Mmmmm logs for your reading pleasure (part 1)

Feb 19, 2008 19:24

Ironhide: -Longarm has just left the training room, and 'Hide is still in there, putting the sparring poles away-
Windcharger: *Windcharger has been bored lately, and has taken up exploring the two ships as a new hobby. He's just come across the section that the training room is in, now, and when he hears the sounds of the room having an occupant, he can't help peeking inside to see what's happening.* Hi!
Ironhide: -looks towards the door, the poles put in storage- Hey. You new to Earth? Haven't seen you around.
Windcharger: *Puts the rest of his body through the door as well.* Yep!
Ironhide: M'Ironhide.
Windcharger: Windcharger! *And he moves into the room, peering at the poles. Huh.*
Ironhide: -looks at him for a moment- I've heard of you.
Windcharger: Oh really? *Puts on an innocent face, well, almost innocent.* What've you heard?
Ironhide: That magnetism thing you can do.
Windcharger: Oh, that. *grins*
Ironhide: Why, anything else I need to know about you? -he didn't miss that not quite innocent look, oh no-
Windcharger: No. *still looking friendly*
Ironhide: -quirks an optic ridge- ....wait. Aren't you the one that managed to piss off Skyfire?
Windcharger: Piss off? *looks briefly sad at that* I may have upset him a bit.
Ironhide: Takes a lot to upset him. What'd you do?
Windcharger: *tries to remember* I, uh... he has sensitive straps.
Ironhide: .....harness straps? -starts to laugh-
Windcharger: *doesn't really see the funny in it, after multiple yellings and death threats* Yeah.
Ironhide: -grins- That's one area I know to avoid on him, now.
Ironhide: ...did you need something? I don't have much time right now.
Windcharger: ...oh. I was just looking around. Getting to know the place.
Ironhide: Well. I'm the Autobot weapons specialist, and in charge of training, so if you need anything, ask.
Windcharger: ...oh. Do you know how to dismantle death rays?
Ironhide: .....I'm sure I could figure it out.
Windcharger: Really? Could you teach me? *hopeful face - can you really turn that down?*
Ironhide: .............why do you want to know?
Windcharger: Just a handy skill to have?
Ironhide: The only person I know who has deathrays is Starscream. -quirks an optic ridge-
Windcharger: Oh really? I hadn't noticed that. *he even sounds clueless*
Ironhide: -doesn't believe it for a nanosecond- I hope you know what you're getting into with him. -shakes his head- I gotta go now, have plans tonight.
Windcharger: What sort of plans? You sure you can't teach me first? I'm sure it won't take that long, I'm a good student!
Ironhide: -eyes him- Going out plans. And I'm not going to teach you how to dismantle a deathray.
Windcharger: Where're you going out? You know there's demented clones running around out there, right?
Ironhide: ....out. And yes, I'm aware.
Windcharger: But where out? You going alone? I could accompany you, safety in numbers, right? And maybe you could teach me at the same time!
Ironhide: To a pool hall. I'm not stupid enough to go alone, either. And again, I'm not going to teach you how to dismantle a deathray. -....take the hint kid, he needs to go!-
Windcharger: ...pool hall? You're going swimming? How do you fit in the pool? *frowns* Aren't you a bit too old to be doing that?
Ironhide: Billiards, kid.
Windcharger: ...oh.
Windcharger: I think you're old enough to do that.
Ironhide: ....
Ironhide: Don't make age cracks.
Windcharger: I think that's what being old does to you.
Ironhide: -is that a quiet growl? probably- I gotta go.
Windcharger: *uses one of his better sadfaces*
Ironhide: -resists it, and starts heading out the door-
Windcharger: ...hey! *runs quickly to cut off the mech from the door (but considering he's a minibot it's not very effective)*
Ironhide: -pauses in the doorway- Sorry kid, but you can't come.
Windcharger: *Decides to play another card, and puts on another sad face, but this one resigned as well.* ...alright. 'm just a bit lonely, you know?
Ironhide: ......
Ironhide: -resistance faltering /slightly/- ...Longarm just left the room. You might be able to catch up to him.
Windcharger: I don't know who that is. *small voice*
Ironhide: Tow truck. He's really young, hasn't really made any friends yet.
Windcharger: ...oh. But I wanted to talk to you. *looks up at the mech*
Ironhide: Some other time.
Windcharger: *really small voice* ...alright.
Ironhide: -vents out some air in a sigh; he's probably gonna regret this- Look, you can talk to me tomorrow.
Windcharger: *happy grin!* Really? *Hopeful, too!*
Ironhide: Yeah, sure, kid. Now, I gotta go.
Windcharger: ...right now?
Windcharger: Can't you just...
Ironhide: I told you, I have plans. -optic ridge goes up again-
Windcharger: ...okay.
Windcharger: Tomorrow, then?
Ironhide: Yeah.
Windcharger: Great! *And instantly happy again*
Ironhide: Right, then. -and starts heading off-
Windcharger: See you here later, then! *steps aside as 'Hide starts walking, not moving out of the room himself*
Ironhide: -shakes his head as he disappears down the hall-
Windcharger: *is quite innocent as he checks out the training room, humming some 80s tune*

Swoop: -somehow, Swoop figured out how to drive the Hello Kitty bus. It has the statue strapped to the top of it, and he is driving it down the hallway, being small enough in mech form to fit in the driver's seat.-
Swoop: -He's headed for Starscream and Skyfire's room, humming to himself-
Skyfire: *and within their shared room Skyfire sits, relaxing in his rather large chair going over his project check list in a datapad, working silently*
Starscream: *is methodically going through Megatron That Slacker's Workload, from time to time throwing a particularly useless datapad up in the air and shooting it*
Swoop: -stopping, however, after he's gotten at a decent speed, is another story; he ends up crashing the front end of the bus into the door, denting the front fender- D=
Skyfire: *has LONG since stopped jumping everytime Starscream shoots another data-pad to oblivion - he sometimes did that during their academy days as well - but the 'bang' of something hitting the door is another story*
Skyfire: What the slag? *throws a look Starscream's way before standing and eyeing the door doubtfully*
Swoop: -climbs out, checking the bus for damage before checking himself, and pouts-
Starscream: *misses his next shot, startled by the noise, and leans back up* What in the Pit? *gets up as well, and goes to the door*
Skyfire: Now would be a good time to have a peep hole. I think I should install a camera out there. I've been modifiying everything else, anyway... *grumbles, before calling out* ...Who is it?
Swoop: It me Swoop... -sad tone-
Swoop: Him Starscream here?
Starscream: *in tones of horror* Oh, PITSPAWN.
Starscream: He /actually did it./
Starscream: *hisses up at Skyfire* /I'm not here./
Skyfire: ...What does Swoop want and do you mean? Did /what/?
Starscream: *frantic whispers* No, no, no, I'm /not here,/ I'll explain everything afterwards...
Skyfire: *confused! Confused but nods oh-so-/slowly/* Alright then? Um... go hide, at least?
Swoop: =( -maybe he isn't there?-
Starscream: *stifles a cackle, not very successfully* ...oh. And give him the paint. Make sure he does something humiliating to Megatron with it...
Skyfire: ....paint? Megatron? *frowns* What are you two doing to that poor dinobot? I have half a mind to tell him you're here now. *hands on hips and frooooown*
Swoop: Him Starscream not here?
Starscream: I'm not doing /anything!/ *ruins this with an even louder cackle. Yup. Him Starscream is here.*
Skyfire: *shakes his head, knowing Swoop probably heard THAT one* ...Just a moment Swoop. He'll be right there. *calls out, giving Starscream a /look/ - you brought this one on yourself, dear~*
Swoop: =D Me Swoop have present for him Starscream!
Starscream: *gives Skyfire a /totally betrayed/ look*
Skyfire: ...Oh don't look at me like that. He likely already heard your /maniacal laughter/. *rolls his optics and...opens the door!*
Skyfire: *.....STARES at all the pink. owwww...*
Swoop: -cranes his neck, smiling up at Skyfire- Me Swoop forget how big you Skyfire is!
Starscream: It is NOT oh primus you actually did it. *STARES.*
Swoop: -spots Starscream bounds over to him- Me Swoop got you Starscream a present!
Swoop: ......please give me Swoop special pink paint?
Swoop: .__________.
Starscream: *has been rendered totally mute* /actually did it./
Skyfire: ..uh. Yes. I am, ah, fairly big. Thank you? *Staaaaaaares at the pink and...what? Paint?*
Swoop: Him Megatron say you Starscream would like this!
Swoop: ^_____^
Skyfire: ...Well that explains a lot. *deadpan*
Starscream: I /told/ Megatron not to recommend presents for /me/ that he wants for himself.
Skyfire: So, ah. What's the story behind all this, then, Swoop? *EYES Starscream from the corner of his optic* And what do you need paint for?
Swoop: Me Swoop need special pink paint to get pretty words!
Skyfire: ...pretty...words? *utterly lost and confused now*
Starscream: *knows only too well what Swoop is talking about*
Swoop: Him Megatron had them! They were pink and purple and had hearts!
Swoop: Me Swoop want pretty words, too. :O
Skyfire: ...
Swoop: Him Megatron tell me Swoop how to get pretty words. =D
Skyfire: Oh. So basicly all of /this/ *waves arm jerkily over the gathered.../STUFF/* so you can learn how to use...different fonts?
Swoop: Fonts? What that?
Swoop: That same as pretty words?
Starscream: Y-yeah. *attempting to regain speech, but every time he does, he sees the bus with the statue on top of it again and... and... ...yeah no.*
Skyfire: *Siiiiiighs - SOMEONE is not happy about people messing with the poor, naive dinobot >/* Ah, yes. Fonts. When you change the way your write on you journal posts - like Megatron did - you are just...changing the font settings.
Swoop: =O Oh! Me Swoop need special pink paint to...change...font settings?
Swoop: -looks at Starscream hopefully-
Starscream: ...okay. ...Okay. *stifles another cackle* Swoop. I can't actually accept your bri - present, because... uh - it /should/ be Megatron's. He had you get something /he'd/ like, rather than me, so I don't want it.
Swoop: Starscream let me Swoop have special pink paint? =(
Skyfire: ....He'll give you the paint for you to give to Megatron or whomever, /and/ I'll even show you a quicker way to change the fonts, how about that, Swoop?
Skyfire: *forces a light grin onto his face and /nudges/ Starscream in the side - be nice, slaggit!*
Starscream: *is being nice! /so nice!/*
Starscream: I don't actually have PINK paint, because Megatron's an idiot, but I can probably make you some. Pink is white and red, so it shouldn't be hard.
Starscream: */look/ at him be nice!*
Swoop: Really? =D -directed at both of them-
Skyfire: *Nods!* Yes, of course! I'm white and red so there are sure to be the right colors around here somewhere...
Swoop: -squeals happily-
Starscream: I'll go. Do that. Then. *escapes!!*
Skyfire: *Quickly searches the net, finding a few sites with downloadable 'heart fonts' and...* And here! ::*incoming file transfer. Accept: y/n?*::
Swoop: ::Y!::
Starscream: *from the depths of the lab, there is a cackle, and the distant cry of Starscream's triumph* I /knew/ I had this stuff -!
Skyfire: ::*sends him the links of a good DOZEN sites, all with different styles of heart fonts*:: You just pick one or even...ah, /several/ that you like, download them, and use them on your journal when you're writing it.
Skyfire: Much easier, yes? *grins kindly down at the littlest dinobot, poor guy*
Swoop: ....yes! Me Swoop tell him Megatron there was easier way, too!
Starscream: *distantly, with the clatter of something falling and the crackle of broken glass* Oh, slag! ...Everything's under control, Skyfire!
Skyfire: *Grin wiiiiidens a bit* Yes! You /should/ do that, actually! In fact, unless you would like these other things, you should given them all to Megatron, yes? Since he seems to have /accidentally/ given you the list of things /he/ wants instead of what /Starscream/ wants? Infact, you should /definately give him the pink paint. Since we're making it just for him, after all...
Skyfire: *glances back towards the sounds of the crashes* ::...Starscream? Are you alright? And I /hate/ to ask you this, because Primus only /knows/ how exuberent of an answer I'm going to get, but I don't suppose you have a nice, low-power explosive lying about, do you?::
Swoop: Oh. Me Swoop do that!
Starscream: ::I don't, actually, have a /low/-power explosive, but I can probably cut the charge some if you want? And I'm fine! Everything is under control!::
Skyfire: Ah. Good! And are you having any trouble with the fonts now? *grins lightly at Swoop* ::....It doesn't /sound/ like nothing, but yes. I would like you to cut the charges on something like that for me.
Skyfire: ...Preferably on something that can fit in a can of paint?:: *Vengeance! It shall be Skyfire's! >D *
Swoop: Me Swoop figure it out! =D
Starscream: ::...but then why bother with /low-power/ explosives?:: *puzzlement, its name is Starscream*
Starscream: The paint should be done in just a few more kliks!
Swoop: -looks around the room curiously, smiling happily-
Skyfire: Good job, Swoop! I hope you enjoy them! *honestly does!* ::...Because of my /plan/, love. One, we don't exactly want to be charged with breaking the no-infighting rule, and I'm fairly sure blowing someone up is against that.
Skyfire: Two, it might accidentally go off when Swoop has it, which would be horrible. And most importantly, /three/: Megatron will look just /lovely/ covered in splattered pink paint, don't you think? *sweetly*::
Starscream: ::His /corpse/ probably could look lovely spattered with pink paint, too...:: *sulky*
Skyfire: ::...I'm sure it would but what would a Decepticon say to something like that? "Death is quick. Humiliation is forever" I think it goes?:: *and that would be Skyfire's 'evil voice'*
Swoop: Me Swoop figure out pretty words!
Swoop: =D
Starscream: ::...I am so slagging turned on /right. Now./ Low-grade explosives it is.::
Swoop: -plz to be no interfacing in front of Swoop D= -
Skyfire: Did you find some you liked then? *grins at Swoop, even as his turbines give a bit of a thrum* ::....Oh /really/ now? *chuckles thickly, and lets Starscream hear the sound of the thrumming through the comm*
Skyfire: ::We'll have to /take care of that/ soon, then. And I don't suppose you have anything with a timer, then? Or a voice recognition device that can work through paint? I'd prefer to splatter the right mech, after all.::
Swoop: Me Swoop not find pretty words him Megatron use, but now me Swoop know to look on squishie human internet.
Swoop: =)
Starscream: ::Of course I have voice recognition software for Megatron! I use it for targeting all the time... This will be FUN!::
Skyfire: Very nice! I'm sure you can find all /sorts/ of different fonts on the internet, even ones with things other then hearts as well. And I'm sure Starscream will be out with the paint in a moment, Swoop. It was /nice/ of Megatron to try and help you, but he obviously didn't know the right way to go about it. *Softly mocking of Megatron, but playing along for poor Swoop's sake*
Skyfire: ::...I don't know whether to be disturbed or just simply tell you '/I love you/'::
Swoop: ^____^
Starscream: ::I'll take the 'I love you,' because I love you too. /Mmm./:: *more distant sounds of clanging! Welding? Does paint need to be welded?*
Starscream: *...paint apparently needs to be welded, because shortly Starscream emerges with a can of paint, sloppily labeled 'special!' in what looks like pink, somehow /glittery/ paint*
Starscream: /Ha./ *smug*
Starscream: Here, Swoop. Give this to Megatron. *hands it over*
Swoop: -takes it, smiling- Thank you! =D
Starscream: Make sure he opens it for you. That's important.
Swoop: Oooh. Me Swoop do!
Skyfire: *NUDGES Starscream - why are you getting /Swoop covered in paint too? >/*
Starscream: You can give it to him along with the bus and the whatever that is.
Starscream: *innocents up at Skyfire: unavoidable side-effect? Swoop probably won't mind?*
Swoop: You Starscream sure not want present?
Starscream: REALLY sure.
Starscream: It's for Megatron. I know it.
Skyfire: Ah, Swoop, unless you like pink, you might want to stand back when Megatron opens the paint. He might spill it. *sad face?* He's kind of clumsy like that.
Skyfire: But you probably shouldn't mention that to him, of course! It might embarrass him. *nodnod!*
Swoop: Him Megatron embarrass easy? D= Me Swoop not tell him.
Starscream: *you're a softy, Skyfire. But I love you anyway.*
Skyfire: Yes! He is, about silly little things like that! I'm not sure why. *He IS and he loves you back <3*
Swoop: Thank you for helping me Swoop! =D
Starscream: No problem at /all.../
Swoop: -jumps up and hugs Starscream, then, using his thrusters, hugs Skyfire, and climbs back into the bus' driver's seat-
Starscream: *is that a squawk? that's a squawk*
Skyfire: *Is startled but hugs Swoop back lightly, feeling a /twinge/ of guilt, but he gave the poor Dinobot the thing he was actually seeking, /and/ kept him from wasting a lot of it should be alright? ...Right?*
Swoop: -and after a few moments, drives off with a squeal of tires-
Skyfire: *waves as he goes...?* Well then. That was...ah, interesting?
Starscream: *cackles* It should be comedy /gold./
Starscream: The paint's permanent.
Skyfire: ........
Skyfire: Oh IS IT now? A good thing I told Swoop to stay back then, huh? *amused frown*
Starscream: Yeah, okay. *cackles to himself* Megatron's going to have to practically get it /sandblasted/ off.
Skyfire: Knowing you, he'll practically be /down to his circuits/ by the time it does. *Was that a near /cackle/? Possibly~* I'm just glad Swoop seems to like the color... :/

starscream, log, skyfire, swoop, windcharger, ironhide

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