Log time.

Jul 01, 2008 19:12

Megatron is busy trying to distract himself from the worry over this new 'meme'. He's cleaning up some databanks and updating his 'to do lists'. Ask Bumblebee about schematics, get patrol reports from Starscream, check up on Bombshell, let Blast Off out of box, call Amazon.com about late order, and so on. He comes across a note and blinks. 'Get tune up'. That's right....he'd almost forgotten...again. He opens a com link. ::Pointblank? Are you busy?::
Pointblank has been working almost nonstop on these new weapons, despite the Galvitron threat being gone. ::Not at all Megatron sir. How may I help you?:: Does not remember the tune up at all. Too little recharge.
::I seem to recall a discussion about a diagnostic for my weapons system. Do you have time now?::
::Ah yes, I remember. Now would be perfect.::
::Very well. Where should I meet you?::
::My lab will do best. Everything I need is here.:; Sends cords along.
::On my way.:: And he is. Heading down the hallway at a good pace until he reaches the lab and walks inside. Typical Megatron not to chime the door. Manners aren't really his forte.
Catches Pointblank moving a few things around, most notably a lead box. "Oh hello Megatron. I didn't hear you at the door." setting down the last of his lead boxes, motioning towards the empty berth. "Please have a seat over there."
He glances at the box, but other than that doesn't ask about its contents. He's learned to stay away from seemingly innocuous boxes and containers inside labs (thanks Starscream). Heads over to the empty berth and slides onto it, his face a bit tense.
Makes his way over, taking one of the boxes with him, placing it on the berth next to Megatron. "So, when was the last time you had a tune up, sir?" Bright smile from the scientist.
Now he arches an optic ridge at the box, then at Pointblank. "Mmm, honestly? I haven't had a decent tune up since I left Cybertron." In other words, a long time. "Hook checked me over once, but I was in a hurry."
Moves over and grabs what looks like some very small brushes. Well small to a transformer. "That long? Wow. And when was the last time you fired your cannon?"
He thinks for a moment. "A couple weeks ago. When Prime and I went target shooting. It seemed to work alright. Nothing out of the ordinary."
"Well at least it is still functioning." Looks up and down at Megatron. "Where is the main connection area of the system? I'm going to start by cleaning that area out."
"Main connection?" He frowns deeper, then holds out his left arm. "The transformation sequence that queues the cannon is here. It links directly to my fusion core...which is located beneath my plasma engines." In other-words, the fusion core is accessed through either his chassis or his back. Neither place he's very comfortable exposing.
"Okay then. I will start here and work my way towards the fusion core. I will have to open you up. The tritium build up must be little, but whatever there is must be disposed of. This shouldn't hurt." Grabs one of the brushes and begins his work, opening Megatron's arm slowly and scrubbing some areas.
Shouldn't hurt? Alright. He can deal with that. Maybe. Well, he should be able to if it does hurt. I mean, he's a war machine, a little trip to the doctor's is a drop in the bucket. Right? Megatron sports a very worried frown as he watches Pointblank work at his arm. His arm is tense, tense, tense--just like the rest of him.
Pointblank can feel how tense Megatron is. "Don't be so tense. Makes this a little harder to do." Works slowly and as painlessly as possible. As he goes on he tosses a few of the brushes into the lead box he brought over. Moving on he has made it to the shoulder, now on the third brush. "Could you activate the sequence? It maybe easier if you were in that mode to work on you."
Relaxing is easier said than done. As of late, he's had too many people fiddling with his innards and he's a bit, pardon the pun, gun shy of the whole experience. He does try, however, intakes shuddering with what could be a terse sigh. "You want me to activate it? In here?" Sounds a bit surprised.
"Well at least transform into that form. Could you do that but not fire?" Relaxing would make Pointblank a whole lot less nervous. Working on a superior isn't that fun, cause messing up could be hazardous to his life.
Megatron nods and looks around the room. "Ah...do you have something the gun can rest on. It's quite large and awkward to hold idle for a long period of time...."
"Good point." Heads over and clears his main table off, dragging it over to Megatron. "Will this work? I had forgotten how big your gun was and didn't plan for this part."
Megatron nods, and queues the sequence. Both his hands meld to form the large cannon, which automatically whines as it connects to the fusion core and starts to power up. "....it has no 'off switch', so to speak. The queue signals my battle system, which in turn routes power to the fusion core once the weapon is engaged." This is his way of saying, 'Sorry I can't turn it off.' He carefully rests the gun on the table with a 'thunk'.
Takes note of the 'no off switch'. Moves closer and takes his time opening the gun and cleaning out the connections circuits. Continues through until he gets closer to the core. "Do you mind if I go into the core? I want to make sure this is thorough. It also gives me a chance to see if there are any other problems that may have occurred from fighting."
There's a bit of hesitation, but he finally nods. A second sequence activates, revealing a panel just beneath his thrusters along his back. His engines are here, along with the fusion core. "It might be...warm in there. And I would avoid the bundle of red wires and black circuit boards if I were you."
"I will." Takes his time looking into the fusion core, taking the brush to a few places and tossing them into the lead box. Runs a few scans over the system. "It looks like everything is okay. The power output of the fusion core is lower than I had expected. It appears that your plasma engines are using some of the power. Very useless in this form, if you don't mind me saying."
"It's a backup mechanism in case their regular power source fails. The fusion power will let me get to the ground safely if I happen to be in flight. I don't know why it would constantly be drawing energy from the fusion core though."
"Oh in that case it isn't useless. But besides that everything seems okay. But I want to run something by you about your fusion system." Grabs some blueprints that are nearby. "Prime has most likely shown you the gun I gave him. He mentioned something about you and I got to thinking about integrating that system into yours. Are you interested?"
Megatron studies the blueprints, looking interested indeed. However, he looks at Pointblank with a bit of confusion. But my weapons system is already built into my mainframe, and my body. It also has a...hn..." Trails off, looking back at the blueprints.
"Has a what? As for integrating the system, it is simple. Your fusion system doesn't use any power from the plasma engines. I could make the connection loop in a way. Both systems will be able to feed off of each other. I do have a few more ideas, but those will take some more research before I try those out. Overall, the power of the cannon could increase by about 1000%. Beyond it's max power already."
"By how much?"
"Really." It's more a statement than a question.
"Yup. There will be some hazards when using it, but nothing life threatening. Unless you fire it in about 4 successive shots. But all in all, it will work."
"Hmm, it'll only allow four shots, then what? Do I have to wait for it to charge again?"
"Since those are your two main energy systems, after the 4th shot I would calculate that a forced recharge would be next. The system can't recharge that fast. But trust me, you won't need all of those shots. And if you do, you are doing something wrong."
He frowns again, obviously thinking. "I see. How fast does it recharge? If I'm fighting multiple enemies and need my main gun, I can't be left a sitting duck while I wait for things to heat up again." Decepticons are very particular about their weapons, or at least Megatron is.
"If firing at full power and as fast as you could, I would say it would take about 5 minutes to fire another shot. But if you were in that kind of situation, to fire at full power would not be suggested. You can control how much power you put into the gun, so you don't have to fire it at maximum all the time."
He nods again, thinking. "Not so different than what I have now, except more powerful. So, how would this effect, say, a subspace reroutal portal?"
"A subspace what?"
He knew the question was coming. "Part of my weapons system is sub-dimensionally linked to drain power from a specific space vortex. Humans call them, black holes, I think. It allows me to utilize anitmatter power and form a very, very, -very- large blast. However, one shot is all it's good for, as it drains my all my systems to near stasis lock levels." Yeah, he is literally a walking bomb! Fun!
"..." Pointblank just blinks at Megatron. He goes and grabs a datapad and punches somethings into it and begins his staring contest with the datapad. After a few minutes he looks up at Megatron. "This is a specific shot that you do, yes?"
"I don't do it often, but yes. One shot. I believe I've used it twice in my life so far and the technology was gained from an corner of the galaxy planet shortly after the war started. Once to blow up a moon in the Orinus Sector and here when that Sector Seven monstrosity attacked us." He watches Pointblank curiously.
Stares back directly into Megatron's optics. "If I do add this system in, don't ever combine it with that blast."
Blinks, optic ridges rising. "I wouldn't. It probably wouldn't be necessary to do so." He pauses, and finally just has to ask out of morbid curiosity. "What would happen if I did?"
"There would be nothing left. Of you or anything on this planet. Earth would be gone. Half of the moon would be vaporized. Even if you were far enough away to survive the blast, you would still die. The fusion core would melt down and explode, along with your plasma engine."
Long, long pause. ".....well, that would be unpleasant."
Takes a step back. "I would imagine so. But besides that it is fine."
Nods slowly. "Not surprising, actually. Which is why I asked. But if this new system you wish to install won't mingle with that aspect of my weapons system, I don't see why I shouldn't get the upgrade. If I limit my power, it won't tax my systems, correct?"
"Correct. Limit the power and everything will be perfectly fine."
"Very well. When should we do this? Do you need time to prepare?"
"I will need to get the proper tools and create a program that will allow you to affect the fusion core and plasma engine's link with great ease. How about I comm you when I am ready?"
Megatron hops off the table and gives Pointblank a nod. "That'll be fine with me."
Puts away the blueprints and closes up the lead box. "Then we are done for today sir. I will make this my top priority."
"Very well. Your hard work is appreciated." He heads for the door, already planning a trip to try out his soon to be upgraded weapons.
"Thank you sir." Give a little salute as Megatron exits. Now he has to find a way to dispose of the radioactive material, as well as integrate a plasma engine with a fusion core.

If you had passed by Pointblank's lab in the past few days all you would have heard would be cursing and what would be things being thrown across the room. Megatron's upgrades weren't as easy as he thought. But now after a week of work, everything was complete. Now for the fun part. :: Megatron, sir, are you available?:;
*There's a moment of pause* ::Ah, yes. What do you need?::
::Everything is ready for your upgrades sir. If you could please come by when you are ready, we may commence with them.::
*Another pause* ::....is it possible to bring them to the medical bay?::
::It should be no problem. I will be over in a few.:: *and thus he begins packing everything that he will need and heads over the medbay, wondering why Megatron is in there this time.*
*It's not like he -enjoys- visiting the medbay. He'd prefer never to see the place again. Alas, fate seems to have a funny way of twining his destiny around the medical facilities. So he sits and waits on his berth, not having much else to do for the time being.*
*goes inside without even thinking of knocking and finds Megatron on the berth* Ah hello sir. *goes over and starts setting up*
*He nods at Pointblank stiffly. He's got at least four new welds in his shoulders and abdominal area that look fresh.* That didn't seem to take you too long. You work quickly.
*isn't paying enough attention to Megatron to notice, yet.* Not that fast. I just love my work. Gives me something to do since the war is over. *picks up a datapad and some other tools that would look very weird to Megatron and stands next to him looking down* If you don't mind me asking, why are you in the Medbay?
*He seems to perk up a bit, listening intently.* It's refreshing to see mechs finding things to do without having to be led about by the olfactory sensors. *He glances at the tools, optic ridges forming a slight frown. Sorry, Pointblank, he's a bit jumpy around strange tools, it's nothing personal.* Why am I here? Hn...let it be known that spooking the Prime is a very, very bad idea.
*Oh he knows it isn't personal. Pointblank would be scared of the tools too.* Spooking the Prime is a bad idea? *looks over Megatron and notices the welds.* It would seem so. Are you capable of activating your gun? Or would it be better if I accessed your fusion engine through your back?
*That's not a very comforting thought. Good thing Megatron isn't privy to that information. He looks away from the tools, still frowning. Wordlessly, he indicates his back, as activating his gun would place a lot of strain on the newly healing welds. Panels slide open back there without needing to be asked.* Hmmm, I wouldn't advise it. Despite his gentle nature, Optimus can be quite ferocious when he feels like he's threatened.
*moves around to gain access to his back and begins opening a few hatches and working on the connection* Trust me I know. Seeing him out on the battlefield was one pit of a sight. *you can hear some sizzling as wires are spliced and reconnected. Gently of course.*
*Megatron stiffens as his back is fiddled with. Components back there are sensitive and he's twitchy as things are touched and fiddled with. He cranes his neck, as if to try and watch.* Mmm, he's a worthy opponent. He's even more terrifying when startled... *grunts to himself* ...remind me never to let him watch any horror movies or listen to scary stories again.
*makes a last connection and closes that side of the connection. He then opens the other side and begins the process again* I think we should just make that a base wide announcement. 'Optimus Prime is not allowed to watch horror movies. If you see him watching one, please alert the proper people.' *snip, snip, sizzle can also be heard coming from inside the fusion core.*
Or tell them to give him a wide berth. *Chuckles a bit* But if I did that, he'd never leave the closet again. *Heavy sigh and WINCE! Something pinches back there!*
Oh sorry sir. *quickly works to stop the pinching wire. But that heavy sigh made it a little difficult to reach. Takes a few minutes of movement but he is finally able to get the wire free.* Sorry about that. Maybe we should avoid the deep intakes. It may cause another pinching before I'm done. I will also make sure that there is no problem with a pinched wire when I am done.
*Exhales through his intakes slowly, but says nothing else about pinching or the general uncomfortable sensation he has as Pointblank messes around inside his back.* Will the upgrades be fully operational once your through? Or will they take some time to adjust to my weapon's system?
*just as this is said he pulls away, closing the hatch* The upgrades will be fully operational. And I'm done back here so you can close the panels. *picks up the tools and left over wire and moves back to the rest of his stuff.*
Well, that was fast... *The panels close and he twists to look at Pointblank.* Is it finished?
Not quite. Naturally the upgrades won't work with your weapons system completely. But with the program that I designed, your processor will be able to adapt properly and make the power adjustment system seem natural. *picks up a datapad turning back to Megatron* Ready for step two?
...I don't know. Am I? *As a Decepticon, he's naturally suspicious. Ironic, isn't it?*
I don't see why not. Simple program. All I do is connect this to your processor, find the area for controlling your weapons system and insert the program. After that I do a small adjustment and you are complete and ready to fire the gun. *holds the cable* Preference as to where I connect?
*Eyes the cable, then indicates a place near the base of his neck near the spine strut* ...there is fine.
*moves in and makes the connection. He begins searching for a little bit until he finds the weapons systems.* Okay. This may feel a little weird. And whatever you do, don't fight it. *begins program download.*
.......... *His processor starts to tingle as data streams from the link. It does feel strange. Very strange. Lines of data starts to stream across his visuals, things he's not quite certain how to read or what they are.* ....this isn't Vista based, is it?
*is puzzled for a second and then beings laughing* Hahahaha... No it isn't Vista based.
*Intakes heave in relief* ....good. Once Hook threatened to upload Vista into my processor and program me to scoot around on my aft like an organic dog. *A very uncharacteristic look of concern crosses his face briefly, as if remembering something very unpleasant.*
*small smile shows on his face* Haha. I would never do something like that. Though that would be hilarious. I should think about doing that to Blurr sometime.
*Arches his optic ridges at Pointblank. The businesslike, quiet mech apparently has a devious side.* ...just don't let Prime find out about it. *The data stream stops and his processor suddenly feels a bit warm.* ...how big was that program?
*Well Pointblank needs some way to punish Blurr.* The program was only 1 gigabyte. *looks down at his datapad and looks back up* And it appears as of there is no need for tweaking. All upgrades are done.
*He nods slowly. Not a big program, so maybe he's just tired. He gives his head a bit of a shake, as if to clear it.* Very good then. When should I try it out?
Well if you were in better shape I would say you can try it now. But I would suggest that you wait at least a week. If there are any problems, just comm me and I will try to find out what happened.
*Glances down at his new wounds and sighs heavily. Thanks. Now he feels like a junk heap, considering the amount of time he spends in the medbay these days. But never mind his self conscious worries. He gives Pointblank a nod and swings his massive feet back onto the berth. Slowly, a smile spreads over his face.* ....I can't wait to test it out.
If you wouldn't mind actually... *looks down* Could I be there when you test it out?
*That earns Pointblank a look of surprise* ...certainly. I don't see why not.
Thank you sir. I look forward to it. *packs up the majority of his things* I will be taking my leave now. Have a goodnight sir.
*Lays himself back down to rest, watching the other go.* Your assistance is appreciated.
....thank you.
It was my pleasure. *and out the door he goes.*

megatron, pointblank, log

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