for the Hiddens ... the jig's up...' Argh! You can't just dangle hints and then not go into depth... *pouts* Evily-all-powerful authors...
I've always had problems with that convient birth thing. Off and on I've toyed with it being because of a severe change in air pressure due to Kyuubi's overwhelming presence (such things seriously do send women in to labour, I swear) or some such thing, but then I was just like, 'eh, screw it. C-section, damnit.'
*giggles* Actually, I'm thinking about adding more into this world...I've got something already written in the idea of the Hiddens, so stick around with me, and I promise you will see more.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I'm very glad that you liked my story!!
And on a totally unrelated note, I love your icon.
(And, ditto on the icon. You've no idea how long I've stared at it, trying to catch Demyx's thingy. Although, yeah, Donald = ew...)
I actually know of some really...freaky...KHII slash.
As in, like, brain-breaking. I can link you, if you want.
Although, whilst we're on brain-breaking: -The- hottest R-rated fic I know just happens to be Charlie/Willy Wonka. With Charlie most decidedly doing the chasing.
I've left the link in your LJ.
G'wan. I dare you. After all, I'm being open to KH brain-breakage ^_^
I seriously must learn to resist dares. *shakes head as she trods off*
That thing actually sent me looking for more.
The worse, the better? An inverse ratio!! *cough* Working on my math summer work. Can you tell? XD
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