Long lost crushes should sometimes stay lost...and sometimes not

Dec 17, 2008 20:44

Tonight was my sister's first school band concert. She started the clarinet in October, and by the middle of December, she can play a passable "Good King Wensecslause". Brava for her ( Read more... )

crush, love, band, school

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Comments 16

x_lamia December 18 2008, 02:42:15 UTC
What's she play? =]
& who was the crush? ;D


crazywriterchic December 20 2008, 00:29:53 UTC
She's a clari-ma-net-ist, like us was! Woot! (You should see the size of the high school band! There are only like 20 people!)

I give you hint: male flutist on tech crew.


x_lamia December 20 2008, 00:34:54 UTC
C-NET! WOOT WOOT! Wow o_o Seriously? Or exaggeration? rofl
Uuh. I lose o.o;


crazywriterchic December 21 2008, 20:17:14 UTC
No, I mean seriously, there were maybe 25--30 people. It was so friggin' tiny. They are the suck!


quicksilvermad December 18 2008, 03:37:08 UTC
Oh man.

I know you're going to think this sounds cliche or useless, but I know exactly how you feel. I'm 22, I've never had a boyfriend, I've never been on a date or had someone buy me a drink, I've never even been kissed, and I'm terrified that I'm going to end up as the crazy aunt who has five dogs and goes grey at 30.

I'm terrified I'll end up alone.

I want love. Hell, I just want a man to grab me and kiss the daylights out of me just to I can know what it feels like. Because right now, I'm numb. I see my sister, happy with her husband (one of the greatest guys I've ever met-he may be my brother-in-law, but I consider him my brother) and two beautiful babies with a third on the way very soon and I just...

I feel hopeless.

So from one terribly lonely person to another I'll simply offer up a *HUG* and offer you some room to relax in this boat we're sitting in.


crazywriterchic December 20 2008, 00:34:26 UTC
I feel ya, babe. Not only does the hopelessness set in, but the belief that maybe there's something truly wrong with you. Maybe there is something broken inside that you just can't feel that kind of emotion, which brings on another whole set of anxieties and worries. And everyone I know my age either has a boyfriend/girlfriend or a fiance or is already married or something, and here I am like a lump. Two of my cousins, neither much older than me, got married this year, one got married last summer and is having her first baby in the spring, and two more are getting married in 09--one of whom is a little younger than me! Not by much, but still, it's the principle.


We should have some rum on this boat. With little umbrellas. And we'll go play shuffle board on the poop deck!


theneis December 18 2008, 17:04:02 UTC
Honey, it took me 34 years to find my soulmate and it was worth the wait. When it's meant to be, it will happen.


crazywriterchic December 20 2008, 00:35:24 UTC
Thanks for the encouragement. I try not to get discouraged, but it just gets so friggin' lonely sometimes, you know?


theneis December 20 2008, 05:25:51 UTC
Yes, I do. But just be patient and you'll find the right person. Hell, I found my right person on LJ because of Firefly Fanfiction! You NEVER know. *hugs*


felsong December 19 2008, 06:48:01 UTC
Wow..you've been getting many words of encouragement. If it helps any, I'm 20 and I haven't had a boyfriend or been on a date. I've been asked out a few times, and have been crushed on a few times as well..but they never work out coz I'm not interested.

I'm starting to think if perhaps I'm being too picky and am deluding myself into thinking that Prince Charming will come and sweep me off my feet one day.

Well, look at it on the bright side, at least you have someone you (may or may not) have a crush on! There's hope for you yet! I don't even fancy anyone..never really had a crush (besides on storybook characters, and they don't count.) on anyone either..so you've got a better bargain.=)

Like Quicksilvermad, I'm afraid I'll end up alone and miserable (never been kissed, romanced etc.) but I'll try to look on the bright side by listening to what Neisys said..


crazywriterchic December 20 2008, 00:37:31 UTC
Heh, think this is why we write fantacy? We're creating our own Prince Charming--and he has a seahorse tattoo on his hip! LOL!


x_lamia December 24 2008, 00:07:22 UTC
Thanks for the wrongcard, I appropriately lol'd inappropriately.


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