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Comments 2

mrcrybrilliance October 28 2009, 15:26:04 UTC
Dude, assuming you don't mean your aunt, screw ruining the surprise. That makes me feel all happy and warm!

And there'll still be surprise in seeing what awesomeness it is.

I think I commented on everything else to you in IM. And while I'll miss chatting with you, I kind of support (and probably need to take that page as well) the turning off AIM for a bit, as long as it's not all night!

Though, for my part, you can always tell me when to leave you the hell alone! And if I really need ya, I can always text. ;-)


covenmouse October 28 2009, 15:30:45 UTC
LMAO, no i don't mean my aunt. XD

And really, the problem is more me leaving you alone. I have horrible, horrible self control. Somehow it's easier for me to stop myself from turning on aim than it is to keep myself from messaging anyone. WHY, i don't know, but it is.


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