Check-In #2!

Jun 04, 2012 02:28

Welcome to your second check-in! Here's the spreadsheet if I missed anyone from the previous post. For those writing mini-bangs, this is also where you inform us if you'd like to switch to big bangs. Simply copy/paste the form below and please note that if you are writing more than one story, you may place all your forms in one comment:

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Comments 33

eggplantlady June 3 2012, 18:50:45 UTC
Username: eggplantlady
Big bang or mini-bang?: mini-bang
Fandom/s: MMPR
Pairing/s: Trini/Kat
Current word count: 0
How would you describe your progress?: Working on an outline right now.
At this point, are you sure you can make it?: Yep!


elyss_blair June 3 2012, 18:54:45 UTC
Username: elyss_blair

Big bang or mini-bang?: big bang (still)
Fandom/s: NCIS(Sentinel fusion)
Pairing/s: Tim Mcgee/Damon Werth
Current word count: 0
How would you describe your progress?: I am done with my other big bang story, but got a little distracted by a prompt from smallfandomfest that took over my muse for a little while. I am nearly done with that, now. And will be starting this fic tomorrow. Promise. : )
At this point, are you sure you can make it?: Yes!


Big bang or mini-bang?: Big bang (still)
Fandom/s: CSI:NY
Pairing/s: Don Flack/Adam Ross
Current word count: 0
How would you describe your progress?: see above. Just want to add that I have complete outlines for both these fic and the word count will not be problem for me to finish.
At this point, are you sure you can make it?: Yes!


yoursecretsoul June 3 2012, 19:14:27 UTC
Username: yoursecretsoul
Big bang or mini-bang?: Big
Fandom/s: One Tree Hill
Pairing/s: Brooke Davis/Mouth McFadden
Current word count: somewhere between 0-300
How would you describe your progress?: I've been writing out various beginnings for various ideas I've had for them, and seeing which one works best for this Big Bang.
At this point, are you sure you can make it?: Yep!

Username: yoursecretsoul
Big bang or mini-bang?: Little
Fandom/s: Glee
Pairing/s: Quinn Fabray/Mercedes Jones
Current word count: 0
How would you describe your progress?: I have an idea and some cute index cards. That counts, right?
At this point, are you sure you can make it?: Yep!


backrose_17 June 3 2012, 19:33:23 UTC
Big bang or mini-bang?: (Please note if you are switching.)Big Bang
Current word count:4260
How would you describe your progress?: It's coming along a bit slower than I would like but I lost a week of writing to be sick and working on another Big Bang and a Reel_Torchwood fic but I've got the plot formed and I know what is to happen so I'm good.
At this point, are you sure you can make it?:Yes

Big bang or mini-bang?: (Please note if you are switching.)Big Bang
Fandom/s:Torchwood/Harry Potter
Pairing/s:Draco/Ianto and suprisingly Snape/Remus also becoming bit of a main focus, not much but important for the plot, with some Harry/Neville/Luna, Sirius/Tosh, Owen/Tonks thrown in for fun
Current word count:2587
How would you describe your progress?: I got hit with a little writers block but once I figured out the role Snape/Remus was going to end up playing the plot is finally formed and I know what is going to happen.
At this point, are you sure ( ... )


karrenia_rune June 3 2012, 20:38:45 UTC
Big bang or mini-bang?: (Please note if you are switching. staying little
Fandom/s: Gargoyles AU with a slice of Dick Tracy fusion
Pairing/s: hmm, I've got a large cast of characters to work with here so beginning/implied Brooklyn/Elisa, Matt Bluestone/Breathless Mahoney, as partners Matt and Elisa,
as friends Broadway and Elisa, etc.
Current word count:8,059
How would you describe your progress?: (Slow but steady? Are you still procrastinating? Have you settled on your plot and just need to write it out?) final draft completed (it sort of got away from and took on a life of its own but I actually like it story-wise even I'm not entirely certain if you'd place into the category of fusion or AU, but there you go...
At this point, are you sure you can make it?:oh, definitely it's not going to morph into a big bang at this point, but it definitely came into the word count for a little bang.


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