Nov 10, 2007 14:26

I think we have enough interest to justify a reprise of December Small Fandom Month this year. :) We'd love to have 20-25 small/miscellaneous fandoms represented, with precedence going first to fandoms that haven't ever been featured on crack_van, followed by small fandoms that have been featured only a handful of times, followed by retired full-time fandoms that have been relegated to small fandom status. Make sense? Also, there are still a ton of great big fandoms that have never been represented here, and those would fall into the first category.

We do ask that if you are volunteering to rec a fandom for which we do not already have an overview, that you agree to post one. Overviews should include pictures and a brief description of main characters, story arcs, and a list of canon and fanon resources & archives. If lack of image webspace has prevented anyone from volunteering for an overview, I also have plenty.

So please comment below if you have interest in reccing any of the above, and we'll just see how it shakes out, mmkay?
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