Life, Happiness, and all That Shit

Oct 28, 2009 09:31

Still not sure what to do this weekend. Ami and Candace want to do a ceremony as well, but that involves driving out to Fred, which is about 3 hours away. May see if Cin wants to hold it at her place instead, but that involves getting her mother to turn a blind eye to the whole thing. (or else, getting her mother involved which is less likely to happen.) Also may just go to Cin's by self and watch horror movies--a large part of me wants to stay as far away from V-town as humanly possible, right atm. There isn't a conscious reason for this, just something inside that makes me sick at the thought of going there.

I don't really have any plans in H-town for Halloween, though, except maybe a BJD shoot with archaeopetryx . We thought of taking some of them out to Hermann Park with some (probably fake) pumpkins and such, instead of going to the oni-con meet up. The meet up itself looked tempting, as did the dealer that's going to be there, but 30 bucks to get in the door without having any info on what panels are going on? Naw, screw that. I'd prefer to have an idea of what there is to do.

Cin and I (and a friend of hers whose name I'm having trouble with) went to the Galleria yesterday. I ended up noticing a book I want to try and find a used copy (or library copy) of: The Year of Living Biblically.  While we were there, I read the introduction.  The author seems to have a level head, and a great sense of humor, and isn't pretentious enough to think that he has all the answers--he's just reporting what he did and the truths he found for himself.  It's really interesting, I'm just not (yet) willing to spend fifteen bucks on it.

Which, considering the price tag on my dolls, is a little humerous, I know.

Speaking of those dolls, I'm thinking about selling Simon.  I love the character I have for him, but the mold of the doll just doesn't seem to be meshing right.  He doesn't get half as much attention as tekka, and I don't really care as much for him.  This might have something to do with the suck-tastic paint job I have on him, though.  Last weekend I wiped his face, and if I get home in time today, i'm going to MSC  him and try something new.  If that doesn't work, he's going on the market.  I'll end up with another Simon sometime, I'm sure, I just don't see the point in having a doll sitting around that I do nothing with.

My writing has crawled to a dead stop, and while I'm starting to be able to get some art done again, it isn't anything that I should be doing.  Fanart is not the comic, and it isn't commissions. >:(  Though I have been able to write a few mini-scripts at work, for el comic.  Still, BB needs to be worked on and WIP needs to be finished, dammit.

I think I'm going to start taking a page out of D's book and turning off AIM (and possibly the internets all together) for a few hours after work every day so that I can get stuff done without interruption.  I usually like to keep it on, but i get distracted waaaaaay too easily.

Brigits Flame got slacked on this month, which is sad because i LOVE October and Halloween, but inevitable.  This Post-Grad melancholy is still kicking my ass pretty hard.  At least I have a job, though, even if it isn't the best one.  I've been putting feelers out there for other kinds of work, but haven't got much in the way of nibbles just yet.  We'll see, we'll see...


...tif? Maybe?
Blake (attempt something, at least)

Kim 1
Kim 2

SM Fan piece
Comic Poster

Yeah yeah yeah, I'm ruining the "surprise" for a few of you, but oh well. XD I need this to keep it straight.

holidays-r-us, life, list-o-matic, i came i saw i slacked off, holy religion batman, over-ambitious fail ahead, quit your bitching

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