Check-In #2!

Jun 04, 2012 02:28

Welcome to your second check-in! Here's the spreadsheet if I missed anyone from the previous post. For those writing mini-bangs, this is also where you inform us if you'd like to switch to big bangs. Simply copy/paste the form below and please note that if you are writing more than one story, you may place all your forms in one comment:

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Comments 33

wellhalesbells June 3 2012, 18:02:20 UTC
Username: calrissian18
Big bang or mini-bang?: Big bang - NOT switching
Fandom/s: Harry Potter
Pairing/s: George/Draco
Current word count: Um, yeah, zero.
How would you describe your progress?: I make procrastinating an art. I have got a plot in my head though but I likely won't be writing it down until the last second (or until the rough drafts are due) - that's my process.
At this point, are you sure you can make it?: This is how I finish every big bang and fest fic (which always end up being more than big bang word counts anyway) so, yep, I'll finish.


imera June 3 2012, 18:05:31 UTC
" I make procrastinating an art." That's a beautiful way of putting it :D good I'm not the only one :) good luck with the plot, or writing :D


wellhalesbells June 3 2012, 18:10:59 UTC
You have to have lovely turns of phrase like that and just be generally adorable to get away with being the worst participant to everything ever, LOL. But I always get it done! ... Just not when anyone else wants me to. *snorts*

I am sooo pleased to see your '0' there too. Takes some of the pressure off, I feel. Good luck with your plot and very cracky pair as well!


imera June 3 2012, 18:04:01 UTC
Big bang or mini-bang?: big bang
Fandom/s:Harry Potter
Pairing/s:marcus flint/lavender brown
Current word count:0
How would you describe your progress?: On ice atm, need to finish another big bang before I can start on the rest of my big bangs. But once I begin, 10k is a piece of cake
At this point, are you sure you can make it?: YES!!! thanks to some lovely friends who helped me with the pairing and plot :D

Finally have a pairing, which I consider is a pretty cracky one :P


immortality June 3 2012, 18:05:49 UTC
Username: immortality
Big bang or mini-bang?: Mini-Bang
Fandom/s: Pretty Little Liars
Pairing/s: Spencer/Paige
Current word count: ~3,500
How would you describe your progress?: Writing in sprints, but it's coming together.
At this point, are you sure you can make it?: Definitely.


slowsunrise June 3 2012, 18:22:43 UTC
Username: Slowsunrise
Big bang or mini-bang?: Mini-bang (not changing)
Fandom/s: Sherlock
Pairing/s: Mycroft/Lestrade
Current word count: About 2500
How would you describe your progress?: Like an explosion, who need to rest before I can make another bang and finish it
At this point, are you sure you can make it?: I should be.


vexed_wench June 3 2012, 18:47:28 UTC
Username: vexed_wench
Big bang or mini-bang?: (Please note if you are switching.) not changing still big bang
Fandom/s: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing/s:Kain Fuery/Jean Havoc and assorted sides
Current word count: 0
How would you describe your progress?: (Slow but steady? Are you still procrastinating? Have you settled on your plot and just need to write it out?) I have done my research, boy did I need research.
At this point, are you sure you can make it?: Yes

Username: Vexed_wench
Big bang or mini-bang?: (Please note if you are switching.) Still Big Bang
Fandom/s: Fullmetal Alchemist
Pairing/s: Zolf Kimblee/Sheska
Current word count:151
How would you describe your progress?: (Slow but steady? Are you still procrastinating? Have you settled on your plot and just need to write it out?) going well
At this point, are you sure you can make it?: yes


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