Mar 05, 2010 18:07

4 srz gaius

I am promising telling myself that I must do at LEAST three of the things on this list by Monday:

1.  Design, finish, and implement a new LJ layout
2.  Finish chapter three of TSM
3.  Import and organize all of SMM: MIN into Y-writer 5
4.  Completely outline SMM: MIN and synopses for the rest of the series before you write a single word of ( Read more... )

life, list-o-matic, getting my lazy ass in gear

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Comments 4

venusorbit1 March 6 2010, 00:34:50 UTC
You forgot "Post chapter 3 of TSM". This is an important point that you must not forget!


covenmouse March 6 2010, 00:43:59 UTC
lmao, if i get it finished, i promise i shall


mrcrybrilliance March 6 2010, 19:57:48 UTC
I can't even vote on which one I most want you to do. MIN is sweet and I'm desperate to see what happens next (as you know) and as your beta, I totally claim right to see the outline, if for no other reason than to see what happens next with Z's situation. ;-) But then there's also TSM. If anything, I'm just sad (teasing) that WiP/BP isn't an option here.


covenmouse March 6 2010, 20:51:13 UTC
lmao, you shall see the outline, yes. And yes, I need to get my motivation back for BP. I'm just not in a GW mood, atm. :/


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