Friday- Arts, Vids, Misc.

May 09, 2015 01:30

Sputnik Sweetheart
alethiometry | G |
Photomanip of young Sam with text.
A wistful and lonely look at young Sam that makes my heart ache for him

Tough Mudder

Gan Eden
| PG |
Flawless photomanip of J2 having fun at the Tough Mudder.
The joy that the real pics have brought fandom over the past week? Totally captured in this piece, just with a little extra J2-ness thrown in there for extra joy.

Happy Together
ash48 | G|
Summary (from the vidder, because she said it so well!) Every now and then a song comes along that just screams J2. When I saw this song mentioned in reference to the Js I just knew I had to make a vid to it. But I wanted to do something a little different than just a J2 vid so thought about combining Sam and Dean with Jared and Jensen. I wanted to show how their off screen chemistry and camaraderie feeds into the on screen chemistry between Sam and Dean. So the idea of "happy together" is the matching of Jared and Jensen to Sam and Dean. And it's not only great seeing the Js happy in each others company, but also seeing those glimpse of when the brothers are happy being together. Even though their relationship is fraught with drama (and all the angst!), I believe that there is a sense of happiness and peace when they are truly working well and just being together.
What the vidder has done here with the combination of convention clips and Supernatural clips is so fun. The parallels she noticed and included will make you smile and shake your head at the boys at the same time.

Maybe I Can Be Saved
tripperfunster | G |
Stained glass window depicting a scene in which Sam gets the quest he always hoped for.
I love pieces that use different media, so this stained glass window was a beautiful surprise. You can see by looking at it, and by scrolling through the artist's journal that this was a labor of love that spanned several months. It really pays off, as it's exquisitely executed. The earnest look on Sam's face just slays me.


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