Sharing Blame (Glee, 1/1)

May 26, 2010 13:48

Summary: The fight in Theatricality ends a little differently.
Rating: PG
Warnings: Seen the latest episode? You're good.
A/N: Finn definitely should NOT have said what he did, and deserved to be called out on it, but I don't think Kurt is entirely blameless in the situation either. Just wanted to explore that a little. The first line is something Burt said in the argument, and then it goes off from there.


"This is our home, Kurt."

Finn stepped back like he'd been punched in the gut.

"Your home? So my mom moves me out of my home, and we're supposed to be all Brady Bunch now, but really I'm just, like, a guest or something?" His face fell as he stepped to the side, preparing to walk out of the basement. "Good to know that I'm homeless."

Burt stood frozen, fists clenched by his sides, until the teen reached the stairs. "Finn," he called, and the boy stopped, standing stiffly, head down.

His shoulders slumped, the adrenaline and anger from protecting his son bleeding out of him. He sighed. "You're right. If we're going to make this work, you're not just a guest, and I shouldn't throw you out. I'm sorry. But I will not tolerate-"

"I know," Finn interrupted. "I don't…I let the guys at school get to me, but I shouldn't have said what I did, no matter what." He finally looked up, tears in his eyes and shame written across his face. "It was horrible, and I'm sorry." He turned to look at the other boy in the room. "I'm sorry," he pleaded, and Kurt nodded stiffly.

Burt rubbed his neck. "Okay. That's a start."

Then Finn took a deep breath and straightened, arms crossed over his chest protectively. "But Kurt's gotta stop making me uncomfortable too."

Burt turned to his son, confused. "What's he talking about, Kurt?"

Kurt ran a hand over his face, obviously not wanting to explain. "I've…I've had a…a crush on Finn all year, and I haven't exactly been…subtle about it."

"I told him I wasn't interested, but he won't take no for an answer. That's why he introduced you to my mom."

Burt raised his eyebrow, taken aback. "Is that true?"

Kurt looked away. "I thought that if you two hit it off, Finn and I might start spending more time together."

The older man looked around the room, the décor suddenly taking on an entirely different meaning. "Jesus, Kurt."

"I'm sorry!" he cried. "But I can't just stop feeling the way I do."

"I know," Finn said, and the other two turned to him. "I know it's not that easy. But how would you feel if Mercedes had kept trying to get you to be her boyfriend even after you told her you were gay? I know you can't turn your feelings off. But if you could stop, like, acting on them, I'd really appreciate it."

Kurt nodded, tear trails shining on his cheeks.

Burt sighed, looking at the two boys in front of him. "Why don't we all go upstairs and wait for Finn's mom to get home. I think we all need to have a long talk."

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