Search and Rescue

May 25, 2010 23:10

Who:  Jack Harkness, Ianto Jones, Luke Campbell
When: After the incident with the Valeyard in the Junkyard

The best junkyard in London, the Master's sanctuary, you'll find them there.

Jack had been over every inch of that junkyard three times in two separate universes.  But the message on his comm was sincere.  The voice was familiar.  The Doctor.  The tenth regeneration of the Doctor.  How could he know?  Jack never moved so fast in his life, sliding down the piles of junk and grime until he found the little shack.  That did not interest him as much as the moving...something...on the far side of it.

"Yan!"  It was hard to be overjoyed when the man was so obviously hurt.
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