Title: Someone's Knockin' at the Door
cptmalreynoldsjoss100 Prompt: 18 Hate 49/100
writers_muses 46.D. "It's time."
Rating: PG 13
Word Count: 254
Setting: The Battle of Serenity
Continued from
HERE “It’s time, sir,” Zoë said as she jostled my elbow.
Time had stopped for me. The gorram Alliance had given us five minutes to surrender or be buried alive, and I’d just shut down. They’d taken so much from us all. We’d lost our lives, our homes. But at times like this it was nearly impossible for me to think about what the others had lost. All I could think of was the lump of radioactive cinders that they’d turned Shadow into. The world where I’d been born, where my son had been born, and where they’d killed him and everyone else I’d left behind. I had nowhere to go. Didn’t much matter to me if they did bury me.
But these others, the men and women who trusted me to lead them when the officers had been killed or run off like cowards, they had homes to go back to. Just because my life was pretty much over didn’t mean theirs were too.
“I know Zoë.” I flipped my rifle around until it hung at my back and moved over the rock strewn bunker floor to the barricaded entrance. My heart was pounding louder than the Alliance salvos had when they’d destroyed the last of the Independent fleet.
“My name is Malcolm Reynolds!” I shouted as my boys started to take down the barrier. The bile burned in the back of my throat as I forced out the last sentence of my freedom. “I’m in command of the 57th Brigade, and we surrender.”