Mmmmm logs for your reading pleasure (part 2)

Feb 19, 2008 19:28

Ironhide: -checks back to make sure he isn't being followed, then enters their quarters-
Ratchet: *raises an optic ridge as he enters* ..You look frazzled, is something wrong?
Ironhide: .....really hyper youngling.
Ratchet: ...oh? Which one?
Ironhide: Windcharger.
Ratchet: *he chuckled* And what does he want?
Ironhide: ........he wanted to know how to dismantle a deathray.
Ratchet: *he blinked and stared at him* ...he -what-?
Ironhide: He's also the one that managed to piss off Skyfire.
Ironhide: Anyways. Didn't we have plans tonight?
Ratchet: ......*he facepalmed* You survived him?
Ratchet: And yes...*he looked back up*
Ratchet: Did you want to comm Trion then?
Ironhide: Yeah, sure.
Ironhide: ::Trion? You ready to go?:
Alpha Trion: *he was just waiting for the call* ::Indeed. Where would you like to meet?::
Ironhide: ::The ARK entrance?::
Alpha Trion: ::Sounds good to me. I am on my way as we speak.:: *he got up and headed out the door, not bringing anything with him. Tonight would be a night for fun, no test stuffs.*
Ironhide: ::Right. See you in a few.:: -turns to Ratchet- He's on his way to the ARK entrance.
Ratchet: *he nodded*Then shall we get going?
Ironhide: Yeah. -grins-
Ratchet: Alright then. *he stood and moved over to the door, opening it, waiting for 'Hide*
Ironhide: -follows him out the door-
Ratchet: *He waited until he was out, then closed and locked the door and stepped to the side, raising an arm out* You first?
Ironhide: -nudges him playfully and starts heading to the entrance-
Ratchet: *nudges back, smirking lightly, walking down the hall with him*
Ironhide: ::...I'm surprised you haven't broken yet.:: -grins-
Ratchet: ::And I'm not going to. You are.:: *grins back*
Ironhide: ::We'll see.:: -nudges him again, lightly-
Ratchet: ::No need to. I already know.:: *nudges back*
Ironhide: ::You /think/ you know, at least.:: -imagine that, nudges him again!-
Ratchet: ::Oh, I know, believe me. I will win, you won't.:: *slight nudge harder this time*
Ironhide: ::I don't think so.:: -another nudge, just as hard, and just as they reach the entrance-
Ratchet: ::I do:: *nudge! again, and he opened the door to see Trion leaning against a wall of the base, waiting for them.*
Ironhide: -narrows his optics playfully at him, then smiles at Trion- Let's see if you can win back that highgrade you owe me.
Alpha Trion: Well, well, about time you two. *he chuckled and pushed away from the wall* And yes, lets see if I can.
Ratchet: *he shook his head* You're going against an oldtimer, Hide....What do you think will happen?
Ironhide: Only as old as you feel, eh, Trion? -grins-
Alpha Trion: *he raised an optic ridge at that, and nodded* Of course!
Ratchet: We'll see. *he grinned a bit* Shall we head out then?
Ironhide: -folds down into his alt and bounces on his tires-
Alpha Trion: *plates of metal and armor shifted, and he was in his slick alt form again, engine revving*
Ratchet: *he raised an optic ridge at Trion's alt, and nodded* ...Nice. Never expected you to get a newer model, though...I would have expected something from the humans' 1950's for you. *smirk, as he transforms to his own alt*
Ironhide: ::-chuckles- He's a showoff.::
Alpha Trion: ::Hey, this old mech has some style left in him.:: *he chuckled and began to pull out*
Ratchet: ::Uh-huh...:: *he pulled forward after Trion*
Ironhide: -follows after them, laughing at the exchange-
Alpha Trion: ::Fine, I'd like to see you find a better alt, Ratchet.:: *chuckling*
Ratchet: ::....Don't tempt me.::
Ironhide: -hey, he likes Ratchet's alt just fine :( -
Ironhide: -activates his holo as soon as they start getting closer to civilization, keeping an optic out for the Megs doppelganger-
Ratchet: *he's not going to, of course. He stayed a bit behind Trion, near 'Hide. He activated his own holo as well, keeping speed up, sensors going*
Alpha Trion: *And the Sean Connery holo appears as they come onto an empty stretch of the highway, and he presses the speed a bit to match the human's speed limits*
Ironhide: -good <3- ::Same place as last time, or somewhere else?::
Alpha Trion: ::Hmm...I think a different place this time...::
Ironhide: ::Wherever we can find an empty pool table.::
Alpha Trion: ::That works for me. I'll run a few scans, see what I can find.::
Ratchet: ::...Do we know where we are going, 'Hide?::
Ironhide: ::The town that's closest to us is pretty decent-sized. It's got a few.::
Ratchet: ::Alright, sounds good.:: *he pulled up even with 'Hide*
Alpha Trion: ::I believe I found one.:: *sends info to 'Hide, of a country club with pool*
Ironhide: -moves over just enough to tap side mirrors before going back into his lane-
Alpha Trion: ::Would this work for you?::
Ironhide: fine.:: -decides that at some point, he's going to make Ratchet two-step with him-
Ratchet: *Has no clue what 'Hide's planning yet...*
Alpha Trion: ::Alright then. It should take about ten minutes to get there. Have you ever been to a Country club before?::
Ironhide: ::No, but it should be fun. I like the music.::
Alpha Trion: ::Ahh. I don't suppose I will get to see you and Ratchet dance to said music at all?:: *slight smirk over the comm*
Ratchet: *he pulled to the side a bit, tapping mirrors, just for the hell of it*
Ironhide: ::.....maybe.:: -holo smirks at Ratchet's-
Alpha Trion: *he chuckled over the comm as they drove on, nearing the turnoff*
Ratchet: *he noticed, and his own holo looked over, eyebrow raising* ::What?::
Ironhide: -shrugs- ::Nothing.::
Ratchet: ::...Uh-huh...:: *medic is disbelieving*
Alpha Trion: *open comm to both*::We're almost there. I recommend changing any clothing to match for a country club.:: *Surprise, Ratchet, it's country!*
Ratchet: ::..........a country club...?::
Ironhide: -his holo wears casual clothes anyways, so he doesn't bother changing it- ::There something wrong with country clubs? -teasing-::
Ratchet: ::...Why are we going to a country club?:: *more curious than anything, and wonders if this has to do with that smirk 'Hide gave him*
Ironhide: ::....why not?::
Ratchet: ::I was just curious, is all.:: *his holo's clothing shifted slightly to something more relaxed and westernized*
Alpha Trion: *he pulled onto the offramp, slowing down just a bit* ::Here's our exit.::
Ironhide: -lets Trion lead the way, tapping Ratchet's mirror again-
Ratchet: *he tapped back, then pulled forward to take the offramp between Trion and 'Hide*
Alpha Trion: *he came to a stop at the end of it per the lights, and then pulled forward at the green one, turning left*
Ironhide: -chuckles to himself, falling behind him-
Alpha Trion: *about another five minutes and they were there finally as he pulled into the parking lot of the place, shut down his engine, and let his holoform get out, shutting the door and waiting for the other two.*
Ratchet: *he arrived just a moment later...rather odd, having an ambulance at a club...But, hey, people have seen odder things, right? He parked and his holo stepped out and closed the door, moving over to stand near Trion while they waited for 'Hide*
Ironhide: -parks and climbs out, walking over to them with his hands in his pockets-
Ratchet: *remembering a past incident, he looked at 'Hide* ..::Ring?:: *he grinned*
Ironhide: ::Slaggin' better. -playful growl-::
Ratchet: ::No, I was asking you if you had yours.:: *light smirk*
Alpha Trion: *he nodded at the two of them, and he led the way into the club*
Ironhide: ::Always do.:: -nudges him with his elbow, and follows Trion in-
Ratchet: *nudges back, nodding and wandering in*
Alpha Trion: *he entered, looking around. Country music was playing, boots, jeans and hats everywhere, with about half the room being an exception with casual wear. Lighthearted atmosphere, with girls in western costumes wandering back and forth with little trays with various drinks*
Ironhide: -nods his head a bit to the music as soon as he's in, and throws another grin in Ratchet's direction-
Ratchet: *it was at that point he caught on*
Ironhide: ::......why not?::
Ironhide: -looks around for the pool tables-
Alpha Trion: *he made his way over to the bar, looking around, spotting the pool tables in the distance*
Ratchet: ::...I stepped on you several times last time..and we were in mech form...this is different..:: *slightly worried tone*
Ironhide: ::So?::
Alpha Trion: ::Hide, The tables are over there. And do you have a human name?::
Ratchet: ::You want me to trip over you again..? Here? In front of the humans?:: *slight horrified look*
Ironhide: ::Yeah, Ron. Ratchet goes by Arthur.::
Alpha Trion: ::Thank you.:: Ron. Pool tables. Over there. *he pointed, grinning*
Ironhide: ::You danced fine as soon as you got the hang of it...:: -grins, heading over to Trion-
Ratchet: *his eyes slit a bit* ::Slagger.::
Ratchet: *he wandered over, though, with them..*
Ironhide: ::You know how to play, right, Ratch?:: -over an open comm, and smirks-
Alpha Trion: *he was in the middle of gaining the pool balls from the bartender, and nodding in thanks* ::If he doesn't, I am sure we can win a few cubes out of him.::
Ratchet: ::.........::
Ironhide: ::It's not hard. For us, it's slaggin' easy.::
Ratchet: *quick search on the net was all he needed* Yes, I know how...slaggers, the both of you.:: *slightly annoyed look*
Ironhide: -nudges him- Don't get upset when we beat you, Ratch.
Alpha Trion: *he took the balls and headed over towards the empty pool table off in the corner* Here we go.
Ironhide: Cutthroat?
Ratchet: ...That's not funny. ::You're still gonna lose.:: *he followed Trion, watching the humans totter about and chattering*
Alpha Trion: Hmm...yes, I think that will work. *he lined up the balls on the table, setting them up*
Ironhide: Ratch goes first. -grins, leaning back on the wall-
Ratchet: *glare* Why?
Alpha Trion: *he chuckled at that*
Ironhide: Just go. -gives him a light shove on the shoulder-
Alpha Trion: *after triangulating the balls, he pulled the triangle off of them and grabbed poles, handing them out. First to Ratchet, then to 'Hide* There ya go. All yours, Ratch. *he leaned back against the wall next to Hide*
Alpha Trion: ::2 cubes says he doesn't make any holes in the first shot::
Ironhide: ::Three says he does.::
Alpha Trion: ::You're on::
Ratchet: *he grumbled and took the pole, and moved up to the table, setting the cue ball in place and aiming...and shooting, breaking the balls apart...*
Alpha Trion: *he watched as the balls bounced around the table....and none of them sunk* ::Well, damn, look there, that makes two cubes I owe you now.::
Ironhide: ::I'll win 'em back.:: -grins, then pushes off the wall, going over to the table-
Ratchet: *he moved away as 'Hide moved forward*
Alpha Trion: ::We'll see.::
Ironhide: -studies the table, then aims and shoots in the 5- I call high.
Ironhide: ::Open: I'll be nice and shoot them in one at a time. -amused-::
Alpha Trion: ::Heh, later, we will see who is best at sinking them in all at once.::
Ironhide: -grins, lining up his next shot, and sinks the 7, but scratches in the process; on purpose, to give the other two a chance to play-
Ratchet: *He shook his head* Hey, 'Hide. You're doing it wrong.
Ironhide: Gotta give you two a chance to play. Wouldn't be very fun if I hit them all in. -smirks, going over to him and leaning on him slightly-
Ratchet: Hah Hah, very funny. *he put an arm around his shoulders, though*
Alpha Trion: *he laughed at that and stepped forward, looking over the table. Finding a suitable choice on a 15, he aimed, shot, and scored.* ..Middle.
Ironhide: So we're all tied.
Alpha Trion: ::Hmm...should I scratch the next so Ratchet can have a shot?:: *closed comm*
Ironhide: ::If you want.::
Alpha Trion: ::Works. We can't take up the spotlight.:: *he aimed again, but was slightly off when he shot, and the cue ball hit the wall, knocking another ball off to the side, but didn't sink anything. Not even close.* ...Well, damn.
Ratchet: *he smirked* My turn, then?
Ironhide: Yeah.
Ironhide: -ignores the occasional stares they're getting-
Ratchet: *he saw the stares too, but he ignored them and stepped forward to the table, studying it. He found a good 6, aimed, and shot, and sunk it.*
Ironhide: Heh. It's not that hard, is it?
Ratchet: I never said it was hard, 'Hide. *eyeing him, then going for another shot* ....*miss*
Ratchet: ...damn.
Ironhide: -grins- Then why do you keep missing?
Ironhide: -nudges him as he move to the table-
Ratchet: Because you two are missing as well?
Ironhide: We're doing it on purpose; I don't think you are. -looks at his choices-
Alpha Trion: *he laughed lightly at them*
Ratchet: .....I am not.
Ratchet: I am not missing by accident.
Ratchet: *glare*
Ironhide: -smirks at him, then aims and shoots in the 9-
Ratchet: *He leaned back against the wall, watching*
Alpha Trion: Good shot.
Ironhide: You realize you only have two left, right? -quirks an eyebrow, grinning at Trion, and sinks the 3-
Alpha Trion: Thank you for the update, 'Hide. *grins and nods at him*
Ratchet: *he chuckled, shaking his head* ::Hey, Hide...let's knock him out, yes?::
Ironhide: ::S'what I was trying to do.::
Ironhide: -taps the ball just enough to give Trion a difficult shot, and joins Ratchet against the wall-
Alpha Trion: *he eyed the setup, and looked at Hide* Tryyying to make things difficult on me, 'Hide?
Ironhide: What's it look like?
Alpha Trion: ..Hmm...I think you are. *he moved to the table, eyeing it, trying to figure out the best course of action. After a moment, he found one, on 12. It was a tricky shot, but he aimed and had it bounce off the walls three times before he finally sunk it*
Ratchet: *he made a slight noise at that*
Ironhide: Nice shot.
Alpha Trion: Yes, well, now you are down two. *he grinned* Shall I go for another? *he asked, looking around the table*
Ratchet: Do it. *smirk*
Ironhide: -nudge-
Ratchet: *nudge back*
Alpha Trion: *he circled the table, and, to be fair, settled on 2. He aimed, went for the shot...and it sunk. That put Ratchet down another...*
Ratchet: *he growled at that* ...You two...are trying to take me out, aren't you?
Ironhide: ...that's the point of the game.
Ironhide: -grins-
Ratchet: ...I'm being ganged up on by you two.
Ironhide: Again. That's the point.
Alpha Trion: *he chuckled and went for another random ball not in his selection, and just scratched it so Ratchet could go next*
Ratchet: *he grabbed his stick, but not before giving 'Hide a quick nudge just to be an aft, and approached the table, finding 10 and aiming for it* ::Just for you, Trion. Hey, you picked out a human name yet?::
Alpha Trion: ::Yes, Aaron.:: *open to both*
Ratchet: ::Ahh, good.:: *he took the shot, and sunk it effortlessly.*
Ironhide: You're learning.
Ratchet: *And that earned him a human response - a flipoff.* Just for that, I'm going for one of yours next.
Alpha Trion: *he chuckled as he leaned against the wall*
Ironhide: -closed comm- ::Later, maybe. -amused-::
Ratchet: ::You would like that too much. And I am not giving in, remember?:: *He aimed for 13 this time, and sinking that one, too. He turned and smirked at 'Hide*
Ironhide: ::-laughs-::
Alpha Trion: *He laughed and shook his head* I think you two are having too much fun. Just remember 'doctor's' orders. *he grinned*
Ironhide: ...
Ratchet: *he busted up laughing at 'Hide's response, moving around the table for the next victim*
Ratchet: *And that one was in the form of 14, a lonely ball in the corner...right next to a hole. He aimed, fired, and sank it.* Well now...
Ratchet: *he grinned*
Ironhide: ::I thought we agreed to take Trion out first... -playful growl-::
Ratchet: ::Now, now, I can't make it look like that's what we are doing, can I?::
Alpha Trion: *he watched the two of them, grinning slightly*
Ratchet: ::I'll hit one of Trion's, then back off for ya, okay?:: *grinning*
Ironhide: ::...I only have one left. You have two.::
Ratchet: ::And he has one.:: *he circled around the table, finding the last line of defense for Trion...the 8 ball.*
Alpha Trion: ...Aww, taking me out already? *he grinned, joking with them.*
Ratchet: Yup. *he aimed and fired, sending the ball across the table, right into one of the side pockets almost seamlessly. He stood and grinned*
Ironhide: Looks like you're out, Aaron. -grins-
Alpha Trion: *he nodded, grinning* Indeed it does. *he set his pole to the side, watching still*
Ratchet: *he moved in on 'Hide's last ball, aimed, fired, and missed the hole by a fraction of an inch...*
Ironhide: -'Hide saw what you did there....-
Ratchet: *he saw nothing* Well, slag. Looks like I missed.
Ironhide: -smirks, and moves over to the table, nudging him with his pool stick-
Ratchet: *he nudged back*
Alpha Trion: *he shook his head, laughing* Take him out, 'Hide.
Ironhide: -looks over his options, aims, and sinks the 1, quirking an eyebrow at Ratchet- I'm going to win.
Ratchet: *he crossed his arms* I know. *he raised an eyebrow at that*
Ironhide: -goes back to the table and takes his time lining up to hit the 4 in-
Ratchet: *leans back and watches, grinning*
Ratchet: ::DON'T MISS!:: *said just as he shoots*
Ironhide: -almost misses, but just barely, and smirks- ::Nice try, Ratch.::
Alpha Trion: *Grins* And that would be game.
Ratchet: ::Never hurts to try...::
Ironhide: New one?
Ratchet: *he nodded* Sure, why not?
Alpha Trion: I'm game. *he nodded also*
Ironhide: Ratch, set it up.
Ratchet: *he nodded and gathered up the balls and racked them, setting them up perfect, and removing the rack when he was done* There you go, 'Hide.
Alpha Trion: *He raised an eyebrow, watching*
Ironhide: -and the song on the dance floor abruptly changes to Watermelon Crawl...-
Ratchet: ...
Ironhide: -griiiiins-
Ratchet: *Eyes 'Hide* ..........
Ironhide: -grabs his wrists and starts dragging him towards the dance floor- Come on.
Alpha Trion: *He started laughing at that* Have fun, you two!
Ratchet: !!...'Hide! What are you doing!? *He blinked as he was being dragged*
Ironhide: What do you think I'm doing?
Ratchet: *he grumbled outwardly, but over a comm* ::But..It's public, and a human gathering place! And I have danced ONCE...::
Ratchet: ::...I'm not winning this, am I?::
Ironhide: ::No you're not. Now get your aft out here and dance with me.::
Alpha Trion: *he leaned back, debating on just joining in on the dance floor, where numerous couples were beginning to form on the dance floor.*
Ratchet: ::Alright, alright...:: *he went with him, giving in*
Ironhide: -grins and pulls him a little bit closer than is really necessary, and starts twostepping- You liked it last time, what's the big deal?
Alpha Trion: *He actually went out there, accessing dance steps for a single person on the internet, and flowed right into the music, dancing away*
Ratchet: *he began stepping with him, a bit stiff at first, but loosening up a bit as the song continued* ...::Um. Mech forms. This is completely different!::
Ironhide: -doesn't even notice Trion, focused on dancing with Ratchet- ::I don't see a difference. We're bipedal like they are, aren't we?::
Ratchet: ::...I know...But still.:: *he realized he was arguing a moot point, because, here he was, dancing right along with him* .....::Aww, slag you.:: *he grinned though*
Ironhide: ::Love you too.:: -spins him, grinning right back-
Ratchet: *he came out of the spin and put 'Hide right into one of his own, grinning at him*
Ironhide: -chuckles and goes with it, and fights down a sudden urge to kiss him; not because of their location and that their holos are male but because he's determined not to break first >/-
Ratchet: *he grinned at him, pulling him back and continuing to step with him, finding it easier and easier to dance with him, finding he was remembering the moves easier than he thought.*
Alpha Trion: *Trion, meanwhile, was off in a corner, showing some lovely young ladies how to twostep...*
Ironhide: See? It's not that bad. -still hasn't noticed Trion, completely focused on Ratchet-
Ratchet: *well, when they spun around, Ratchet did catch a glance, and began laughing* ::Trion's in the corner with three females...dancing with them..::
Ironhide: ::Really?:: -laughs-
Ratchet: ::Heh, yes, really. Take a look.:: *he spun them around so 'Hide could look.*
Alpha Trion: *and yes, there he was, twostepping with three other human females...*
Ironhide: -starts laughing- ::What's the human term? Player?::
Ratchet: ::Or was it a Pimp? I should look it up:: *he continued dancing with him, enjoying it*
Ironhide: ::Slag if I know, but it's funny.::
Alpha Trion: *he managed to get everyone he was with locking arms, and it somehow turned into a line dance...*
Ratchet: *he laughed at Trion.* ::Line dancing?? Since when did he know that one?::
Ironhide: -pulls him a little bit closer, spinning him- ::Heh. At least he's having fun.::
Ratchet: ::True. We can give him slag over it later.:: *he grinned, spinning 'Hide with him*
Ironhide: -music changes to -
Alpha Trion: *He grinned, searching out the song on the internet secretly, and actually began singing with the song, just to impress and have fun.*
Ironhide: ... -in a quiet voice- ...I never did figure out anything to do today.
Ratchet: *he smiled softly* It's alright...I wasn't sure what to do either. But, this is perfect for me. *very softly*
Ironhide: -smiles, then finally gives in and gives him a soft kiss-
Ratchet: *he grinned mentally at that* ::Told you you would give in first. I love you.::
Ironhide: ::S'just a kiss.::
Ratchet: ::I know. But still.::
Alpha Trion: *he was off in the corner having a good ol' time with the girls, just dancing and kicking around, linedancing to the song like no tomorrow.
Ironhide: you too.::
Ratchet: *he grinned and pulled back, and then pulled him back into the twostepping that they had been in the middle of*
Ironhide: ::...I was enjoying that. -amused-::
Ratchet: ::Aww, I promise I'll make it up to you...:: *he smirked*
Ironhide: ::You'd better keep that promise. -teasing-::
Ratchet: ::I will...after this week is over.:: *he smiled at him*
Ironhide: ::I bet you will sooner.::
Ratchet: ::Only if you give in and take me.:: *smirk*
Ironhide: -spins him, then pulls him in close- ::Nah. You'll give in and take /me/.::
Ratchet: ::I don't think so. There's no way in the -PIT- you could survive...I know you too well, remember?:: *he grinned, going with the spin*
Ironhide: ::I'm full of surpises.::
Ratchet: ::Nah, you won't make it.:: *he grinned and threw him into a spin*
Ironhide: -the song ends and goes to a new one, and he stops dancing- Ready for me to kick your aft in pool again? -smirk-
Ratchet: ::Bite me.:: *he made a face at him, and began walking off the dance floor.*
Ironhide: ::Where?::
Alpha Trion: *he, meanwhile, remained on the floor, dancing still with the females.*
Ratchet: ::...hmm..let me think on that.:: *he grinned at him and found his way back to their table*
Ironhide: -chuckles- Should we call Aaron over, or let him be?
Ratchet: Leave him be for now. He looks like he's having fun. Ol' guy needs some fun every now and then, right? *he grinned and tossed a pole at him*
Ironhide: -catches it, grinning- You rack?
Ratchet: *he pointed.* They're still racked from before you dragged me dancing. *grin*
Ironhide: No one took the table?
Ratchet: Doesn't look like it. Look. *he pointed, and everything was still set up the way it was.*
Ironhide: Lucky us, then.
Ratchet: *he nodded* You break, then.
Ironhide: -grabs the cue ball and lines up a shot, breaking the set and sinking the 6-
Ratchet: Ohhh, nice shot. Are we just playing for random, or what?
Ironhide: -shrugs- Whatever you want to play.
Ratchet: Whatever works for you, Hide. *he grinned*
Ironhide: ... -eyes the table, thinking, then grins- ::Open: Hey Trion, you too busy flirting with the females to show me if you can sink all the balls in one go?::
Alpha Trion: ::Nope. Song's almost done anyway.:: *he allowed the song to finish, bade farewell to the ladies, and headed over to the table, grinning* Just having some fun, is all.
Ironhide: Showoff. -reracks the balls, and steps back from the table- Two cubes. Two says you can't sink them all.
Alpha Trion: You're on. *he aimed, then backed off, then aimed again, then backed off, then aimed a third time, and shot...balls going everywhere wildly..*
Ironhide: -leans on Ratchet, wrapping an arm around his waist-
Ratchet: *he leaned against Hide, enjoying the close proximity*
Ironhide: -whispers to Ratchet- Bet he misses by just one.
Ratchet: Mnn...No, I say five. *watches*
Alpha Trion: *But, they both lost. Each and every ball fell in, the last one taking it's sweet time. He looked at the other two and straightened up* There. All of them.
Ironhide: -laughs- Proved me wrong.
Alpha Trion: Yes I did. I believe I don't owe you any more cubes. Correct? *he raised an eyebrow at him.*
Ironhide: Nah. Not anymore.
Ratchet: *he snickered*
Alpha Trion: So, how about you, 'Hide, want to try again?
Ironhide: -grins at him- Sure.
Ratchet: *he nudged him for the millionth time that night*
Ironhide: -quirks an eyebrow at him before nudging back, then lets him go, moving over to the pool table.
Ironhide: Rack 'em?
Ted: *Gulps down more beer, much like he's been doing all night.* Hey Fred, check out those queers over there. *points at 'Hide's and Ratchet's holos and snorts in disgust*
Alpha Trion: Sure. *he did so, collecting the balls and racking them*
Fred: *looks up and gives a slight huff* They're just lookin' for attention, aren't they? Right out in the open.
Alpha Trion: There you go, Ron. Go for it.
Ironhide: All of them?
Alpha Trion: Of course. And we'll set the new bet at 10.
Ironhide: -grins, taking his time to aim-
Ted: Disgustin', kissin' men like that. Ain't right. *Sneers before taking another long swig* Someone ought to set'em straight, goddamn homos.
Fred: Haha!
Fred: set 'em straight?
Ted: *Another snort, this one of dark amusement* The Good Lord would be ashamed if he could've seen them. Ain't right, I tell ya.
Fred: No.
Ironhide: -and finally, shoots, hitting in all but one, and that one only barely-
Fred: Just do it in public now
Ironhide: Slag.
Fred: Right in front of everybody.
Ratchet: *He laughed* Damn, and so close, too.
Alpha Trion: Well, That's 10 for me now. *he grinned*
Ironhide: I'll win 'em back.
Ted: Shit ain't right. *Shakes head, sad and still disgusted. Nudges Fred with elbow* You up for teachin' 'em a lesson, in the Lord's name?
Fred: 'll shove a pool stick up their ass. They like that shit, right?
Ratchet: So, does that make it my turn to try, then? *he grinned*
Ted: Don't be gettin' all faggot on me, man. *Grins, however, emptying the glass in one go and heading over to the robots-in-disguise playing pool*
Fred: *follows, still carrying his bottle*
Ted: *Steps up to the pool table, clearly having no good in mind.* Who let you homos in? This is a fag-free bar, this place!
Ironhide: -turns and looks at them- I thought smoking was allowed here.
Fred: ..........I don't get it.
Ratchet: *he turned and looked at the two men that had approached, and raised an eyebrow at them* .....?
Ted: ...that's very funny, faggot. Now take your lady-friend outta here. *Didn't really get it at first either. Is not amused.*
Ironhide: Last I checked, I wasn't a bundle of sticks. -amused grin-
Fred: I bet your DICK is the size o' one
Fred: Hope you don't top, fag. *shoves him into the table*
Ratchet: *he stepped forward and shoved the guy back* You push him, you deal with me.
Ratchet: *not amused*
Ted: You don't get to touch my friend, homo! *Is not amused either, and swings a clenched fist straight at Ratchet's jaw*
Ironhide: You really don't want to tangle with us. Now go back to the bar and leave us alone. -dangerous glare-
Alpha Trion: *He paused, looking up at the apparent confrontation and walked over* What is going on here!?
Fred: Fuck off!
Ironhide: -growls, taking a step towards the one swinging at Ratchet-
Fred: *jumps at him and brings his bottle down the others shoulder*
Ratchet: *he managed to move back just enough to avoid being hit, and then came back up with his own swing, aiming for the gut*
Ironhide: -dodges and grabs his wrist, pinning it behind his back at a painful angle- Do not mess with me, human.
Fred: *grunts, doubles over, and drops the bottle*
Ironhide: We aren't hurting anybody, so go back to drinking yourselves into a stupor. -knows that Ratchet can take care of himself-
Ted: *Aw shuck, he missed. He won't miss the second time, though. Swings again, not missing a beat. He was gonna beat these faggots good.*
Fred: *stands up, wobbling, and swings blindly*
Ironhide: -catches his fist easily and growls at him-
Ratchet: *Yeah, he got hit, and he feigned staggering backwards a bit, shaking his head. He moved forward again, aiming low, and swung, aiming for a pressure point in the stomach*
Alpha Trion: *he growled to himself and walked over, grabbing the one that was attacking Hide by the shirt and yanking him back sharply, sticking two fingers up into the guy's ribs.* I suggest stopping right now. *he stood behind, the guy's shirt pulled up under his chin*
Ironhide: I had it covered.
Fred: *Ooof!*
Ted: *Manages to dodge enough to avoid the precious pressure point to get hit, but it still hurt like holy hell (pardon the blasphemy), and rushes forwards to ram into that damn homo.*
Ironhide: Ratch, you got him handled?
Alpha Trion: Bar fights are not acceptable around here, last I knew. *he glared at the guy in his grasp, adding pressure to that spot under the ribs*
Fred: AAAGH!
Fred: They started it!
Ratchet: Yeah, Unless you want to tag team! *he dropped to the ground at the last second, reaching out and slamming a fist towards his groin area...*
Alpha Trion: I was watching the entire time. I saw no such action on their part until you two showed up and started causing ruckus.
Fred: Fuck you, they was playing grab-ass in front of me!
Ted: *...that fist certainly hit home, and not in a nice way for the poor guy. He yells in pain and clutches his valuables, almost dropping down to his knees from the pain*
Alpha Trion: What they do is none of your business, now is it?
Ted: ...fucking faggot...
Ironhide: /Why/ does it matter so much?
Ratchet: For your information...I am not a bundle of sticks. *he glared at him and pulled back, standing back with Hide. By now, there was a crowd around them...*
Fred: You're a fuckin' PERVERT!
Alpha Trion: *he pressed more, tugging on the shirt again* No, they aren't.
Ted: *Takes several, long moments before he's able to talk (not to mention think) somewhat coherently again* Ain't right!
Ted: God hates fags!
Ted: Ya'll burn in hell for this, homos!
Ratchet: Then why does he allow them? *he asked coolly*
Ironhide: And who says we follow your god? -mutters-
Ratchet: ::Good one.::
Ted: You fucking queers follow Satan?! *Almost roars it with religious rage*
Ironhide: None of your business who we follow. And you don't even know what Satanism is about.
Ironhide: -crosses his arms over his chest, growling quietly-
Fred: I go to fuckin' CHURCH, I know
Alpha Trion: *he readjusted where he had the pressure under the ribs, and pressed up again*
Ted: This ain't followin' the Word of the Good Lord! Satan is waitin' for you fags! YOU WILL BURN!!
Fred: *nodnod!*
Ratchet: Look. We don't follow your gods, we have a different religion. Whether you like it or not, your religion does not hold precedence over ours, and therefore has no effect on whether or not we go to 'hell' or not.
Ratchet: *pressing a finger to his temple in annoyance*
Ironhide: ::Humans. /Primus./::
Ratchet: ::Agreed.::
Alpha Trion: At this point, I would suggest leaving peacefully....*a warning tone*
Fred: Th--they're the ones who should leave!
Ted: You fags're muslims?!
Ratchet: *he glared at him* Did I say that?
Ted: *Starts making gibberish-words similar in sound to Arabic*
Ironhide: .....sure you're not a Satanist? You're speaking in tongues.
Ratchet: *He cracked up mentally, laughing over the comm*
Alpha Trion: This place is open to everyone. Not just certain people of certain -religions-. *jab, more to the ribs*
Fred: *HAY D8*
Alpha Trion: Therefore, you have no right pressing your religion on them.
Alpha Trion: *low voice.*
Ted: *Oh, THAT does it! With a loud roar he goes straight for 'Hide, swinging his fist for the righteousness of the Lord*
Ironhide: -aims a blow right at his solar plexus, ducking the fist-
Ratchet: *Oh, that does NOT fly. He moved past Hide and stepped forward, using most of his weight to power a punch coming from low down right up towards the other's stomach, right in the center, an area sure to knock out the air of the guy should it connect properly*
Ted: *Double-fisted in the stomach? Aww, that ain't fair, guys. Give the squishies a chance. He gets the air knocked out of him in a rush, and this time he does fall down onto his knees.*
Ironhide: -straightens up, giving Ratchet an odd look before glaring down at the man-
Fred: D=!!!!!
Ted: *He manages a weak grunt of pain, those faggots would pay if he ever came across one of them again. For now, however, he just stays in the position he sank down into, clutching his stomach*
Fred: TED!
Ratchet: *He pulled back, glaring back at him.* DON'T try. That. Again.
Ted: *Grinds out, wheezingly* ...fuck you, fag...
Alpha Trion: *he kept ahold of his captive, keeping the pressure constant, effectively immobilizing him for the moment*
Fred: *well fuck you too*
Ratchet: Heh. No thanks. You're not my type. *glare*
Ted: *Not you, Fred, you idiot, the queers.*
Fred: *I know dude*
Alpha Trion: Are you and your friend willing to walk away from here peacefully now? *he looked at the back of Fred's head. The crowd around them now consisted of the entire bar, watching the excitement*
Fred: NNnngg, be writin' m' Congressman 'bout this..
Ironhide: -leans back against the table, arms over his chest-
Ironhide: You do that.
Ratchet: *he stood back near 'Hide, glaring at both men*
Alpha Trion: Well? You did not answer my question.
Alpha Trion: *pressing slightly*
Fred: Yeah fine, let me go!
Alpha Trion: *he finally released him, but cautiously, watching his every movement, determining if he would make a run to attack Ratchet or 'Hide, or even himself...*
Fred: .........
Fred: *glares*
Alpha Trion: *eyes*
Fred: You'll die of AIDs anyway
Ironhide: -snorts-
Alpha Trion: I would not be making that assumption considering you don't know them. *crosses his arms*
Fred: Don't need to.
Ratchet: *he shook his head* ::I reiterate your previous statement, 'Hide...-Humans.-::
Alpha Trion: Actually, you would need to know them in order to know if they have any such ailments. *raising an eyebrow at him*
Ted: *Finally regained enough breath - despite the pain still lingering clearly in his stomach - to actually speak properly again* Your kind disgusts the Lord.
Ironhide: Just go back to your drinking and /leave us alone./ -that growl he's emitting isn't quite human-
Ratchet: ::Easy, 'Hide...::
Ratchet: *but glaring at the two, daring them to try again if they really wanted.*
Fred: *stumbles back*
Alpha Trion: *he watched both of them, ready to take action again if needed*
Ironhide: ::...they pissed me off. I'm tempted to show them what they're really dealing with. -low growl-::
Ratchet: ::I know..but is it really worth it to blow our cover to -them-?:: *he cast a sideways glance at 'Hide*
Ironhide: -clenches his jaw- ::No.::
Ted: *Gets up and yells - to the bartender this time* Hey Joe! Put the tab on the queers! *Casts a fierce glare at the Autobot-trio*
Ted: This ain't over, homos. *And with that, he tugs at Fred's arm and starts to leave, grunting from the pain still coming from his abdomen*
Ratchet: ::Okay then.:: *he glared back at them, still daring, but glad they were leaving finally* ...
Fred: *follows, grunting in pain*
Alpha Trion: *he relaxed slightly, watching them leave* ::Finally.:: *to both* ...*He turned to the crowd and began shooing them off* Alright, nothing else to see here. Go on, shoo. Get out of here. *he waved his arms at the crowd*
Ironhide: ::They wanna try again, I will. No one'll believe the drunkards.::
Ratchet: ::Ahh, but one can believe the power of true fear...even when intoxicated, one can display true, expressed fear from something they saw, and may be believed based solely on that.:: *he eyed 'Hide*
Ted: *Is too far away to hear Trion's words, luckily enough, and there he stalks out the door, slamming it open while muttering about queers*
Ironhide: ::....alright, fine, I won't. I'll just beat the slag out of them.::
Ratchet: ::...Fine, I'll compromise with that.::
Ratchet: *he sighed in relief finally, turning back to the table*
Fred: *muttering along with him*
Alpha Trion: *he finally returned to the table* ...Did you want to try finishing out game, or did you have anything else in mind...?
Ironhide: -gives Ratchet that odd look again, then shakes his head- Let's just go home. -quietly-
Ratchet: *he nodded* Alright. Aaron, you coming with?
Alpha Trion: *he nodded in return* Yes. I will come with you.
Ironhide: -grabs all the balls and, ignoring the occasional looks they're still getting, goes to return them-
Ratchet: *he cleaned up around the table, ignoring stares as well, then heading over towards the entrance to wait for 'Hide..*
Alpha Trion: *He followed with Ratchet, and stood outside the bar doors now, waiting*
Ironhide: -meets up with them, scowling- Slaggin' wouldn't let me leave unless I paid those glitches' tab.
Ratchet: ...You're kidding me. *flat glare, not at him, though, just in general*
Ironhide: No.
Alpha Trion: I am sure one day they will have their own reward for that...*he nodded at them before heading back over to "his" car, and getting in*
Ironhide: -grumbles and gets into 'his' as well-
Ratchet: *he got in and started his engine, backing up and pulling out, waiting to leave the parking lot until the other two were ready and behind him*
Alpha Trion: *He backed out as well, and stayed backed up, waiting for 'Hide*
Ironhide: -follows them, not in a good mood; he just wanted to relax and have fun that night-
Ratchet: *as did he, but a part of him enjoyed beating the slag out of them for even coming -near- 'Hide. He pulled out onto the street, heading back down towards the highway.*
Alpha Trion: *he followed behind them, keeping sensors on the road and everyone around them*
Ironhide: ::Ratch: You know I had that guy, right?::
Ratchet: ::That slag doesn't fly with me, and you should know that, 'Hide.:: *he reached the onramp and turned onto it, gaining speed as he went*
Ironhide: ::-chuckles at that, slightly cheered up- Yeah, I know, you're possessive.::
Ratchet: ::For you only. I don't let anyone attack my mate. Period.:: *he growled over the comm*
Alpha Trion: *he pulled up to the speed, lights from other cars slicking over the frame of his alt*
Ironhide: -...-
Ironhide: -holo eyes him again-
Ratchet: *He sensed the silence* ::What?::
Ironhide: ::...nothing.::
Ratchet: ::......Right.:: *he increased speed to match those around them, hoping to get back to the base quickly*
Ironhide: -drives along in silence-
Alpha Trion: *It took them about another 10 minutes to get back to the base, and no one was really talking about anything, especially after what had transpired. He pulled up to the base and transformed back, waiting for the others...*
Ironhide: -transforms as well, and smiles wryly at Trion- It was fun tonight, even with those glitches.
Alpha Trion: *he caught the smile and nodded* Yes, it was. Though I must say, keeping one of them held still by two fingers is rather interesting.
Ironhide: Pressure points are useful.
Ratchet: It was fun putting them in their place, personally. *soft growl*
Alpha Trion: Indeed.
Ironhide: Good night, then.
Alpha Trion: Yes, good night you two. And thank you for the company tonight. *he nodded at both, and then headed inside, going to his quarters...*
Ironhide: -glances at Ratchet out of the corner of his optics, then heads in as well-
Ratchet: *he raised an optic ridge at that, and headed in with him, wondering why he was getting sidelong glances...*

log, fred, alpha trion, ted, ratchet, ironhide

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