Title: o, discordia
buyo105Rating: NC17
Fandom: Supernatural/The Dark Tower
Disclaimer: All Supernatural characters, recognizable settings and or themes belong to Eric Kripke, the CW, and others. All The Dark Tower characters, recognizable settings and or themes belong to Stephen King. I am in no way earning money or other profit from this fanfic.
Char/Pair: Sam/OMC, Dean/Sam, implied Sam/Ruby + an OOC-except-not Randall Flagg
Prompt: None
Spoilers: Season 4 of Supernatural, The Dark Tower series
Warnings: Slash/het, language, violence
W/C: 15,253
Notes: This is a sequel to
Urs-A-Ka-Gan but it's not super important that you've read that. This stands alone, I think, if you know anything about the Dark Tower.
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