I'm bored. You all know what happens when I get bored.

Jun 26, 2010 17:14

Anyway, my fandom of the week is pissing me off (would it kill people to warn for WsIP? No, it would not. Also, apparently some fandoms do not believe in character consistency. It baffles me) and so, as a teaser for the summerfest we started planning last week but haven't ACTUALLY figured out yet, I offer the following suggestion:

Prompts and comment responses, y/mfy?

Here are the rules, as determined entirely arbitrarily by me, just now.

1. You get to post one word to prompt a response.

That word can be in any language, but it has to be a word. No numbers or phrases or things made entirely of non-letter characters. You may, if you wish, include a translation of your word prompt, but this isn't required.

Responses may use your prompt in the intended language, or in any other language in which it appears as a word, even if the definition is not shared.

2. The prompt goes at the end of your own response, which can be to any other existing prompt, regardless of whether the prompt you choose has already gotten a reply.

3. You get the space of one comment to respond, whether that response is a ficlet, art, a recs link-list, a playlist, or some other response that I haven't thought of yet.

4. If your ficlet runs unexpectedly long or your response somehow won't fit in a comment, you do have the option of posting on another journal and linking, but any post must be unlocked; in addition, you have to post your own prompt in the comments here, so that the comm can see it.

5. You may respond and prompt as many times as you like, and there is no limit on the number of responses to a given prompt. HOWEVER. Please use the prompt you have chosen for a response as the subject of your comment, along with the response type [fic, art, recs, music, etc.]

6. Responses containing fanworks should be made as comments to the POST, rather than to the comment containing the prompt.

Hopefully this will keep all the fanwork responses on the first level of comments, and then any squeeing or praise or flailing as nested replies to those.


Right. I think that's it. I have, because I am arbitrary and shit, decided on five prompts to get us started. From here on out, you'll need to respond before adding another prompt, and I will follow the same rules as everyone else. Fair enough? Good.


* uniform

* rouge

* explode

* amicus

* cunnian


admin: challenge

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