Pairing: McKay/Lorne
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kHo's WordsWhy this must be read: Lorne is a lot like Sheppard: easy-going, always ready with a smile, handsome, sexy and as kHo writes, he knows how to handle McKay. So, what if he were to make a pass at McKay before Sheppard got around to it? Get ready for some terrific McKay/Lorne banter, sizzling chemistry, a well-written, not over-the-top insecure McKay, and oh yeah, hot sex witnessed by a deliciously jealous Sheppard.
Lorne laughed then and John felt something spark, something a little too close to jealousy for comfort. He wasn't used to anyone but himself laughing at Rodney's more annoying quirks.
"You're lucky I find your irritability endearing, McKay. Any other guy on this base and you'd've been knocked out by now."
"Yeah, you've got this cute crooked little mouth that turns down when you're annoyed. It reminds me of my dog, when we'd spray her with water. It's endearing."
Crooked Little Mouth