OK "Words" meme. I got this from
strainconductor . In essence it is this: Reply to this comment with "WORDS!" and I will give you five words that remind me of you. Keep in mind, if I don't know you very well they may not be very fitting... obviously. :/ Once I give you your words, make a post in your journal detailing what those words mean to you and offer the same challenge. <333
Well... I DID go to art school. XD (Though at this point I'm starting to wonder why.) No, to be serious art and/or drawing has always been in my life, even before I like to claim it. (I'll always say I started actively drawing in about seventh grade, but I doodled before that like most kids do.) It's been a big part of me, as evidencided by the pile of doodles sitting around my work desks at both home and office, and the TON of paper I end up carting with me everytime I move. At this point it's out of hand, really.
At any, my relationship with drawing is a strained one at the best of times. I love to do it, but nine times out of ten it doesn't seem to go right, and that's frustrating.
I LOVE MY DOLLIES. *ahem* I'm a child. A really, really big child. I've always had a thing for dolls, from barbies to action-figures, to the ABJDs that I'm currently into. They were a way to get out the firsts of my creative energy, through telling stories with my dolls, to dressing them up and putting on "make up."
Originally, I wanted to be a fashion designer. This idea started when I was around five or six and lasted till about twelve or thirteen. When I drew back then, I was drawing clothes, mainly (followed by horses and people in order of importance.) My grandmother taught me to sew at a young age, and I'd always spend ridiculous amounts of time holed up in her craft room with my barbies, trying to make clothes for them. I failed at it pretty hard, but I did it anyway.
I still have the first two stuffed bears that my grandmother gave me--the Snuggles look-alike she bought me before I was born, and a larger white bear I got when I was around.. seven? Those two were my protectors as a kid, and I still have a soft place in my heart for them, stupid as that sounds. Another "tradition" my grandmothers got me into was porcelain dolls. I still have three, though they're boxed up, all of whom I was given before I really knew what they were. They're beautiful, even if I'm not a big fan of porcelain dolls (why would I be, when my resin ones are so gloriously customiseable?) and I haven't had the heart to sell them, yet. Plus it would proooobably hurt my grandmother's feelings. D:
*stops rambling now*
Sailor Moon.
My dork is just going to be showing all over the place, isn't it?
Sailor Moon means more than it honestly should, to me. Yes, it was my first "real" anime, in that it was the first thing I watched that I ever knew to call anime. It wasn't the first thing that I fangirled over, but it was the first thing I fangirled over hard. But among those things, Sailor Moon has a lot more personal meaning to me and calls up a lot of good memories.
I was... an awkward child, growing up. It wasn't so bad around my family, but around my peers... well. I still have a lot of the same problems that I did back then. Crowds terrify me. Groups of more than three are offputting. That isn't to say that I can't deal with it (especially if I have time to get used to the group) but that it's difficult to do, and I'm far more likely to clam up. On the same token, approaching strangers isn't something I do too often. Never has been. So, as you may well imagine, I didn't have many friends through my younger years.
There were a few kids that I hung around, but no one group in particular, and the only "close" friends also had a penchant for walking all over me and stabbing me in the back. I pretty much let them do it and begged for more. Then, when I was in eigth grade, I walked into my first mixed-grade class and noticed a girl sitting alone in the back of the room, drawing Sailor Moon fanart.
Amanda ("Ami") has been my best friend ever since. Though we've had our ups and downs, like all friendships, that doesn't negate the fact that ten years later, I'm helping her plan her wedding. We've laughed together, cried together, gone through hell and back together... and all while fangirling over Sailor Moon. Pretty much every episode of that show I can tie to a good memory with Ami, or one of the other good friends I made following having met her. There are parts in some of the movies that make me cry, because Sailor Moon is a show about, above all things, the love you find in friendship--and I can identify with that. It's sappy, and ridiculous, but I do.
XD I could go on like this all day...
I love to tell stories--always have. I scared the neighborhood kids with my spooky stories when I was young, and am now trying to polish said skills so I might scare them as adults. >:D Nah, when it's all said and done I just love the "free" creativity of it. For me, it's a lot different that drawing--It's being able to express exactly what I want to express, without having to slave over a single piece of paper for hours on end. They each have their own difficulties, but writing is easier, to me, than other artistic mediums. Or maybe it's the fact that i'm burnt out on drawing. XD
Alice in Wonderland
Not really sure what to say on this one. I like Alice in Wonderland, definitly. It's a great piece of literature and has this... phantasmagoric charm to it. The disney version of it scared the wits out of me as a kid--i'm not even sure i was "allowed" to watch it until I happened to see it in the kids room at the laundry mat one day. Freaky shit, lemme tell you. Maybe that's what has always stuck with me, over the years--the creepy aspect of it, especially near the end.
XDDD who wants a turn?