Operation: VALIANT

May 13, 2010 20:21

Jack spent ten minutes trying to figure out a codename for this particular mission.  He stood in his light blue shirt, red suspenders and RAF greatcoat with one arm around his chest and the others' fingertips against his mouth.

VALIANT.  Very Asinine Little Idea About Nutty Territory?

Yeah, he wasn't saying that one out loud.

He glanced at his team as they filled the space in the HUB around the TARDIS, Jack finally nodded. Two Iantos, one his and one on lone from New York.  A kid with bloodshot eyes and an amazing power.  Owen Harper, who looked miserable as ever.  And a Doctor.  Brilliant.

"Off we go then, kiddies.  Don't touch anything in the TARDIS.  Thank the nice Doctor for giving us a lift!

((STANDARD DISCLAIMER:  Please track the ENTIRE THREAD.  That means click the pushpin at the top of this post.  ^__^   Posting order:  Jack, Dabble Ianto, New York Ianto, Owen, Luke, Lost Doctor, Lone Rose (if she wants to), Broken Jack (if he wants to), and then Saxon as his goons or himself when we get to him.))

rose (lone), owen (wanker), ianto (dabble)

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