Friday- Arts, Vids, Misc.

May 30, 2015 00:25

Climbing Mountains Lying Down
badbastion | PG | clothed men kissing.
urtain!art: Castiel loves his practical, comfortable pajamas almost as much as he loves Sam. Small Sam/Cas ficlet also.
Beautiful use of light and shadow conveys a peaceful moment.

Tracking Aeroplanes
graphicinmotion (AKA Loki or secretlytodream) | PG for Show level violence | Spoilers through 10.23
Summary from author's notes: "So, at first I just wanted to make a general season finale video but somewhere along the way it turned into some kind of promo video for Jared's "Always keep fighting" campaign haha
Seriously though, together they're stronger than apart, no man is an island, so whatever you're going through that seems too hard or impossible to bear, just share it with somebody and ask for help."
Watching this made me realize why season 10 felt so much like earlier seasons that we all know and love; a return to what is at the core of the show.

Shut up Dean, It's Good for You
cassiopeia7 | G |
Long-suffering Sam presenting rabbit-friendly takeout to a skeptical bunny!Dean.
I have to admit, I'm partial to all versions of bunny!Dean, but to me, it's Sam's face that really makes this piece. His body looks so relaxed... it tickles me that Dean had to be be a bunny for Sam to be able to experience that.

Sleepy Sammy
sammycolt24 | PG | Partial sleeping nudity.
Dean thinks Sam is just so cute when he's sleeping, but Sam is too out of it to believe him..
The texture in this drawing gives it a very palpable feel. You could almost reach in and run your fingers through Sam's hair, or feel the fever burning off his skin.

Ain't no Saint
becc_j | G | Spoiler for 10.23.
Black and white digital painting, Dean with prop from 10.23.
Perfectly captures the spirit of Dean in 10.23.

Laugh, I Nearly Died
alethiometry | G |
Digital manipulationof photos, shattered Sam and Jess.
Beautiful portraits of Sam and Jess, and the turorial that accompanies the entry really shows how much work and attention to detail went into creating them.

Never Too Heavy
yuriookino | G |
In About a Boy Sam is de-aged as well, Dean finds himself in a even more insane situation as his younger self tries to keep Sam safe when he's so little.
Deans. Face.


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