Optimal Optimizing, how to change:
File Size: 48.6KB ... to ... File Size: 36.6KB
Optimal Viewing: 2-up view
This is my preferred type of viewing, the 2-Up view. It allows you to see the original animation and the optimized version so that it helps you compare the quality.
To select the 2-Up view you just have to click the tab at the top of the file window.
This view shows you the file size (outlined in red) and other bits of information.
Finding the Optimize Settings
This is probably the hardest bit, actually finding the optimize window.
In the standard view, this window:
Should be in the top-right of the screen. If it isn't then you should probably freak out now (you can ask for help about this in the comments).
Click the Tab (outlined in red) that reads: "Optimize"
The Optimize Settings in a Nutshell
At this point, you basically have free reign. But I suggest that you at least read about what some of the settings do.
Click the arrows next to the settings to expand out all of the sections.
This is what the Settings Panel looks like. And here is my explanation of what the important things mean.
Preset:- there are a variety of preset settings in the drop-down list, I usually leave it on GIF 128 Dithered for starters, but as soon as I change the settings below it changes to [unnamed] (which basically means custom settings).
Format:- unless you don't want your animation to animate then I STRONGLY suggest you leave it on GIF
Color Table:- This section has 3 settings:
Reduction: has 4 variable reduction types
Perceptual- blocky and low detail
Selective- higher detail, slightly grainy
Adaptive- (my personal favorite) higher detail and low grain
Restrictive- very blocky and minimal detail
Colors: I prefer to manually lower the number by typing in my own, so that I can remove the least amount of colors. Higher number of colors means higher detail.
Web Snap: Probably the best way to reduce colors, it removes the least used colors first.
0%= all colors
100% = minimal but optimal colors.
Dither:- This section has 3 settings:
Method: There are 3 types of Dither
Diffusion- (my personal favorite) slightly grainy but the best of the three
Pattern- creates a crosshatch pattern, I never use it because it generally doesn't lower file size
Noise- grainy and I never use it because it doesn't lower file size
Amount: This is only really used for the Diffusion type
0%= less grainy and color is blocked together
100% = looks grainy and pixilised
The Rest of the Settings
The Transparency and Options settings I generally don't worry about since I don't make transparent animations and the Options settings only seem to increase file size.
My Final Settings
Save Optimized As
Go to File > Save Optimized As (outlined in red) to export it.
And your Finished!
Well, I hope this tutorial was helpful to someone. If there is something that you don't understand or my wording is just way too confusing then comment and I can explain or change it.