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Comments 8

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covenmouse October 25 2010, 14:59:44 UTC
TY! And yah, i'll probably do some pages for nanoMango. XD Though I'm still telling myself to focus on Wind Spirits for it.


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covenmouse October 25 2010, 15:04:30 UTC
you are bad influencing me ;3; Either way, I think I'm just going to stick to getting inked pages done during november. Adding colour will kill me. x.x right now, these are taking like.. 12 hours a piece. That is too damn long.


darlinleo October 23 2010, 16:34:13 UTC
mmmm ... I think I have to have that :DD


covenmouse October 25 2010, 15:01:59 UTC


baine October 25 2010, 00:27:01 UTC
My friend kabochan has a webcomic, too, if you want to talk to her about stuff. I met her through Sailor Moon years ago when SMRFF was still alive. She's a lovely person and I bet she'd love to talk with a fellow comic writer :)

Oh, and love the banner. It's all creepy and tense! What font is that? It's FAB!


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