Chapter Two

Nov 16, 2006 01:11

Title: Hungry Like The Wolf
Chapter: 2/?
Fandom: Avenged Sevenfold/Bleeding Through
Pairing: Matt/Zacky. Brandan/Mick. Matt/Brandan
Rating: R i guess
Word Count: 1,454
Summary: Who would've thought the spark of love could be rekindled after so many years apart.
Authors Notes: ive been in a werewolf kick lately so i wrote this. mentions of mpreg in later chapters.
Disclaimer: not real. never happend. never will. no sue. Title is all Duran Duran.

(Chapter One)


-*-*- Chapter Two -*-*-

Matt was awoken with a start when something strange and unfamiliar filled the air. He knew it yet he didn’t and it worried and angered him he couldn’t think of who or what it was. The smell of blood was still strong in the air and blocked out most of the other smells around the area, only knowing the other was there from the snap of a twig. Matt’s honey eyes made a quick sweep around the vicinity and with all four of his other pack mates accounted for he knew it was a strange wolf by the way its foot steps treaded and muffled sounds from thick pads on the bottom of it’s paws.

In his territory!

Matt leapt to his feet and bared his teeth in a snarl, ready to chase away the intruder and defend off what was rightfully his and had been for generations. Upon hearing the snarl Zack awoke and blinked his green eyes into focus, frowning at his lover curious what was wrong but the older wolf didn’t seem to notice him for the honey eyes were fixed on something across the clearing from the caribou carcass.

Something black sleeked across behind the trees, moving amazingly well for its large body, a graceful pace to its step. Again that was familiar to Matt, only confusing him more and getting angrier at the strange wolf. No wait, another one smaller and leaner of the same shade trailed just behind the large wolf.

Not just one but two!

Matt’s hackles stood on end and he raced off after the other wolves, determined to get them out of his territory, away from his meal and away from his pack. The others could defend themselves well in an attack but it was his responsibility to keep them safe and it’s what he was going to do.

He knew this area surely better than the other wolf and looped around to the left to cut the other one off in mid track, not even sure what it was doing since there was a clear path straight to them from the tree line.

He got around in front of the wolf and crouched low, waiting for it to come his way, pouncing with his fangs bared and claws ready when it was close enough to be in his line of sight. Matt was downwind of the strange wolf and wind was blowing away from him helping hide his scent; the other never saw it coming.

The black wolf was pummeled to the ground with a yip, baring its own teeth in defense. Stupid animal should’ve known what it had coming, trespassing through another’s territory without permission but it wasn’t a true wolf that roamed the forest along side with them, the look in the large chocolate eyes said that much.

“Matt!” It yipped, everything swimming in his mind so fast he backed away from the newcomer, the second one joining the first one moments later, licking at him tenderly most likely his mate.

“Brandan?” Matt questioned, cocking his head to the side in thought as his ears stood back up to listen, his tail slowly moving behind him. It was all coming back to him now. The smells, the eyes, how the wolf knew this territory when he thought it was a stranger. “It is you!” he smiled widely, pouncing on his best friend since puppy hood again but without the threat of ripping a chunk out.

All the commotion of yips, growls and howls of rejoice stirred the others, causing them to drift over to see what was going on, standing confused and lost watching Matt wrestling and happy at the newcomer rather than bits of him spread out on the ground.

“God I’ve missed you.” Brandan whined, rubbing his snout in Matt’s fur around his shoulder and sighed happily, feeling completely relaxed around his friend.

“Where have you been?” Matt frowned, having been so worried not hearing from his friend in years but still nestled the other back, licking over his dark face tenderly.

“After I left the pack and went out on my own I traveled for awhile.” Brandan said as he went on with his story, still returning nestles and the licks, ignoring the warning snarl from Zacky of who Matt belonged to. “I met my mate and ended up starting my own pack. Guess I just got caught up with it.”

Matt nodded, glancing to the other dark wolf that was half hiding shyly in the background though the white canines were in view of a growl but directed more at Zacky. “You’re safe though.” Matt cooed, closing his eyes and rested his head over Brandan’s shoulders to be close to his friend.

“Matt, you remember Mick don’t you? From the South Mountain Pack?” Brandan smiled proudly, stepping out of the way just enough so the other dark wolf could be seen.

“Mmhmm. He was the alphas nephew.” He smiled, the other two being older than he was but gave no obligation that said he couldn’t know them. “You two have any litters yet?”

Brandan laughed softly, sounding more like a choking rasp to humans but it was music to Matt’s ears in their language, having missed his friend so much. “No, not yet though we’re hoping for one come spring time when Denning season comes with the new moon.”

“Well mother above wish you best of luck” Matt piped up, nibbling and pulling a tuft of loose hair from Brandan’s neck in a grooming fashion.

“What about you? Any little ones of your own running around I should know about?” Brandan sighed as he leant against the other’s body for support, being so relaxed and comfortable not to mention he’d traveled a long way.

“None for us yet.” Matt shook his head, motioning Zacky over. “Zacky baby, this is my best friend Brandan, you’ve met him a few times. Brandan you remember Zack.” Matt smiled as he stepped to the side like Brandan had earlier, allowing the two to become reacquainted.

Zacky let out a low, threatening growl at Brandan and took more steps closer to Matt, ready to show who was boss in this area when it came to mates, Mick taking up the same defense to defend his own mate and pulled up closer to Brandan.

Matt glanced to Zack at how his mate was reacting to the new comers but turned his attention back to Brandan instead. “So why were you sneaking around in the background when we were right there in the open?”

Brandan laughed softly again, sitting back on his haunches, playfully swatting at Matt with his paw. “I actually didn’t see you from where I was. I only saw and smelled the remains of the deer. I was following your trail you left on the path to the hunt back towards the manor.”

Matt nodded and laughed as well, fully understanding and believing his friends reasoning and even if he had been lying he would’ve been able to smell it in the air. “Yes I still own the manor and you’ve traveled a long way; come back with us and have a rest but first, be my guest to a full belly.” Matt smiled, motioning towards the deer in the distance.

“I took down my own shortly before so I’m not hungry. Thank you for the offer though” Brandan smiled back, flashing his whites, stealing a moment to flick his tongue across Matt’s nose.

Matt whined softly as he stood and turned back the direction of his home, allowing Brandan to stand shoulder to shoulder with him as an equal rather than playing Alpha to the newbie. This infuriated Zacky, another snarl rumbling up from his throat and his coat bristled up along with his hackles, walking stiffly behind the two to follow them home, ignoring the glances from the rest of his pack.

“So if you have no litter who is in your pack?” Matt asked as he glanced at his friend, the smile still in his honey eyes because in truth their friendship went a lot deeper than some would think.

“Mostly strays looking for a home that were chased away from their own pack or left on their own for unknown reasons but Mick left on his own will. In total there are six of us but I’ll still gladly accept newbie’s who want to join.” Brandan spoke with intelligence, turning his chocolate eyes to the other wolf.

“Very kind of you Brands” Matt smiled widely, referring to the older wolf by his old nickname, coming to a stop at the edge of the tree line, a large manor in view of the horizon. “And we’re home.”

To Be continued...

a/n: leave me some love
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