(no subject)

Feb 18, 2007 11:37

This Crack!Bunny brought to you by ovenmits (formerly known as becketts_poppet) and myself, captain_bookcat, though it mainly belongs to her, not me. (but it was my chair that started it!)
As usual, it's a long story how this came to be, and it's really just standard "PotC characters as [blank]", but those are fun... so!

There are several incarnations of this crackbunny:
the characters as:
-kitchen utensils (is that spelled right?)

Idea was originally spawned when in my living room and we had a bit of an argument about who got to sit in which chair when watching a movie...I wanted my usual ubercomfy brown armchair, but Bella informed me cooly that I could sit in "the beckett chair." me: "...the hell?"

which lead to a mini discussion of the topics you see above. (btw, Jack is totally a microwave.)

dunno if anyone wants to have anything to do with this, but if you have any suggestions...

-Captain Bookcat (me) and Bella (ovenmits)

ps: I would post a picture of my Beckett as a chair but my digital camera is being all screwy. :P
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