i'm now a barrista at borders! i'm excited, come and visit me and i'll make you hot chocolate.
i also just wanted it to be known that last night i had a dream in which my mom got me a stocking full of dental dams for christmas. it created possibly the most awkward moment of my non-waking life. i just smiled and said "....thanks. i...needed these
i love that i watch the view every tuesday morning. and then my dad comes home for lunch and we watch "who wants to be a millionare" together and make fun of the people who lose on the $100 question. tv is the only connection i have with most people.
"i want to die. it would be so pleasant to die now. You were about to strangle me. why didnt you?" "you arent to joke about it. But i do feel a little like strangling someone." "Oh? thank you." she arched her long throat. "It's thin. You should have no trouble."