Mar 05, 2010 18:07

4 srz gaius

I am promising telling myself that I must do at LEAST three of the things on this list by Monday:

1.  Design, finish, and implement a new LJ layout
2.  Finish chapter three of TSM
3.  Import and organize all of SMM: MIN into Y-writer 5
4.  Completely outline SMM: MIN and synopses for the rest of the series before you write a single word of prose. Dammit.
5.  Finish the full outline of WS
6.  Re-draft the full outline of WS
7.  Beginning working on WS script (5,6,7 must be done in order!)
8.  Finish commission sketches, send to commissioners.
9.  Complete two character profiles for WS.
10.  Clean/organize room, go grocery shopping, sell off untouched hardbacks at HPB and NO, THESE DO NOT COUNT AS MORE THAN ONE ITEM
11.  Layout and code new portfolio website -- consider a CMS for this, it is important
12.  At least one completed bit of poster art
13.  Finish BF prompt piece, "Luminary."
14.  Sort through and re-organize tags, sort through icons--exchange out duplicate emotions/responses and those that go unused, for newer ones of a better variety.

I expect everyone to be adequately disappointed in me if I do not do any of these things.  Please, do tell me so and prod me with sharp sticks.  D:

life, list-o-matic, getting my lazy ass in gear

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