might as well pray, 'cause I'm on my knees anyway (Bones, 1/1)

May 23, 2009 17:26

Summary: A continuation of the finale.
Rating: T
A/N: My first Bones fic, and it's finale!fic, because I am a lemming. I hope that I haven't inadvertently copied anyone and that this fic, like Booth, is made of very good stuff.

Everyone left, and she stayed. )

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Comments 31

labsquint May 23 2009, 23:30:11 UTC
For a first fic, this is a very good piece. You've done a nice job of translating Brennan's confusion and pain and how lost and isolated she feels. Everyone else goes home, but she doesn't feel that she has anywhere that she should be more than at Booth's side. But does she really have a place there when he can't remember her?

To me, this was the saddest part:

Softer. “I’m Bones.”
But if he didn’t know her anymore, was she? Really?

She's really questioning her own identity. So much of her identity in the past years has been built upon her relationship with Booth and now that's been pulled out from under her and she's simply lost. You did a very nice job of showing that.

In the end, you really show her determination to put Booth back together again, so to speak. And it will be something that they will both need.

Very well done!


countrygirl_914 May 23 2009, 23:38:54 UTC
Well, it's my first Bones fic, but not my first fic ever--if you take a look around my LJ, you can see some of the stories I've written for other fandoms. I've watched Bones since it started, but for some reason the fanfic bug hadn't bitten me until now.

Thank you so much for your comment! I'm glad you enjoyed.


Superb! alex_conrad May 24 2009, 00:55:50 UTC
This was beautiful. I loved it. Very touching, and your descriptions of her feelings were lovely. I loved this:

"Epps, Kenton, Gormogon, the Gravedigger-throughout them all, she had not stumbled. There had been anger, fear, and even terror, yes, but underneath it all had been a calm, a steely sense of conviction. The world could be falling to pieces around her but she would focus on the case, on the mystery or the bones, use logic and reason to find the killer, save Booth or Hodgins or herself. She would do something.

But here…here she was incompetent, ineffectual. For all her degrees, she wasn’t a medical doctor. (“Oh, by the way, you aren’t a real medical doctor either.”) "

Very true and yet you described perfectly how she really isn't useful and how much that hurt her. Thanks for this story, it was fantastic. :D


Re: Superb! countrygirl_914 May 24 2009, 01:05:55 UTC
Thanks! I'm glad you like it so much.

Yeah, I think, especially in the latest Gravedigger ep, you didn't really see her worrying about Booth because she was so focused on what she could do to find him and get him back alive. But here there's nothing really she can do.


Re: Superb! alex_conrad May 24 2009, 01:14:05 UTC
Your so right. i was kind of disappointed, because i think in that episode they could have made it a bit more about there relationship and whatnot, but this explained it perfectly, because she's so determined to do what she can, she doesn't feel worried. She blocks out those emotions so she can do the job and then after she just feels relief.
But you brought that out really well. Again, well done! *claps*


(The comment has been removed)

countrygirl_914 May 24 2009, 02:22:29 UTC
I started this last night, turning ideas over in my head as I got ready for bed, and when this struck me I loved it so much that I got out of bed and typed it up to make sure I wouldn't forget. I mean, I can't be the first person who realized the delicious irony of Booth saying that instead of Bones, can I? Please don't disappoint me, fandom.



dreamincolor May 24 2009, 01:54:32 UTC
Very well done, I liked the end especially.



countrygirl_914 May 24 2009, 02:23:13 UTC
Thanks! The end was one of the first things I wrote, and I love it too.


buffyangellvr23 May 24 2009, 02:01:46 UTC
great work :)


countrygirl_914 May 24 2009, 02:23:23 UTC


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