Sharing Blame (Glee, 1/1)

May 26, 2010 13:48

Summary: The fight in Theatricality ends a little differently.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Seen the latest episode? You're good.
A/N: Finn definitely should NOT have said what he did, and deserved to be called out on it, but I don't think Kurt is entirely blameless in the situation either. Just wanted to explore that a little. The first line is ( Read more... )

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Comments 26

cherrypelsea May 26 2010, 18:28:04 UTC
Ok. Totally wish this had happened instead. I was waiting for Finn to say something...anything. And yes, Finn was wrong to lose his temper, but Kurt was pushing him just as much as the boys at school. Kurt bothers me a lot. He's so manipulative and then he always plays the victim. I hate people like that.

Anyway, sorry for rambling. Well done.


countrygirl_914 May 26 2010, 18:29:59 UTC
Thanks! I loved and hated that scene. Loved, because when you have three of your best actors together for a scene, it's going to be amazing. Hated, because I wanted it to end a little more like how I wrote it.

Glad you enjoyed!


friendlyfiasco May 26 2010, 22:21:43 UTC
I wrote for like ten minutes agreeing with your comment, but deleted it all because all I need to say is this: Kurt is unfortunately my least favorite character. Great singer. Interesting clothing choices. Snotty hypocrite.
He really has a terrible attitude, I realize that is what makes him an interesting, multi-faceted character, but he just comes across as mean.


countrygirl_914 May 27 2010, 17:07:05 UTC
I love Kurt and hate him at the same time. Chris Colfer is really an amazing actor. I'm just hoping they can tone down the bitchiness a bit next season.


marimaripoliana May 26 2010, 19:55:56 UTC
i wish SOMUCH this to happen instead D:


LOVE your writting <3


countrygirl_914 May 26 2010, 20:44:02 UTC


kasuchans May 26 2010, 20:42:49 UTC
Um, just one thing... First line. I'm pretty sure you mean Finn, not Kurt... Right?


countrygirl_914 May 26 2010, 20:47:59 UTC
No, at one point in the argument Burt turns to Kurt and is like, "This is our home, Kurt. I'm not going to let someone bring poison in" or words to that effect. In the episode, Finn doesn't say anything. But I thought it would be a good place for him to interject and be like, "Hey--your home? Isn't it supposed to be my home too, if we're moving in?" And then it goes on from there.

Sorry if that wasn't clear enough!


kasuchans May 26 2010, 20:56:06 UTC
Oh, yeah... It came across as more of a "This is my home, get out" kind of phrase. Maybe expand it a bit?


countrygirl_914 May 26 2010, 21:03:33 UTC
Hmm. I guess I thought that since people had seen the episode, they'd recognize the dialogue and remember what was happening in the scene. I'll think about it.


iwishiwasesme May 26 2010, 21:48:14 UTC
Wish they used this in the episode instead. Although I feel bad for Kurt how can you not love Finn. Great job!


countrygirl_914 May 27 2010, 17:07:56 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed. Yeah, everyone was a little right and a little wrong in that scene. Such good acting, all around.


friendlyfiasco May 26 2010, 22:25:24 UTC
Thank you sooooo much for writing this. I was beyond frustrated with how they chose to "resolve" this situation last night. So, thank you for redeeming Kurt a little in my eyes.


countrygirl_914 May 27 2010, 17:09:33 UTC
Thanks! I love Kurt, but sometimes he's just a little too, "What me? No, I didn't do anything." He definitely didn't deserve what Finn called him, but he's not innocent either. So complex, I love it.


friendlyfiasco May 27 2010, 17:48:16 UTC
yeah, Kurt is incredibly interesting and I believe an asset to the show, but in the scene where Finn wanted to talk about what happened and Kurt's all " not much to talk about, I feel sorry for you, I thought you were different." - completely unfair. Love Chris Colfer though, so I really don't want anyone to take my occasional Kurt rants as anti Chris.


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