Chapter Four

Nov 17, 2006 14:59

Title: Welcoming Surprises
Chapter: 4/9
Author: ME creatngnewscars
Rating: R I guess.
Fandom: Viva La Bam/HIM
Pairing: VAM of course
Summary: Ville has to deal with the sudden unexpected result of being pregnant, how will he and Bam take it?
Authors Notes: this is mpreg so anybody dont like it dont read it. mean comments suck. Aaaaaand so i dont get sued this isnt real, never happend and never will.

(Chapter One)
(Chapter Two)
(Chapter Three)

Quick PS, most this fic takes place in Ville's POV. I'll inform the readers if and/or when it switches to Bam's. ♥


-*-*- Chapter Four -*-*-

I stayed a week at the cabin, taking time to ease down my nerves and relax; the stress hardly being good for me. The four had dragged me kicking and screaming out of the cabin and down to the clinic to get a check up, worried for me and the child since I haven’t had one at all and had been in a lot of stress.

I was almost sixteen weeks exactly and the baby was healthy as could be, measuring in at the exact length and weight to any other child of its development. Thinking back on it I must’ve gotten pregnant around the time Bam flew out to be with me for a few days during the last leg of my tour before returning home to Pennsylvania having his own business to take care of. I have been out here with him for over two and a half months and I’m four months pregnant and I certainly have never slept with any other person since our relationship went serious. The doctor’s had started me on vitamins for my metabolism and on a strict diet full of nutritious vitamins.

They asked me if I wanted to know the sex of my child but I had to refuse. It was Bam’s child to and he deserved to be there with me when we found out what great little miracle we were going to have. I was also relieved when I found out the jittery feeling inside my stomach that felt gentle yet annoying was my child letting me know it was alive. The baby would shift itself around and get re-comfortable inside of me and when I sat still enough, you could see my stomach change shapes.

I was already so thin at the start of my pregnancy and all the throwing up during the first few months I had lost more weight so they wanted me to gain what seemed like a massive amount of weight. I felt hugely bloated and not just from my rounded midsection either. They wanted me, at the minimum to put on no less than forty pounds and so far I’ve averaged out at fifteen.

I stayed in regular contact with Dunn, updating him on me and the child as he asked but he had told nobody else. We had kept it a secret between the band, Bam and Ryan but it broke my heart every time I would talk to the young redhead and the only news he would give me on my lover was none.

April was worried sick and the only thing Ryan could tell her about me was I needed sometime to relax but about Bam he didn’t have a clue and using the excuse we had a fight wasn’t believable. Bam and I never fought so why would there be any reason to now? Maybe because I was carrying his child he was ashamed of.

April was like a mother to me and I felt bad hiding such a secret as keeping her grandchild from her, not to mention just running away after she has provided so much for me and I knew she will do more than her share helping me through this pregnancy.

Scrounging up what spare cash I could I called a cab and took the fifteen minute ride down to castle Bam, feeling a lot more at home as the large gates baring my symbol and my lover’s odd obsession with unicorns parted open. The long path eventually led us down to the castle that some would say looked foreboding but I called it home away from home.

At the sound of a car pulling up I saw the curtains part and April’s worried face come into view, soon rushing out the front door to wrap her arms around me in a hug after I had paid the cab fair and stepped out of the nasty smelling back seat. At all the commotion Ryan soon had joined us but not as excited since he had been talking to me on the phone nearly every night.

Large purple bags hung under April’s eyes of proof how she had not slept and fretted about the safe return of her baby boy. Even Jess had called every person on their contacts and no one had heard from the young skater.

“April, there’s something desperately important I need to tell you.” I said once she had gotten us inside the house and the Taxi long since driven off.

“You have news on my Bam?” Her eyes lighting up the way they used to be for a moment but quickly extinguished again seeing the look of disappointment in my own eyes.

“No, I don’t have any new news on Bam but I do know why he ran off.” I admitted, bundled up in my large Element hoodie I’d borrowed from Bam but had never returned to hide my stomach and keep me warm as the days got cooler.

“What happened between you two? He goes off to god knows where and you disappear as well.” She said worryingly, wringing the dish towel in her hands as a stress reliever.

“He got scared off or at least it’s what I hope it is.” I said with a frown, my hand instinctively coming to rest on my rounded midsection protectively. The questioning look in her eyes was enough to make me go on though I felt ready to throw up and not from sickness of the car ride but from nerves. “April, the day Bam disappeared is the day we found out that I was pregnant.”

At the ‘P’ word she gasped loudly, the permanently attached towel dropping to the floor as her hands covered her mouth to try to stifle the gasp too late.

“You are?!” he squeaked as she frequently did when one of Bam’s stunts got hectic or destructive which was usually a lot. When I nodded my head she wrapped her arms around me tightly and very mother like, stepping back after a moment and looked to my middle. “May I?” She asked with such a cute smile I couldn’t refuse, the spark coming temporarily back to her eyes.

I nodded my head as I lifted the hoodie and very gently she placed her palms over the middle of my stomach, giving it a rub in slow circular motions, her eyes lighting up further when she felt the shifting and pressure against my abdomen as the baby moved to the new tender feminine touch of a mother rather than a band mate that easily outweighed you even when pregnant by least fifty pounds.

“You really are, oh hunny!” She cooed, wrapping her arms around me and pulled me flush to hers in another hug.

“Do you think Phil…Well do you think he will say?” I frowned, remembering Phil not very fond of his son having man on man love even if it was me.

“I’m not to sure Ville to tell the truth.” She admitted, the frown gracing her beautiful features once again. “Either way you’re still the man that makes our Bam the happiest we’ve ever seen him.” Pausing a moment put her hand back on my stomach “And this is still our grandchild.”

A tear slipped down my cheek at this woman’s kindness and I couldn’t help but hug her again, whispering a ‘thank you’ in her ear. We both glanced up at a loud grumbling noise and looked over to see Phil raiding the fridge wearing nothing but a pair of whitey tighty’s, scratching at his ass with his plumbers crack like a typical American male.

“Philip! Go put some clothes on, we have company.” April hissed, narrowing her eyes at her husband’s indecent exposure.

He let out a belch and turned around, holding a styrofoam box of whatever leftovers one of the guys had brought home. “It’s just Ville, he’s not company.” He shrugged, grabbing something else and went over to where the microwave was.

Least he meant it in the good way of I’m around a lot and considered family other than a stranger… or was meant it’s just me as in who cares what I think, I’m the fag that turned his son to a man lover. I frowned at the thought and she caught my eyes, giving my hand a pat.

“He didn’t mean it like that. Can I get you anything to eat or drink?” She smiled again, not moving from where she was unless she needed to, going into mother mode.

“I think I’ve lost my appetite” I smiled and she laughed, completely understanding as we both shared a glance back at Phil who was again itching at his butt. “But I will have some water though.”

She nodded her head and led me over to the kitchen table, sitting me down in one of the chairs and got one of the large glasses from the cabinet, topping it off with ice and fresh water from the cooler. She took the seat perpendicular to mine, her eyes easily readable and full of questions.

We chatted for the longest bit with many interruptions of my bathroom breaks, the baby sitting low on my bladder not helping all the glasses of water I had drank. I sighed as I sat back down relieved but also that I had a little moment to think to myself.

“I think I’m going to go back to Finland.” I told her, lowering my eyes to the table not have to see her disappointment. She surprisingly stayed quiet and surely understood how homesick I must be, spending nearly three months out here. “Only for a little while though; catch up on some things at home.”

“Ville? Who all knows about your pregnancy?” She asked suddenly, making me glance back up at her despite the feeling in my gut.

“You, Ryan, Bam of course, and the rest of the band.” I said, my look quizzical.

“Just wondering.” She shrugged. “Do you think you’ll tell anybody at home?” She said and even though the questions felt like harassment I knew she meant no harm, only being worried for her other boy.

“I really don’t know.” I shrugged, lowering my eyes to stare at a chip from the table, most likely one of Bam’s or Novak’s doing. “Since Bam left I haven’t really thought about much other than him returning and things being okay again.”

“Bam always has been one that runs from his fears but he’s never gone long. He’ll be back hunny. If it’s anybody he’d stake his own life for it’d be you.” She smiled and took my hand, giving it a squeeze.

“Thank you again April, you’re too kind to me.” I said gratefully and smiled, getting emotional from all this sweet talk. Normally I wouldn’t but four months pregnant is a pretty good damn excuse.

“I’m a mother.” She blushed, hiding her face behind her mug of tea she had made for herself earlier. “And within the next five months, you will be to.”

“I certainly am not a woman!” I defended and we met eyes, both bursting out laughing.

To Be Continued...

A/N: leave me some love but you're all good at that so no worries heh <33
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