Log Dump: Surprise visit!

Jun 29, 2008 00:48

Sarah: Will is out, and not expected to be home for a few more hours, and Sarah is relaxed on the couch with a book, Anna asleep in her rocking chair a few feet away.

Megatron: Outside, there is the sound of a jet. It gets closer and closer and closer, not your ordinary fly over by any means. In fact, the noise literally rattles the house...then abruptly -stops-...right in Sarah's backyard. Car alarms chirp and neighbors peek out windows and doors, but they see nothing. Inside Sarah's house, the phone rings.

Sarah: "What the..." Sarah frowns, getting up and grabbing the phone with a sigh, "...okay, which one of you is it? And please tell me no one saw you...there'll be enough questions as it is."

Megatron: "Megatron." As if that explains all.

Sarah: "Where are you?" she asks, almost afraid to hear the answer; it's not that she doesn't want a visit from him, but that she's afraid her neighbors will find out her connection with the Cybertronians.

Megatron: "Outside." And then there's a knock on her backdoor.

Sarah: Shaking her head with a slight smile, she hangs up the phone and opens the back door, relieved to not see an interstellar jet, "So...come in!"

Megatron: The jet can't be seen, but its there, crushing her lawn. However, Megatron's holo!form stands on the back porch, wearing a sunny yellow tank (with a daisy on the front) and a pair of matching pajama shorts. Obviously, he put some thought into what attire was appropriate for going out. "Hello, Sarah," he says in a throaty female voice.

Sarah: Looking more closely, she can see in the grass where his alt mode is, and grimaces slightly; they'd just gotten it to look decent. Sarah smiles at her and lets 'her' in, "Never would have pictured you in such sunny attire, Megatron."

Megatron: A slight frown passes across his/her face and he glances down at his clothing as he steps through the door. "Is there something wrong with my attire?"

Sarah: "No, not at all!" Sarah is quick to add, smoothing down her skirt, "It's just...really cheerful. Not something I thought I'd ever imagine you wearing."

Megatron: In holo form it's so much easier to read the expression on a Cybertronian's face and Megatron's obviously says, "What's that supposed to mean?" He makes his way further inside, making no attempt to hide the fact that he is surveying Sarah's new house as if it might be a battleground. "Is it smaller than your old base?" he asks. "It seems smaller."

Sarah: "House, actually, and it is, but not by much. We decided we didn't really need all that land and we got a pretty good amount of money off of it to boot!" she decides to drop it and asks, "...do you want a tour?"

Megatron: Looks around some more and nods slowly. "Certainly. I haven't spent much time inside a human home."

Sarah: She smiles and holds her arms out, "Well, this is the kitchen here, and the dining room." The rooms are divided by a small bar and are decorated in cheery colors, and there's a small bouquet of roses on the table, just starting to wilt.

Megatron: "Humans enjoy dead flowers? How bizarre," Megatron notes, following Sarah though the house. "It seems so..small to me. But to you, I guess it isn't."

Sarah: "They're pretty until they wilt; Will gave them to me on a whim a few days ago," she smiles softly at the memory, leading him into another room, "This is the living room...Anna won't wake up for another good hour, probably." The rocker is still going, the baby blissfully asleep.

Megatron: Megatron only gives the small human a glance, as if the baby might be part of the furniture. He does do a doubletake however, at the rocker. Peeling off from Sarah, he heads over, a curious glint in those strange brownish colored eyes. "What -is- this contraption?"

Sarah: Sarah follows him over, keeping her voice quiet, "It's a rocker. The motion helps her sleep."

Megatron: "So it's not a torture device?" He pokes at the rocker with a small finger.

Sarah: ".....a /torture/ device?"

Megatron: Looks up, confused. It was an honest question. "...what? I don't know what you humans to do discipline your young."

Sarah: "No, we're very careful with babies. Here, let's let her sleep, and I'll show you the upstairs..." Sarah smiles, heading for the stairs.

Megatron: "Oh." He gives Annabelle another look, and follows Sarah upstairs.

Sarah: When she reaches the top, she goes into the first door on the left, pointing in, "This is mine and Will's room, and in here's the bathroom and closet. I /love/ the garden tub..."

Megatron: ".....garden tub?" He has to look it up and still doesn't get it. Humans, they're so...strange.

Sarah: "I don't know why they call it that, but it's /wonderful/...anyways," she leaves that room, pointing into the one just across the hallway, "that's the guest room, though we just use it for storage and the computer right now.

Megatron: Stares at the tub some more, making a few mental notes. He likes tubs and baths...especially hot baths. The guest room earns only a quick glance. It's not nearly as interesting as the baby swing or garden tub. "What's down there?" he asks, pointing down the hall.

Sarah: "Another bedroom, also being used for storage, and the guest bathroom is right here, " she smiles. "And...that's about it besides the garage downstairs."

Megatron: Megatron stands in the hallway, assessing the new dwelling. Slowly, he nods as if he's found it suitable. "So the young sleeps in that swinging device?"

Sarah: Sarah shakes her head, "She sleeps in her crib, in our room. The rocker is really meant for naps."

Megatron: He makes a face. "She naps...in that moving thing? How, by the name of Primus, is that comfortable?"

Sarah: "It just...is, for babies, for some reason. The motion is calming." All of a sudden, a loud wail sounds from the living room, and she sighs, heading down the stairs, "She's awake. I'd hoped she'd stay out longer...maybe the rocker stopped."

Megatron: He follows her back downstairs, scowling as the sound grates on his audials. So noisy. "How long do they do this for?" he shouts over the noise. Because Primus help him, if he were human, he'd bury his young in the backyard.

Sarah: As soon as she sees the rocker, she sighs again, "Yep, the rocker stopped. I knew it." Sarah moves over quickly to start it up again, Annabelle calming down as soon as the rocker starts moving again.

Megatron: ".................."
Megatron: He has the most perplexed look on his face at the moment.

Sarah: She laughs quietly, patting his arm, "Let's go into the kitchen."

Megatron: Still frowning at the baby and the chair, he follows her into the kitchen and finds a place to sit down. "You could've lived with us. There's plenty of room...or will be...once we get the rust under control."

Sarah: "I know we could have, Megatron, and for a little bit, I seriously considered it, but it wouldn't have been the best place to raise a baby or to let family visit us." She leans on the counter, resting her chin in her hand.

Megatron: "Hm...I suppose I can see your point." That and he couldn't deal with such a noisy creature. "Though your family knows of us, right?"

Sarah: Sarah nods, "My parents and my brother do, but we have other family as well, and besides that, there's no way my mother would ever visit the base."

Megatron: He frowns again. "Your mother? Why not? No one will harm her...I think."

Sarah: "...she...doesn't trust most of you," she answers honestly, frowning herself.

Megatron: "...smart female," he concedes. Looking around the kitchen, his frown deepens a bit more. "Do you have all you need for this new place?"

Sarah: "I was going to do some shopping tomorrow, pick up a blender and a few other things plus groceries, but after that, we'll have everything we need. Why?" curious, she tilts her head to one side slightly.

Megatron: "Mmm, no reason, I suppose. Furnishing new quarters has always been tedious for me, I was merely curious if it was the same for humans." The holo looks around the kitchen, then indicates the vase with the flowers in the dining room. "You seem to have many useless things. Is this a common custom?"

Sarah: "Sentimental value, really." Sarah knows he isn't trying to be rude, so she shrugs it off. "The flowers are just Will's way of showing that he was thinking of me."

Megatron: "Your mate shows his appreciation by giving you half dead flowers?" His brow furrows. "Interesting..."

Sarah: She smiles, shrugging slightly, "They're pretty."

Megatron: "If you say so." He really has no opinion on the beauty or lack there of for flowers. "What other strange customs do you celebrate? It seems like humans have holidays for everything..."

Sarah: "Well, let's see...it's June right now...the closest one is July 4th, celebrating our country gaining its indepence from Britain. After that, I think the next big one is Halloween in October."

Megatron: There's an odd pause, the holo's eyes getting a distant look. After a moment, she blinks and Megatron speaks again. "According to the internet, the next holiday is UFO day on the 24th day of this month. And after that, it is...chocolate pudding day?" Looks at Sarah for explanation.

Sarah: "....what? I've never heard of those!" She laughs, straightening up and moving to pull a soda out of the fridge.

Megatron: "You haven't?" The holo frowns, obviously confused. "I'm reading a list off of an internet site. It clearly states these are holidays celebrated in June."

Sarah: "...well, that doesn't mean everyone knows about them. There's a holiday for practically everything, but most people only celebrate the more well-known ones," Sarah pops the tab of her soda and takes a big swallow, shrugging.

Megatron: "Such as?" Megatron watches her drink the soda, eyeing the can.

Sarah: She pauses, thinking, then sets her can down to count on her fingers, "Let's see...Independence Day, Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve..."

Megatron: "....humans enjoy celebrations, it seems. You do seem to celebrate everything." He shakes his head slightly. "I'm surprised you don't celebrate the changing of homes."

Sarah: "We're very social creatures. And actually...we do. Housewarming parties. They aren't as common as they used to be anymore, though," she smiles and checks the clock, "Oh, need to start dinner..."

Megatron: "...housewarming?" There's a pause and that distant look once more in the holo's eyes. "Your house seems adequately warm for your species at the moment," he continues with a blink.

Sarah: Sarah stares at him for a moment, pausing in her task of digging out a pan from a cupboard, "Not literally, silly. It's...having friends come over, and it makes the house feel more...comfortable, more like...home. It's hard to explain."

Megatron: "But it is your ho..." He cuts off abruptly, then nods slowly. "I think I can understand...living in a new place and being uncomfortable."

Sarah: She nods, "I've actually gotten pretty used to it. Since I married Will, we've moved three times due to him transferring stations."

Megatron: "Hm. So you have many friends to warm your houses, I take it?"

Sarah: "Most of my old friends, I've fallen out of touch with," she admits, filling the pan with water and setting it to boil, "so, I haven't thrown one since my first move."

Megatron: "That's...unfortunate. You should talk to Prime and the others...I'm certain they'd enjoy a party to warm your house."

Sarah: "...but...where would everyone...park?" Sarah pulls out a box of spaghetti noodles and a tupperware container from the freezer with leftover spaghetti sauce.

Megatron: "...wherever they want?" The holo tilts her head slightly, frowning. "Are your neighbors not generous?"

Sarah: Shaking her head, she sighs, "It's...not that. It's the fact that not all of you are cars, and jets and shuttles don't just park on the street."

Megatron: "The backyard?"

Sarah: Sarah glances out the back window, spotting the marks where Megatron's alt is, even if she can't see him, "You barely fit, Megatron."

Megatron: ".....Hn. Well, I'm sure we could think of something." The holo yawns, then scowls as if the pre-programmed action is annoying. "I'll speak with Prime on the matter, if you like."

Sarah: "You would...I mean, of course, if you can find a way to not blow your cover..." she stammers slightly, checking on her food.

Megatron: Honestly, he fails to see why they should hide, but keeps that to himself. "I imagine we could... It really shouldn't be a problem." The holo stands, and stretches.

Sarah: Sarah blinks, "Oh. Uh. Well...I know you can't eat, but...do you want to stay for dinner? Will should be home in about fifteen minutes."

Megatron: The holo shakes her head. "No, I should be getting back. I'm in need of a recharge, I think...and Prime is probably wondering where I've gone off to."

Sarah: "Thank you for visiting me, then," she smiles, hugging the holo warmly, "I'll try to stop by the base sometime soon."

Megatron: "......" The holo stiffens slightly, not hugging back but not protesting either. After a few seconds, he squirms his way loose and backs away. "It isn't a problem, and you should. I'm sure you're missed."

Sarah: Sarah shakes her head slightly at his reaction, then sobers a bit, "...any word on the missing yet?"

Megatron: The holo's face goes stony. "No. Not yet. Hopefully soon."

Sarah: "Hopefully." She bites her lip, crossing her arms over her chest in a kind of self-hug.

Megatron: "Aren't humans supposed to have more faith than that?" The holo cocks an arched brow at Sarah. "We will find them. And whoever is behind this will pay."

Sarah: "Yeah. Yeah, you're right. They'll be okay."

Megatron: "Ironhide is a seasoned warrior. He'll be fine, I'm certain." The holo starts to flicker and there's the faint whine of jet engines in the backyard. "Besides, he has that damnable Autobot tenacity to thwart death at every turn," he finishes with a faint smile.

Sarah: She smiles back, "I'm not just worried about him, but thank you."

Megatron: Again, the holo flickers and starts to fade. "See you soon, Sarah Lennox," a very non-human, deep, metallic voice replies.

Sarah: "See you," Sarah waves as the holo fades.

Megatron: The house starts to shake as the jet engines flare, then there's a loud boom that fades as Megatron flies off back to base.

sarah, megatron, log

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