>Karkat: Check the door

Oct 19, 2011 12:00

Door works fine! You peek out cautiously, careful not to cross the threshhold. You'll go back soon. But not yet. Just... not yet. There's the ectobiology lab you expected to find when you staggered through this door; there's Sollux still passed out on the floor. Everything is as you left it.

You look around at the maze of glass tubes and computer consoles, and think again of the terrible, terrible thing you did in this room. Unforgivable. You think you feel a flashback coming on.

Nope, just that starfish sandwich repeating on you. Damn things take forever to stop twitching. Welp, time to get some sleep.

>Karkat: First, go to sleep. Second, dream of being past Karkat.

You cannot dream of being past Karkat because you are busy dreaming of being future Karkat!

Here you are back in the ectobiology lab. Sollux is awake and yammering away at a headset with Terezi, who apparently isn't dead. Maybe you shouldn't have flipped out and blocked her when Gamzee got her glasses and started taunting you. Sollux is being a big douche about it and won't let you talk to her, just because he wants her advice on being blind.

You are just going to have to wait.

(The most obnoxious thing is that he had that headset ready. He has been prophecying for sweeps he would go blind and like an asshole the minute he does he is all prepared and smug as the cholerbear that got the nestling. He is really a terrible best friend.)

>Present Karkat Dreaming Of Being Future Karkat: Go ahead and have that flashback.

Yeah okay.

You are now PAST KARKAT, or rather you are PRESENT KARKAT DREAMING OF BEING FUTURE KARKAT REMEMBERING BEING PAST KARKAT, but who cares. Not you! You've got this big apparatus to poke at blindly.

This main computer console has 12 screens. When the you poke at the buttons blindly the first one lights up. Oh hey, you have a message from Gamzee. Good old terrible stupid stoner Gamzee, always fucking around and talking about clowns and never murdering anyone. You're so sick of him. Your life is so hard. What the fuck can he possibly want.

terminallyCapricious [TC] started trolling carcinoGeneticist [CG]

TC: HeYyYyYy bEsT FrIeNd
Cg: HaVe i eVeR ToLd yOu tHaT YoU TyPe lIkE A ToOl?
TC: FuCk i fOrGeT
Cg: YoU TyPe lIkE A ToOl
TC: ThAnKs bRoThEr
TC: WhAt aRe yOu uP To?
Cg: I'M NoT SuRe, I FoUnD ThIs bIg mAcHiNe
Cg: ThErE'S A BiG CoMpUtEr wItH 12 sCrEeNs aNd a lOt oF GlAsS TuBeS AnD SoMe bUtToNs
Cg: HoLy sHiT I ThInK ThAt's aRaDiA
Cg: ThE ScReEn iS LoCkEd oN To hEr aNd i tHiNk
Cg: Oh mAn i tHiNk iT'S RiGhT BeFoRe sHe dIeS

Even though you are past Karkat, you know Aradia is dead now. She's a frogsprite-ghost-robot already. Try to keep up.

Cg: HoLy sHiT WhAt dO I Do, I CaN'T JuSt sTaNd hErE AnD WaTcH
TC: UmMmMm
TC: HiT ThE BuTtOn, MoThErFuCkEr!
TC: SaVe tHaT SwEeT AsS
Cg: OkAy wElL Uh
Cg: FuCk

You go ahead and hit the button. If you knew more about timelines, you wouldn't, but you don't know all that stuff. You just started playing this game a little while ago.

Cg: OkAy wE GoT... uH ThErE WaS A GrEeN ShAdOw oF HeR AnD ThEn iT TuRnEd iNtO SoMe sLiMe aNd tHe sLiMe iS In a tUbE.
Cg: AnD
Cg: ShE StIlL DiEd
Cg: FuCk
Cg: FuCk tHeRe's aNoThEr sCrEeN, iT'S TaVrOs
TC: Oh sHiT NoT My lItTlE BuDdY!
TC: WhAt's tHaT ChIlLaSs mOtHeRfUcKiNg bRo dOiNg Up In ThErE?
Cg: Uh
Cg: FaLlInG
Cg: WiTh a lAnCe iN HiS ChEsT
TC: Do:

And it goes on like that. Sollux, bleeding out on the floor of his hive. Yourself, slumped over in front of your computer, foaming at the mouth and clearly poisoned. Nepeta with her head caved in. Kanaya with a hole straight through her in a puddle of green blood. Vriska in a strange stone chamber, blood plastering the walls. Terezi burning up in green fire. Gamzee, eyes glazed and his face slashed open. Eridan, cut clean in half. Feferi--

Cg: Oh mAn sHe iS LyInG In a bIg pIlE Of yOuR StUpId hOrNs gAmZeE
TC: Oh sHiIiIt bRo!
TC: I WaRnEd yOu!
TC: I WaRnEd yOu aBoUt hOrNs!
TC: HoNk
Cg: It's nOt fUnNy
TC: I KnOw mAn iM SeRiOuS, iM ScArEd oF ThOsE MoThErFuCkErS
TC: AlL SnEaKiNg uP AnD HoNkInG Up aT A GuY TrYiNg tO GeT HiS ChIlL Up iN
Cg: No sHuT Up
CG: ThIs iS ToO AwFuL FoR YoU To tAlK
Cg: WaIt
Cg: DiD YoU EvEr tAlK To mE ThEn?
Cg: SoMeThInG IsN'T RiGhT
TC: BeTtEr hIt tHaT NeXt bUtToN BrO!

...yeah. Yeah, you guess so. You have 12 tubes of green slime. You hit a button and there's a flash. And--what.

Cg: ThE
Cg: FuCk
TC: HuH?
Cg: I HiT ThE BuTtOn aNd iT MaDe
Cg: 12 gRuBs. I MeAn wRiGgLeRs, InFaNt tRoLlS
TC: MoThEr
TC: FuCkIn
TC: MiRaClEs!!!!!
Cg: ShUt uP, sHuT Up, ShUt uP. sHuT Up. JuSt sHuT Up.

You are the wriggler. It's you. All of them are you, all your friends. As wrigglers. This is where you came from. This shit is freaking you out. Especially because they are so...


Cg: ThEy wOn't gEt oFf mE
Cg: WhY ArE ThEy dOiNg tHiS
TC: ThEy lIkE YoU!
TC: BeSt fRiEnD :o)

You are beginning to remember that you aren't really past Karkat. You know what will happen soon. Soon these wrigglers will be packed off into meteors and sent into the past to grow up to be you guys. You haven't saved anybody. In fact, in a sense, you have doomed everyone. If you had never done this, you guys could never have grown up to play the game and kill everyone.

Cg: FuCk
Cg: I JuSt rEaLiZeD WhAt i dId tO DeSeRvE HaViNg a bEsT FrIeNd aS TeRrIbLe aS YoU
TC: Do:

Or does it even work that way? Future Karkat knows more about timelines and thinks you would have still played the game. You just would have been doomed from the start, with no origin. Probably would have had to scratch and reboot the timeline until this DID happen. Paradoxes are deadly. Absentmindedly you hit the next button.

The slime drains down into reservoirs and begins to mix.

This is so incredibly inappropriate.

TC: one MORE button BROTHER
Cg: YeAh i kNoW
Cg: NoW I HiT ThE BuTtOn aGaIn aNd mAkE 12 mOrE WrIgGlErS
Cg: SpArEs oR SoMeThInG
Cg: VrIsKa tHiNkS... wIlL ThInK... tHoUgHt
Cg: FuCk
Cg: VrIsKa sAiD ThEy wErE PrObAbLy oUr aNcEsToRs
Cg: WhIcH Is sTuPiD
Cg: I MeAn eVeN If tHeY LiVe iN ThE FuRtHeR PaSt tHaN Us tHeY ArE ObJeCtIvElY OuR DeScEnDaNtS
Cg: AnD I CaN'T SeE HoW ThEiR MeAnInGlEsS AdVeNtUrEs iN ThE DiStAnT PaSt cOuLd pOsSiBlY Be rElEvAnT To uS
Cg: WhO CaReS
Cg: GaMzEe wHaT ThE FuCk iS ThIs, AnYwAy
Cg: YoU DeFiNiTeLy dIdN'T TaLk tO Me bAcK ThEn, ArE We iN A DrEaMbUbBlE?
Cg: I DoN'T ReMeMbEr fAlLiNg aSlEeP
TC: hmm
TC: just maybe
TC: honk
TC: mother
TC: motherfucking

You are running in the dark. You lost Sollux somewhere. The honking is coming from all around you. You don't want to die. Everyone is dying. Sollux is lost, Terezi cut off abruptly talking about a bright glowing light. The honking won't stop.

You have never been so scared in your whole life.

You don't want to die from a crazed asshole clown. He's been painting things on the wall in blood.

You lost Sollux. You are a terrible best friend.


The floor drops out from under you, and you fall into darkness.

>Karkat: Wake up.

Holy. Shit.

Holy shit.


>Karkat: Check the door


>Karkat: Never sleep again|




, , , , milliways, , flashback, , , , , , , trollian, , canon

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