[o67] Thirteenth Bullet || Filter : Convoy ; Voice

Oct 08, 2010 12:43

[This post will come after about an hour or so after the whole incident. The first thing one will hear is the clearing of a throat, silence for a while and then a voice comes - but strangely, the voice isn't Pip at all. And sounds just weirdly familiar for some reason...]

Optimus Prime to the crew of the Convoy. As I understand it, the ship has been stolen by something that looks very much like me. It is imperative that we go after it at once. Those of you who can hear me, spread the word to those without journals to meet me at the Mended Drum in two hours. I’ll explain everything then.

[A pause.]

Prime out.

[Another pause, followed by muttering.] Pip, how do I stop recording?

[A voice comes from the background now, and this one is very notably Pip.] You have to-

[And here is the other voice again.] -wait a second, I see the button now… [And click goes the transmission.]

[OOC: Pip and Prime (?) will be busy, so they won't be responding to the post. A log for the meet up will come up tomorrow or Sunday, so feel free to continue logging your reactions to 'CAPTAIN WHAT DID YOU JUST DO' until then.]

all better now, why hello there plot., wtf is happening, aftermath, he's back!, everything's screwed, pip and prime are the best bffs, filter : convoy, the plot thickens!, location : kropmork/crapmork, this will totally end well, still alive but bruised, well that was special, explaination tiem, wishes prime could be more reial-aware, hoping for the best, the fun's over its time for action, saving the captain, catching up tiemz is now?, crossing fingers, damnit, voice post

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